Birds and humans have similar brain wiring


You may have more in common with a pigeon than you realise, according to research. It shows that humans and birds have brains that are wired in a similar way.

The team suggest that evolution has discovered a common blueprint for high-level cognition in brain development.

Birds have been shown in previous studies to possess a range of skills such as a capacity for complex social reasoning, an ability to problem solve and some have even demonstrated the capability to craft and use tools.

"Birds have been evolving separately from mammals for around 300 million years, so it is hardly surprising that under a microscope the brain of a bird looks quite different from a mammal. Yet, birds have been shown to be remarkably intelligent in a similar way to mammals such as humans and monkeys. Our study demonstrates that by looking at brains that are least like our own, yet still capable of generating intelligent behaviour, we can determine the basic principles governing the way brains work."

The team developed their map by analysing 34 studies of the anatomy of the pigeon brain, which is typical for a bird. They focussed on areas called 'hub nodes', which are regions of the brain that are major centres for processing information and are important for high level cognition.

In particular, they looked at the hippocampus, which is important for navigation and long-term memory in both birds and mammals. They found that these hub nodes had very dense connections to other parts of the brain in both kinds of animal, suggesting they function in a similar way.

They also compared the prefrontal cortex in mammals, which is important for complex thought such as decision making, with the nidopallium caudolaterale, which has a similar role in birds. They discovered that despite both hub nodes having evolved differently, the way they are wired up within the brain looks similar.

The long-term goal of the team is to use the information generated from the wiring diagram to build computer models that mimic the way that animal brains function, which would be used to control a robot.

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Think about the Crow
I think whom ever made humans, created them from monkies and rats. They gave monkies rat brains, and thats what most humans are like.

I think we were probably made from monkies and rats personally. Thats why in medicine you see them test all sorts on rats first, as i believe that whom ever made the human race made the human race from monkies and rats.

Not nice to hear, but thats what i believe.

Most humans act mainly like rats, i think this is known to science, and thats why you always hear them testing what ever medicines on rats first.
I think whom ever made humans, created them from monkies and rats. They gave monkies rat brains, and thats what most humans are like. I think we were probably made from monkies and rats personally. Thats why in medicine you see them test all sorts on rats first, as i believe that whom ever made the human race made the human race from monkies and rats. Not nice to hear, but thats what i believe. Most humans act mainly like rats, i think this is known to science, and thats why you always hear them testing what ever medicines on rats first.
Have you ever actually read a science book, or taken a science class? In this case, biology? Every time you start typing, you embarrass yourself.
I think whom ever made humans, created them from monkies and rats. They gave monkies rat brains, and thats what most humans are like.

I think human brains come directly from cats. I mean, look at the evidence. They treat us like dirt as if they were our gods - which makes sense if humans have altered cat brains.

And heroin? That's just catnip for people. See, there's some hard proof right there.

I know, I know, you're going to say "but I had a CAT scan and my brain was much larger than a cat's brain!" Do you hear yourself? CAT scan. CAT. Of course it looks larger; it's scanning itself, and objects in mirrors look larger than they appear.

I know this is hard for you to hear, but you have to free your mind and not accept the dogma of "humans have human brains" that they shove down your throat in school. Don't be a sheep! (they have the leftover people brains BTW which is why they're so easy to lead.)
I think human brains come directly from cats. I mean, look at the evidence. They treat us like dirt as if they were our gods - which makes sense if humans have altered cat brains.

And heroin? That's just catnip for people. See, there's some hard proof right there.

I know, I know, you're going to say "but I had a CAT scan and my brain was much larger than a cat's brain!" Do you hear yourself? CAT scan. CAT. Of course it looks larger; it's scanning itself, and objects in mirrors look larger than they appear.

I know this is hard for you to hear, but you have to free your mind and not accept the dogma of "humans have human brains" that they shove down your throat in school. Don't be a sheep! (they have the leftover people brains BTW which is why they're so easy to lead.)

