Birds get a Kick out of Flying

our should we say a High?
Just saw a small bird beat its wings in intermediate bursts. so: it must fly a zero gravity parabola until the next fast flap firing. . Resting even, in its fast time frames?. and
I swear, on the road, birds fly deliberately in front of my sloping hood and windshield to get lift. Slope soaring,
soap cleaning if they miss.
I was standing on a foot-bridge once and I saw a sparrow flying straight toward the railing. Just before she hit it she did a full loop-the-loop and landed neatly on the railing.
Watched a large bird ride a heat thermal at Natural Bridges. He never flapped his wings, just circled round and round slowly climbing higher and higher, until he dove down and did it again. To me, he appeared to be taking pleasure in being a bird.
I want to be a bird or a fish they have so much fun until something bigger eats them.

My milk tastes funny.
Just saw a small bird beat its wings in intermediate bursts. so: it must fly a zero gravity parabola until the next fast flap firing. . Resting even, in its fast time frames?
I suspect it has more to do with efficiency of lowering drag.

I swear, on the road, birds fly deliberately in front of my sloping hood and windshield to get lift. Slope soaring,
soap cleaning if they miss.
Yup. Like dolphins riding a bow wave.

Gee. Maybe that's why so many deer are killed on roads when they leap out in front of traffic. They heard about riding bow waves...
I want to be a bird or a fish they have so much fun until something bigger eats them.

My milk tastes funny.

Much of bird's flight have to do with foraging. watching the hummingbirds today, but flew once in the same thermal as an eagle. Amazing , saw also swallows doing dynamic soaring over a dumping area, catching flies close to the ground against the wind in the near zero velocity friction zone, then climb into the wind to gain heights and energy, then turn downwind and then turning down again to come low forward foraging.
-- bigger eats them"--that is justice for you: if you eat, be prepared to be eaten. but that does not stop them to get their high. (you might definitely finally get to be eaten by something smaller, microscopic anyway).
Sorry about the Milk, given time it might turn into the most delicious cheese. Steady state has it's drawbacks.
Had bad milk in coffee once, drink black since.
did you see the surfing dolphin knock the paddle boarder off his craft? sad that surfers do not want to share a wave with outsiders, animals.

I was surprised. Either that's a clumsy dolphin, or it was deliberate.