Birds and Bees may be gay


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member

Thu Oct 12, 2006 6:46am ET138
By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent

The birds and the bees may be gay, according to the world's first museum exhibition about homosexuality among animals.

With documentation of gay or lesbian behavior among giraffes, penguins, parrots, beetles, whales and dozens of other creatures, the Oslo Natural History Museum concludes human homosexuality cannot be viewed as "unnatural".

"We may have opinions on a lot of things, but one thing is clear -- homosexuality is found throughout the animal kingdom, it is not against nature," an exhibit statement said.

Greek philosopher Aristotle noted apparent homosexual behavior among hyenas 2,300 years ago but evidence of animal homosexuality has often been ignored by researchers, perhaps because of distaste, lack of interest or fear or ridicule.

Geir Soeli, the project leader of the exhibition entitled "Against Nature", told Reuters: "Homosexuality has been observed for more than 1,500 animal species, and is well documented for 500 of them."

Bonobos, a type of chimpanzee, are among extremes in having sex with either males or females, apparently as part of social bonding. "Bonobos are bisexuals, all of them," Soeli said.

And a study of homosexual men in Italy suggested that their mothers and sisters had more offspring. "The same genes that give homosexuality in men could give higher fertility among women," he said.
Will there be burning effigies of birds and bees in the streets, sam?
Fascinating. The same genes that give homosexuality in men could give higher fertility among women.

It's a common misconception that something like 5-10% of the human population are strict homosexuals. Very, few homosexuals only have sex with those of the same gender. The vast majority of homosexuals are better described as bisexuals, like the Bonobos.

Like other reproductive strategies, homosexuality has its pros and cons. An advantage has been suggested that homosexuals are much more sexually active, and thus, more sexually fit than many heterosexuals. An obvious disadvantage would be the higher likelihood of transmission of diseases. A homosexual is more reproductively successful than heterosexuals in a population of a low proportion of homosexuals, and the opposite is true for homosexuals in an environment with a high proportion of homosexuals. The ratio of homosexuals/heterosexuals is determined by the way the pros and cons of the strategy balance out. Generally, it's at about 5%.

When there are fewer disadvantages to homosexuality, the proportion of homosexuals goes up. In small, isolated communities like Melanasia, for example, little contact is made with the industrial world, and so disease is not much of a concern. As a result, bisexuality occurs in MUCH higher proportions than in the industrial world.
Birds--with their bright colors, spindly unathletic legs, peckish behavior, and propensity for singing songs in high-pitched falsetto to attract mates--are most assuredly the gayest of the nesting animals. Have you seen how long it takes some birds to build and decorate their nests?

Bees--with their gossipy-sounding buzz as they flit around meadows alighting on pretty little flowers--are positively homosexual. Nevermind that I've never met a gay man who's been stung by a bee, the worker bees (*cough*villagepeoplebees*cough*) live to protect their QUEEN BEE! Is there really anything gayer than that?
Is there any actual evidence of homosexual activity in bees?
Seems kinda... out there, to me.
I can believe that higher animals engage in homosexuality. But bees?

And a study of homosexual men in Italy suggested that their mothers and sisters had more offspring. "The same genes that give homosexuality in men could give higher fertility among women," he said.

Stress on the 'could'.
Not really very scientific.
Seems more like gay activism than science to me.
Is there any actual evidence of homosexual activity in bees?
Seems kinda... out there, to me.
I can believe that higher animals engage in homosexuality. But bees?

Stress on the 'could'.
Not really very scientific.
Seems more like gay activism than science to me.

I don't think "birds and bees" is meant to be taken literally :)
Quite right samcdkey!

I can't imagine how someone could construe a bee's behavior as homosexual. I mean, they're all female. So is it lesbo-action? The workers are sterile. Do they even have reproductive organs?

The article did, however say, homosexuality has been found in beetles. I wonder how the hell that works.
There is no evidence for a genetic basis so far.

Many laymen now believe that homosexuality is part of who a person really is * from the moment of conception.

The "genetic and unchangeable" theory has been actively promoted by gay activists and the popular media. Is homosexuality really an inborn and normal variant of human nature?