How come you did not criticize me for mentioning a crow, I think crows brain is closer wired to man then many animals
I have become fascinated of late with trying to comprehend existence from the point of view of pretty much any creature that isn't human. Dogs in particular, since we have one and I love it to death. For whatever bizarre reason I used to think that other creatures, to varying degrees, were more dimly aware or had a more subdued presence of mind compared to human beings. But I'm now entirely certain that this is nonsense. In fact I suspect that our dog experiences emotions such as happiness, and sadness or loneliness, more intensely than I typically do. We humans tend (or at least have the ability to, and exercise it often) to moderate our emotions, both the lows and the highs. But our dog is the most profoundly sad creature in all of existence when everyone leaves the house, and the most profoundly happy creature in all of existence when we return. And there's a whole lot of other emotional states in play at various other times, unmoderated by human-like coping mechanisms and complex internal dialogue. So I've come to believe, and there's clearly a lot of evidence that backs this up, that other animals, at least the ones with similar brain structures anyway, are just as "there" as we are, if not more so.

This has no doubt been obvious to a lot of other people for longer than it has been to me. It didn't stop me from loving animals, but these days I've really come to see that what we're talking about is fellow sentient creatures, and it's had a profound effect on my views concerning animal rights.
Have you ever actually read a science book, or taken a science class? In this case, biology? Every time you start typing, you embarrass yourself.

No, just something you do not want to admit.

Plus its the main reason why so much of human medicine is tested on rats. If rats where not close to humans, why would medicine use them mostly with mice for testing.

Its just that you do not want to accept it. I do not care what you think. Humans act like monkies and rats combined. Its just not something people want to hear.
Humans act like monkies and rats combined. Its just not something people want to hear.
Cats act like humans more! Can you wrap your mind around that, or are you too indoctrinated by Big Brother to think outside the monkey box?
Best comedy in the world is right here at Sciforums. Andy and billvon the new and much improved Abbot and Costello.
Cats act like humans more! Can you wrap your mind around that, or are you too indoctrinated by Big Brother to think outside the monkey box?

No, the only animal that humans behave like are rats.

Rats have no empathy and are unique in nature because of this, like most humans. Rats are the only animal that behave like humans.

Whom ever made the human race, took the body of monkies, and put in the rat brain, and made us able to speak. People do not act like monkies, they act closest to rats. Go and see how rats act like and you would see also what humans do. Humans lack empathy mostly, a characteristic in most of nature, and also same as rats. Rats are relentless, same as humans.

Cats are predators for food, and they have empathy, and only take what they need. Only rats act in the same way humans do.

So i say again, that whom ever made the human race, took monkies and put in the rat brain in there and there characteristics. I would suggest that science know that rats are close to humans and thats why so much human medicine is tested on them.

Human beings have only one animal that behaves like them, and its rats.
No, the only animal that humans behave like are rats.

Rats pee on the floor. They pee all the time, when they are walking, when they are standing still.

Cats and humans only pee when they want to.

Rats have no empathy and are unique in nature because of this, like most humans. Rats are the only animal that behave like humans.

Rats display empathy.
A new model of empathy: the rat

A study by Science/AAAS shows that rats preferred freeing caged rats rather than eating food placed in the cage, suggesting that the rats show empathy, a trait only previously known to primates.

By David Brown, Published: December 8, 2011

At the very least, the new experiment reported in Science is going to make people think differently about what it means to be a “rat.” Eventually, though, it may tell us interesting things about what it means to be a human being.

In a simple experiment, researchers at the University of Chicago sought to find out whether a rat would release a fellow rat from an unpleasantly restrictive cage if it could. The answer was yes.

The free rat, occasionally hearing distress calls from its compatriot, learned to open the cage and did so with greater efficiency over time. It would release the other animal even if there wasn’t the payoff of a reunion with it. Astonishingly, if given access to a small hoard of chocolate chips, the free rat would usually save at least one treat for the captive — which is a lot to expect of a rat.

