BIGFOOT!!! i must know!!!!

A Canadian

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Registered Senior Member
latly ive been watching "Mysertious encounters" on OLN on satalite. and i am becomming quite Intrigued.
the alien hype is over... yet i still belive in them and UFOs, i find myself turning more to "unexplained or unidentifed earth creatures.

i felt doing doing some searching on the net about the show on OLN, when it suddenly hit me, when i was a child i may of had a sighting of my own, i was young, i hardly remeber it. BUT from what i remeber is this:
"i was young (i really cannot remeber how old i was), me my brother and my parents went to BC in canada for vacation, (very nice place we was at, half the beaches have fireworks everynight), from what i remeber, 2 things very weird happened to me while i was their. i cant remeber which happened first, but one of the things was, we was fishing in the morning and we saw some crazy lady in her bathrobe, on the side of a small rocky hill with a rail road track, she was walking down the railroad track YELLING SOMETHING TO US...... it has nothing to do with what i saw first.. or next (honestly i cant remeber the order or clearity of what happend while i was in BC), but this lady was a totaly pycho.... no clue what she was saying... my dad operating the boat didnt want to apporch her. anyways, as i remeber from that long ago, we went fishing in a LAKE, that was RIGHT BESIDE some sorta electrical power plant, i really cant remebe what it really was, anyways. we was fishing, i rember my fishing rode got caught on some rocks, and i was so excited cuase i tought it was a fish. next thing i know, someone said "hey look there are a couple bears over there"..... i really didnt think about it till now... from what i remeber what i saw from across the lake did NOT look like bears...

for some reason we drove to the other side of the lake to see the "bears" but nothing was there. from my vauge memory tho.... ( i wasnt that young but i know i still remeber what i saw), i swear from what i was seeing was 3 creatures standing upright, each smaller than the next......... its no "BIGFOOT reporting" but it really got me thinking stupid as it sounds.... bigfoot (or whatever you wish to call this species) makes more sense than aliens. the only UFO shit i belive is VERY compleling storys and/or excelent fotage, like ive seen on some documentrys.

back to "mysteriuos encounters" on OLN, they showed a fotage taken in the 80s of a creature walking pass a RV that contained a FILM CREW ON BOARD. the scientist said the VIDEO was inconclusive.

but ya know, it really got me thinking

its not highly doubtable that some unknow creatures exist out there... i mean it makes more sense in ALIENS even tho i belive in THEM in a certain sense.

some poeple ask, why havnt we found the bones of these creatures.... well.... why cant poeple find the bones of a grizzy bear or what not, same pricaple....

also, if anyone from that show "mysteriuos encounters" is watching this, i got one thing to say, do you really thing some creature is going to come OUT OF THE HIDDING cuase he smells phermones, the smell of bacon cooking on a open flame, some guy peeing in the bush, random food traps and wierd unkown crazy CALLINGS (sounds to imatate the beast from what others have heard...
.... man if i was a undiscovered speices id try to hide myself from that shit, do you really thing any creature would come out of hidding if he heard, smellt or saw any change in his enviroment

we will find this "bigfoot" creature eventully i say.... but i really think it will take some TIME and PATIENCE...... we need to think....... this creature if it exist, Obviously it will think like a human... therfore....... we need to HIDE traps/camera better, and Monitor areas better than the team on "mysterios entouncers" does. they OVER Do every thing.... any creature would be confused from all that happened/happens in that on night they set up their shit

IN CONCLUSION!!!!!! i would LOVE to learn about whole idealogic behind undiscovered creatures.....
PLEASE send me some excelent links or your own comments or storys even (FYI, i dont think to highly of storys from sciforums, so just prove me wrong)

PS: i wrote this while slightly drunk, so if anything is not Coherent please message me.
This is an interesting question. On one hand, you'd think that a creature like this would have been found by now. There would have to be enough of these things to sustain itself. Which would lead you to believe that they should be photo'd more, sighted more often, ect.....

But, there is one piece of evidence that intrieges me. The hair samples. There have been multiple samples analyzed that do not fit any known species. For this reason, I don't think we can close the book on this topic.
these creatures are obviously the TOP of the food chain, considering its been said they can break a deers neck....
and if your at the top of the food chain, stood upright, and is an obviously clever creature. then why would it need to reproduce rapidly.... these things probly live as long as humans, even longer, which could explain the sightings based in certain areas go back 100 years even

or mabey they are just aliens in diguise who knows ;)

FYI poeple sight unidentifyed creatures all the time, just sometimes poeple dont come out with it, or non belive them cuase its a stupid idea... i say give it a while, we already have documentrys on tv showing UFO fotage, give it some time well get a bigfoot documentrys from evidence around the world
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I think you definately saw bears, seeing as how your dad or whoever thought they were bears and was an adult and clear minded at the time and only now that you are interested in bigfoot you start to think they might have been bigfoot, classic psychological scenario, memories are never perfect, and can be swayed by what you hope happened all to easily. If your dad thinks he saw bears than you almost certainly saw bears.
I can remember as clearly as day finding a dead animal beside my pool as a child that looked like a giant preying mantis with huge feathery wings like a bird. But of course no such creature exists, I probably saw a large preying mantis or stick insect and later my brain added the feathers to my rememberence of the event. Why? I don't know, brains are wierd.

