Bill O'Reilly proves the existence of God....


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
It's beautiful, man!

"The tide comes in, the tide goes out. The Sun comes up, the Sun goes down. Never a miscommunication.
How’d the moon get there? How’d it get there? How’d it get there? And why doesn’t Mars have a moon, hmm?? "

For every logical fallacy you notice you get 5 points....

The funnier version:

Also relevant, Bill discusses this with Dawkins:
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Wow, all the religious and scientific insight one would expect of a talking head on Inside Edition.
We laugh, but there are a lot of people who take O'Riley seriously along with beck, palin, limbaugh, levin and many others.
It's beautiful, man!

"The tide comes in, the tide goes out. The Sun comes up, the Sun goes down. Never a miscommunication.
How’d the moon get there? How’d it get there? How’d it get there? And why doesn’t Mars have a moon, hmm?? "

For every logical fallacy you notice you get 5 points....

The funnier version:

Also relevant, Bill discusses this with Dawkins:

Oh goodness. It's sad the people that have very little scientific understanding of the world around them.
O'Riley was a teacher before becoming a broadcaster. What does that say about eduation in America?
I don't think he was ever a teacher, but he has a degree from Harward I think. He was a broadcaster for Inside Edition....

I also think he is pretty smart. He knows very well how stupid it sounds, but he is pandering to his audience...
It's beautiful, man!

I don't click on video links, so I don't know what you are talking about. But I'd guess that it's taken out of context. The sources (Salon, Colbert) don't exactly inspire my confidence.

"The tide comes in, the tide goes out. The Sun comes up, the Sun goes down. Never a miscommunication.

That sounds like an allusion to traditional natural theology. (Some Sciforums readers may need to look that up.) I don't buy it, but many very smart people historically have.

Also relevant, Bill discusses this with Dawkins

I don't think that either of those two gentlemen is especially sophisticated, philosophically speaking or in terms of religious studies. The difference between them is that O'Reilly doesn't pretend to be a philosopher, while Dawkins teaches something that amounts to the philosophy of religion at Oxford, no less, despite his having precisely zero formal education in the subject.

(I do think that Dawkins was an excellent evolutionary biologist back when he used to do that.)

As for O'Reilly, I kind of like him and occasionally watch his show. That doesn't mean that I always agree with him (I often don't), but that comes with the territory. I can't think of any TV personality (or anyone at all, including scientists and Sciforums participants) that I always agree with.

I'm pretty sure that my religious views are dramatically different than O'Reilly's Catholicism, but I still think that he's smart and interesting.

I realize that the purpose of this thread is to give he left an opportunity to ridicule the right. (If the reverse happens, it would obviously be evidence of "closed-mindedness", "intolerance" and "ignorance".) Challenging the left's insufferable arrogance is like spitting into the wind, so I'll just make this one post telling the rest of you where I stand, and then withdraw from the thread ahead of the inevitable flames.
He was an English teacher,

At least not science. By the way there is no rule/law against teachers (specially non-science) being theists, so this point doesn't really add anything to the discussion.

Most of American teachers are theists....
(Insert title here)

Because this sort of episode helps people feel empowered:

... O'Reilly's gaffe is well on its way towards becoming a meme. An image macro in the Advice Dog vein, the O'Reilly meme features Papa Bear's head on a red-and-blue backdrop. In the top half of the image, he asks about conundrums which are more Seinfeld than metaphysics: How does bread turn into toast? Why does water come back when you flush the toilet? And why would Chewbacca, a seven-and-a-half foot tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor with the runty Ewoks? You can't explain that.




Quigley, Robert. "Bill O’Reilly’s Tidal Skepticism Launches 'You Can't Explain That' Meme". Geekosystem. February 10, 2011. February 12, 2011.
Like anyone didn't see this one coming ....

Well, Keith O stepped down from MSNBC, all we need now is Bill O to step down from Fox and the world can finally enter the Age of Intelligence.