Cats and Tea Partyers, however, show no empathy - which proves, once again, that people have cat brains.

Whom ever made the human race, took the body of monkies, and put in the rat brain, and made us able to speak. People do not act like monkies, they act closest to rats. Go and see how rats act like and you would see also what humans do.

No; rats are much better than people. We had four rats as pets for years. They were great (other than the peeing thing.)

Cats are predators for food, and they have empathy

You've never seen a cat torture a mouse? That's where Abu Ghraib came from; only the mind of a cat could think up tortures like that.

Human beings have only one animal that behaves like them, and its rats.

I can see the brainwashing has gotten to you too. The establishment really wants you to believe the rat brain thing, so like an obedient kitten, you just lap it right up and beg for more. Learn to think outside the box! Reject the conformist rat-monkey paradigm that has been forced on you and see the truth! Can you do that?
billvon- Your just giving pedantic answers to my view. You can take any mammal and say its like humans.

No animal in mammal world operates like humans, like the rat.

Answer why does research use rats all the time in testing there medicines? Rats must be very close to what humans are if they are always picked as the test animal.

Loads of people also do not like cats, or dogs or elephants, or others, but research picks rats.

Rats pee on the floor. They pee all the time, when they are walking, when they are standing still.

Cats and humans only pee when they want to.

Also humans learn not to pee anywhere, its not something in them at start. When they are young they pee everywhere, and have no control.

So remember next time when you hear about bad stuff, or see some bad stuff on the news. Rats and monkies, is all humans really are, and that explains alot.
You can take any mammal and say its like humans.

No you can't. Rabbits aren't anything like humans, for example.

No animal in mammal world operates like humans, like the rat.

The cat operates exactly like a human. Rats are a lot more happy go lucky. You never see a rat stalking a small animal, intent on killing it.

Have you ever had either as a pet? If you did you wouldn't be asking these questions.

Answer why does research use rats all the time in testing there medicines?

Because cats are too smart to be used for medical research. They have the human media wrapped around their paws. Can you imagine the stink that would occur if it was discovered that Monsanto was torturing poor little kittens so they could develop better pesticides? Since rat brains aren't anything like human brains, no one cares when rats are used - which is why they are used, killed and discarded by the ton.

Rats must be very close to what humans are if they are always picked as the test animal.

Rats are cheap, small and since their brains are not like humans, no one cares if they die horrible deaths.

Loads of people also do not like cats

And lots of people also do not like OTHER PEOPLE! You are proving my point, here.

Also humans learn not to pee anywhere, its not something in them at start.

Exactly. So do cats. Rats cannot learn that - because their brains are not like ours. Again, you're proving my point, over and over again.

So remember next time when you hear about bad stuff, or see some bad stuff on the news.

Yep. Watch some jihadists behead an infidel after torturing him. Then watch a cat behead a mouse after playing with it.
Watch a man attack and seriously wound a security guard. Then watch a cat attack and maul a small dog.
Watch cops staking out a criminal. Then watch a cat stalking a bird.
Watch a debutante turn up her nose at regular food. Then watch a cat turn up her nose at cat food.

Then think again about your crazy monkey/rat brain hybrid! Our cat brains laugh at you.

Well, maybe you got a rat brain. I guess it's possible. Do you pee all over everything?
I think whom ever made humans, created them from monkies and rats. They gave monkies rat brains, and thats what most humans are like.

I think we were probably made from monkies and rats personally. Thats why in medicine you see them test all sorts on rats first, as i believe that whom ever made the human race made the human race from monkies and rats.
Yes, we did come from monkeys, or rather apes, which are similar.
Yes, we did come from monkeys, or rather apes, which are similar.

Shame on you, according to science we come from the same ancestor, the ape split from the ancestor earlier then a few million years latter the common ancestor produced us