Does bigfoot exist? I used to think it was the most unlikely of the crypto animals, right after the loch ness monster at least, but now I'm not so sure, there is alot of evidence starting to pile up.
My biggest problem is this animal is supposed to be in america, it seems IMPOSSIBLE that a body or body part at least has not been found.

Thats pretty much my only problem with the idea, other than that its all totally plausible. We know there was a giant ape living alongside our ancestors in asia, that stood upright at around 10 or 12 feet tall known as gigantolipicus. During the ice age it very well could have gotten to america. The fact it never stumbles into residential areas could have something to with the fact prehistoric humans would have persecuted it ruthlessly. It would have been very frightening, and such animals didn't last long when humans were living in the wild. They killed anything scary whenever they got the chance so as not to worry about it attacking them in their sleep.
So evolution may have taught gigantolipicus to keep its distance, and it may have become incredibly good at that thanks to a large brain.

Large foot prints with intricate non-human ridges have been found, clumps of unidentifyable fur have been found, there is even that footage which seems kind of lame at first glance because the idea seems ridiculous but when studied and dissected by scientists and zoologists that footage has been praised and many factors of it have been pointed out to be almost too accurate to be fake. Accurate as to how learned zoologists and taxonimists assume giganto would have moved, which is becoming more and more of an exact science(learning behaviour and movement from fossills). Infact it was dismissed as an obvious hoax at first but advancements in the field of understanding aspects of animals from fossills has brought the footage back into the realms of credibility.

I'm not sure, the fact there are no bodies found in a place like america does keep playing on my mind, but the positive evidence does as well.
Less evidence has been found for the yetti of northern asia, but this could be because of less people in the area, and there still have been plenty of alleged sightings.
I actually find the idea of the gigantolipicus remaining in asia much more easy to swallow as it is a rarely visitted harsh environment where this creature is supposed to live.
Giant apes have been reported nearly everywhere, and who knows? They just might be nearly everywhere.
If they are though they must be incredibly smart and purposefully going to alot of trouble to avoid human beings.
there is even that footage which seems kind of lame at first glance because the idea seems ridiculous but when studied and dissected by scientists and zoologists that footage has been praised and many factors of it have been pointed out to be almost too accurate to be fake

Any idea where I can download that footage from? I remember seeing it a few times but I'd like a copy for myself. Free copy of course :D
Dr. Lou, I can tell you that I live in an area of the U.S. that has a large black bear population. I've been hunting , hiking and camping in these woods for over 20 years. Over that time I have seen literally hundreds of bears alive but I have never come across the carcass of a dead bear or even a deer.
If bigfoot does exsist, the same reason you don't find dead bears may be the same reason no one has ever come across the remains of a bigfoot.
Dr Lou Natic said - "I think you definately saw bears, seeing as how your dad or whoever thought they were bears and was an adult and clear minded at the time and only now that you are interested in bigfoot you start to think they might have been bigfoot, classic psychological scenario, memories are never perfect, and can be swayed by what you hope happened all to easily. If your dad thinks he saw bears than you almost certainly saw bears."

yes, but, my parents also could not identify the creatures as was my realative where there, who knows what we saw, could simply of been a bear of course, but who knows it was so long ago.

citizenX - as you said in your post (and partly in my first post), such animals such as bears and deer harldy leave bones in the area which they exist. so i say to others, is it no possible to not find AT ALL a corpse of "bigfoot"?. for all we know they are quite smart and are using the bones of their own dead to makes tools or whatnot or even bury them. want a easyer example... ive never seen the bones of a dead house cat before, if they die outside their bones sometimes seem to disaper, even if no one sees they poor thing lying our by a ditch. about 2 years back there was a dead small dog by the sie of the road :( , i drove by it everyday almosyt, and it was out in the middle of no where and in some shurbs, one day the whole carcus was gone, expect for the TAIL!... which of course is quite odd. yet it makes perfect sense. most preditors like vultures, hawks, owls, cayotes, foxes... will spead bones all over the place, and even bury them like dogs would. plus animals life elephants tend to die in certain areas leaving a sort of graveyard if you will. the world has hardly been 100% explored so is it not possible that there are bigfoot grave yards? they seem to be so few in numbers, yet im sure they may have their own graveyards, they seem to be quite intellegent creatures in order to avoid mankind, why wouldnt they hide their remains?
alls been quiet latly

isnt bigfoot more imteresting that "FAKING mars landing photos"??

atleast this discusion is more down to earth....
Yeah, let's get more schizophrenics out there...we'll get more unusual sightings! Woot!