Biofuels Are Bad for Climate Change


Valued Senior Member
Biofuels Are Bad for Feeding People and Combating Climate Change

This is no good. We really better start thinking about how much of the good life we want and how many people can have it. Because I'm afraid a population of 10 trillion people on this rock is not going to cut it.

Anyway, I was sad to read that article as I was sure biofuel was going to be the way forward. I'd like to know it switch-grass is any good? I mean, there's no replanting, just collect the grass that naturally grows and turn it into energy. That seems OK.

But, we need to start thinking about other forms of energy. I was thinking - why doesn't most houses have some sort of solar? That'd go a long way on saving energy wouldn't?
the strategy of this corn planting should change. Why can't current open fields without trees, be converted to corn field? Sooner or later we will need energy...and whatever comes to hand will be used...biofuels or not.