Birds that imitate various sounds

Bird song as I understand it is issued to establish territory and attract a mate. The bird that has the most attractive and varied of songs will attract the most mates and command the biggest/best territory. So a female hearing a 'chainsaw' alongside some other recognisible pattern that identifies the bird as another of her species may say 'hoo ha' he's a bit different I'll go for him. not very scientific but the basic priciples are there i think.
How can this be?!

Just because some birds can imatate things isn't extraordinary. Parrots and other birds can talk like a human as you well know. ;) I just heard one the other day talking to his friend about the bird feeders located outside his apartment building not getting enough water in it! ;) :D
Here in NZ where native birds are living in urban areas, I've heard them imitate phones ringing, and alarms going off.
The bellbirds are all imitative, it's common in some genera. I learned about how the NZ bellbird imitates other native calls, when I was a bit younger (I used to tramp around in the bush, back then). I guess there's a reason for birds copying other bird's calls, maybe territorial, or something. But different species don't interbreed, so why imitate?