Biology Project


Hi Everyone.

I am doing a biology investigation, and am totaly stumped!

it can basically be anything, although we cant use vertibrates. we need to do the investigation, have a set of results and write a 2,500 word essay.

i really have no idea what to do, can anybody throw some suggestions at me?

thanks :)

Come up with a few ideas using your large, neglected mammalian brain, and then if you still need help, ask us to help you expand the ideas.
Pick something readily available and doesn't die easily.

So that would be anything that is labeled as 'pest'.

On the other hand you could get something that actually dies easily. Then you can study how to kill it most effeciently. That generally sums up biological research.

Just make sure you put a paragraph in it on ethics. To cover your ass.
spuriousmonkey said:
....Then you can study how to kill it most effeciently. That generally sums up biological research.

I don't think that's a reasonable summary of biological research at all. Biology is mostly concerned with how organisms stay alive, not how to kill things.<P>
How about the metamorphisis of a butterfly.

or the spontaneous growth of a mushroom
Hercules Rockefeller said:

I don't think that's a reasonable summary of biological research at all. Biology is mostly concerned with how organisms stay alive, not how to kill things.<P>

Sadly, the individuals who are studied on, as long as they are not humans, often die.

Either as a side effect, or to study the effects of the study on the being anatomy.
on topic
I'd say that the triggers of mushroom growth could be an interesting topic. If you figure out why it's interesting, then you've have a pretty solid 2,500 word essay right there.
How about a nice project on Virology. I did my Masters thesis on Advanced methods of safety and control for the HIV virus. But then agian I just love virology.

Dr. Josh :)