No. There is no evidence that shows that homosexuality is simply "genetic." And none of the research claims there is.
sounds like the fags are hard at work to justify their sins....


it is also known.. that increasing estrogen in the womb.. will cause mice to be born gay...

what does this tell us?

more estrogen and less testosterone... equals... feminine males.

no surprise... but who is the victum???

the male... who didnt want to be gay... but due to a lack of testosterone... caused by an overabundance of estrogen at birth, is literally... chemically induced to become 'feminine'

i have recently strarted taking dhea... which becomes testosterone in the body....

more testosterone.. and suddenly even the ugly girls become desirable..

but the men... all become uglier.. and my desire to fight is up.

gays... typically.. dont see females as 'MORE' attractive..
gays typically... dont feel like fighting and smashing things.

gays.. are more in touch with their feelings.

(all signs of a lower testosterone level)

i used to drink alot of soymilk... and it made me feel more in touch with my feelings... more feminine... then i learned that soymilk, has so much estrogen like compounds in it.. one glass a day can throw off a womens menstral cycle...

feeding young boys milk... and soy products.. and teaching them to be open to gays... and to be in touch with their feelings...



and now.. samcd... has begun promoting the gay propoganda ban wagon...

trying so hard to get the world to think gayness is normal and natural, and simply meant to be.

but its not... it happens... but not all things that happen in nature are supposed to benefit a species.

the gay ones... 10,000 years ago.. would die off.. due to a lack of children......

only the males with lots of testosterone had the women.

thats evolution...

sure.. there have been gays throughout history...

genetic mistakes... messups.. like frogs with 6 legs.

possible... it happens... but is of no benefit to anyone.

especially the male... who due to estrogen.. was MADE gay....

he is the victum... for he will never know what it is to be a real man.

Identical twin studies indicate otherwise. It's been found that if your identical twin brother is gay, there's a 50% chance that you're going to be gay too.

That's a much higher probability than if your sibling is non-identical. Suggests a powerful and likely genetic component.
and now.. samcd... has begun promoting the gay propoganda ban wagon...

trying so hard to get the world to think gayness is normal and natural, and simply meant to be.

but its not... it happens... but not all things that happen in nature are supposed to benefit a species.

Don't be so dramatic Mosheh.

It would be interesting to know the causes. For everyone, I'm sure.
Identical twin studies indicate otherwise. It's been found that if your identical twin brother is gay, there's a 50% chance that you're going to be gay too.

That's a much higher probability than if your sibling is non-identical. Suggests a powerful and likely genetic component.

Not if the prenatal environment is a causative factor.
the cause.... is variations in hormone levels....

which can be caused by many things... most of them natural.

just because the enviorment induces higher estrogen levels on occasion...

doesnt make it a natural and proper phenomena...

its simply a possible variable in nature...

nature is a big experiment... and variety is common place.

some of that variety... results in feminised men.

it is natural?? is it how they were meant to be???

or are they themselves victums of chemistry??

i put my money on the chemistry everytime.

gays always say... they were born that way.
and it may very well be true..

but like you said.... we would like to know why?

and we already know.... its called estrogen.

Birds--with their bright colors, spindly unathletic legs, peckish behavior, and propensity for singing songs in high-pitched falsetto to attract mates--are most assuredly the gayest of the nesting animals. Have you seen how long it takes some birds to build and decorate their nests?
I remember reading that while with mammals, the male has a different chromosome (XY instead of XX) with birds, "Female birds are the heterogametic sex and possess ZW sex chromosomes while the male birds possess ZZ sex chromosomes." (source)

sounds like the fags are hard at work to justify their sins....
I wonder why some religious people speak out so strongly against homosexuality while ignoring heterosexual deviances like adultery and premarital sex. Fred Phelps is a clear example of someone who enjoys getting off on hatred rather than righteousness...

i am not hateful.... i honestly believe that homosexuals, are just normal people who were victums of their chemistry... especially the mothers chemistry while in the womb.

lets face it... increased estrogen levels... CAN literally turn boys into girls...... thats how every sex change works...

they must take the estrogen to become girls.. to get boobs..

so what effect does lower levels of estrogen cause??

feminization is what it causes.... makes boys more like girls.

we have to figure that at birth our chemistry levels are set, based on the development in the womb....

so when gays say they were born that way... it may be true.

but that only means they were altered before birth by chemistry.

seriously... are their any fags here?
try taking DHEA... it will increase your testosterone levels alot.

then see if you dont notice girls alittle bit more.

i.e.. a gay man may normally not want to do women.

if dhea.. makes a gay man accept a woman for sex... then we have our evidense.

-who will test it?

i would but... im not naturally gay.
