Biology and Genetics


Registered Senior Member
I do not know whether someone has asked that already, but I wonder why there is a distinction between biology and genetics.
That is what I meant, only the other way round. Genetics is part of biology, hence the latter would include the first.
not nessrally.

For instance its been common practice in schools and universities to concider biology to be a sepreate subject from Anat and physology (ie the study of HUMANS). However genetics is most DEFINITLY about humans

Then there is also the fact that as virus's arnt ALIVE, they dont fall under biology but again they fall under gentitics

Lastly there is the fact that the catigories are what we NEED them to be here, Ie we want genitic stuff put under biology rather than under free thoughts or anywhere else so that was made clear by the naming of the section:p
not nessrally.

For instance its been common practice in schools and universities to concider biology to be a sepreate subject from Anat and physology (ie the study of HUMANS). However genetics is most DEFINITLY about humans

Then there is also the fact that as virus's arnt ALIVE, they dont fall under biology but again they fall under gentitics

Lastly there is the fact that the catigories are what we NEED them to be here, Ie we want genitic stuff put under biology rather than under free thoughts or anywhere else so that was made clear by the naming of the section:p

How do you figure?
um how much work in genetic resurch is being done relating to humans from gen sequencing to looking for specific gens that turn on cancer to reparing DNA to stop the aging prosses. Not all gen resurch is about GM food
um how much work in genetic resurch is being done relating to humans from gen sequencing to looking for specific gens that turn on cancer to reparing DNA to stop the aging prosses. Not all gen resurch is about GM food

A lot is on humans. A lot is on other animals and plants. Plants in particular. Very little of it is GM food. But it's not all or even close to all about humans in any respect. Trust me. I know.
not nessrally.

For instance its been common practice in schools and universities to concider biology to be a sepreate subject from Anat and physology (ie the study of HUMANS). However genetics is most DEFINITLY about humans

Then there is also the fact that as virus's arnt ALIVE, they dont fall under biology but again they fall under gentitics

Lastly there is the fact that the catigories are what we NEED them to be here, Ie we want genitic stuff put under biology rather than under free thoughts or anywhere else so that was made clear by the naming of the section:p

No, this is wrong. Genetics falls under Biology, and viruses too.
i never said it was all about humans, however in the everyday use biology is used to refer to animals and plants rather than humans. As you are talking about the name on a web board and the name is set so that those who set up the site (ie Dave) get the types of threads they want WHERE they want them it makes perfect sence to use a redundency to gather the posts from people who have grown up thinking biology means everything EXCEPT us.

Take a look at ethics, morality and justice. Actually look at the definition of morality and the definition of ethics. They are routed in 2 different languages but they have interchangeable meanings so why put both in?

The world cant be seperated into little box's, a story could cross bio, ethics, the law, politics, economics, WE and earth sciences quite easerly. Its only how WE as an internet community decide where things should go for ease of reading, hence the redundency.

I didnt ever say bio WASNT about humans or that genetics was always about humans. I said that the way we USE THE WORD in everyday speach puts bio as different from human development, A&P ect. Even at uni the people who will be working with animals study bio and the people who will be working with people study A&P. They are both bio (and chem and physics ect) but we devide them so that we can stick them on a time table
I completely agree that biology and genetics are two different things and that they should also be grouped together. I don't mean to argue Asguard, it's merely for clarity. But biology is the study of life (ALL life) and genetics is the study of the biochemical material that makes up that life (again, ALL life).
i never said it was all about humans, however in the everyday use biology is used to refer to animals and plants rather than humans. As you are talking about the name on a web board and the name is set so that those who set up the site (ie Dave) get the types of threads they want WHERE they want them it makes perfect sence to use a redundency to gather the posts from people who have grown up thinking biology means everything EXCEPT us.

Take a look at ethics, morality and justice. Actually look at the definition of morality and the definition of ethics. They are routed in 2 different languages but they have interchangeable meanings so why put both in?

The world cant be seperated into little box's, a story could cross bio, ethics, the law, politics, economics, WE and earth sciences quite easerly. Its only how WE as an internet community decide where things should go for ease of reading, hence the redundency.

I didnt ever say bio WASNT about humans or that genetics was always about humans. I said that the way we USE THE WORD in everyday speach puts bio as different from human development, A&P ect. Even at uni the people who will be working with animals study bio and the people who will be working with people study A&P. They are both bio (and chem and physics ect) but we devide them so that we can stick them on a time table
Last time I checked humans were still animals though.
Besides, we aren't talking about everyday uses of the words, but about the disciplines..
actually we arnt, we are talking about why THIS board calls its section biology and genetics. Apsololutly NOTHING to do with a biologist
actually we arnt, we are talking about why THIS board calls its section biology and genetics. Apsololutly NOTHING to do with a biologist

I didn't mean disciplines like that, I meant it like "sciences" or "studies".
i think your still missing my point. What i ment was that when dave set the boards up he set them up for everyone which ment using everyday usage of words rather than there true scientic usage. So if people arnt going to understand (and by people i mean the stupidest person who can use a computer) that biology includes humans and also includes genetics then it needs to be spelled out. Actually even on this board biology tends NOT to mean humans as things like medical non genetic related storys and threads actually tend to go in human science rather than biology.

This means we are actually closer to the everyday useage than you would think
i think your still missing my point. What i ment was that when dave set the boards up he set them up for everyone which ment using everyday usage of words rather than there true scientic usage. So if people arnt going to understand (and by people i mean the stupidest person who can use a computer) that biology includes humans and also includes genetics then it needs to be spelled out. Actually even on this board biology tends NOT to mean humans as things like medical non genetic related storys and threads actually tend to go in human science rather than biology.

This means we are actually closer to the everyday useage than you would think

The thread is in Biology & Genetics, I think that says it all.
Charonz was asking why it's "Biology & Genetics" rather then just "Biology".
Obviously it IS meant in a scientific way since this place is called SciForums.

Precisely my notions. It is like making subfora like "biology and ecology" or "biology and cell biology".
Precisely my notions. It is like making subfora like "biology and ecology" or "biology and cell biology".

It probably has something to do with perceived interest in genetics by the site owner, or moderators.
Naming the subforum like this probably serves to guide people to the right place more efficiently.

S.A.M. is probably the right person to ask though since she is the moderator of the subforum :)
only the latest one, the forum out dates her. I honestly cant rember what it was called when i joined but james or styder would be the ones to ask because they are as old as dirt around here and have better memories than i do