Biology Teacher Faces Investigation for Use Of Word ‘Vagina’ in Anatomy Lesson


Staff member
This one has left me lost for words, I'm just not sure what to say anymore.

I thought about including this in one of the rape threads, but in the end decided that it was it's own kind of 'speshul'.

A biology teacher from Idaho is under investigation by the state's professional standards commission following his shocking attempt to teach his students what a vagina is. For those of you who were not raised by deviants, FYI: a vagina is a reproductive organ belonging to all female placental mammals. Once a month, human vaginas spew forth blood because they are agents of evil and decay. The only time a human child should ever see or think about a vagina is the moment that they slither out of it, and then never again.

Sarcasm aside, this is an extreme and depressing version of the anti-woman rhetoric that has seen a recent upsurge in the landscape of sexual politics. The teacher in question, Tim McDaniel, received complaints from several parents who "were offended that he explained the biology of an orgasm and included the word ‘vagina' during his lesson on the human reproductive system in a tenth-grade biology course."​
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Even as we stand on the precipice of a new age in which homosexuality is no longer a valid excuse for discrimination, we are reminded just how backwards and preposterous our country can be.
Trippy you may be at a loss of words but i know i'm not. Some words that come to mind after reading the article: Furious, Infurated, Irritated, Idignant, Provoked, Incened, Enraged, Irate, Lived, and Disbelief. :splat:
[...]A biology teacher from Idaho is under investigation by the state's professional standards commission following his shocking attempt to teach his students what a vagina is. [...] The teacher in question, Tim McDaniel, received complaints from several parents who "were offended [...]"
Fear of litigation is re-shaping society in multiple directions, like horses or oxen simultaneously pulling apart the limbs of a condemned prisoner in that particular style of quartering. While one corner may be tugging us backward toward stone age restrictions, another may be wrenching us toward ethical anarchy, and/or so forth. The only limit to how chaotic and complex it can get, in the context of all the contrary factors and consequences infesting day-to-day decision making, is the imagination of the legal industry in terms of the new "gold mine" opportunities and trends it can recognize / invent / discover / latch onto. (Some angles not really that novel, just revived and achieving new heights in the wide-open "nomocracy" of the era).
Well, it's Idaho, after all.

It's Idaho. There is a large concentration of religious conservatives there; indeed, if we want to pick on the LDS, Idaho is third in total population after Utah and California, but second as a proportion of the population.

There are certainly reasons to go to Idaho, but these days I stay the hell out unless I have a specific reason. I think the last time I was in Idaho was because I had to be there in order to drive from Seattle to Wyoming and then back again. We stopped as little as possible in the Potato Gem State.

I lived in Idaho, once upon a time. This was before I developed any religious or political outlook; I was five, I think, when we moved back to Washington. And there are some happy memories of childhood, sure. While my teen years associate Idaho with a long, hot drive to Boise, more recent notions have only been reinforcements of how screwed up the place is.

Bottom line, if one is at a loss for words, "It's Idaho", should suffice.
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Time to censor text books and cover all those no-no parts, or better yet replace scientific terms for genital part with nicer phrases like "meat curtain" for Libya, "baby tunnel" for vagina, "Happy button" for clitoris, etc, etc.
Chili Colorado and the Grand Canyon

ElectricFetus said:

... nicer phrases like "meat curtain" for Libya, "baby tunnel" for vagina, "Happy button" for clitoris, etc, etc.

Gotta love autocorrect, eh?

Er, right. Anyway, I'm chuckling not at the bit about Libya, but because I nearly used the phrase "meat curtain" in a post yesterday, but decided the underlying point required too many words for what was already full of words.

A friend of mine introduced me to the phrase, an episode resulting from a slightly inebriated recollection of Steve Martin using the term "rhino clit". He laughed and said somethng about meat curtains, and as I had just finished the colorado at a local Mexican restaurant, the first words out of my mouth were, "Skirt steak."

But I think "meat curtain" is incongruous with "baby tunnel" and "happy button". "Baby tunnel" is far too utilitarian for the inherent misogynist demand.

I think it would be better for these Idaho prudes to simply explain to their children that you make a baby when a man puts his doodle in a lady's hoo-hah; and for such repressed people, notions of labia and clitoris don't really exist, so why bother devising cutesy euphemisms?

Indeed, it could be, psychoanalytically speaking, that what these folks are really objecting to is the idea that a female organism should have an orgasm. After all, half of 'em believe the female orgasm is evil, and the other half doesn't believe it exists.

Or something like that.

I promise, it's easier to just say, "It's Idaho."
This is the sort of stupidity which is the reason sex ed should be mandatory (ie no twit of a parent should be able to pull there kid out) and the curriculum should be set by academics

A friend of my partners asked her at 18 if she could get pregnant from giving head, another if you could get pregnant from kissing

There is an amazing program running in the UK called the sex education show which should be the standed world wide
There's an online event to support this teacher (and a petition) the online event already has 3022 people 'Attending'. There are 322 people in Dietrich, Idaho which is where these events occured.