Big Foot Spotted On Mars


Valued Senior Member
I can't believe nobody here is talking about it yet!


PS You can just delete this then moderator
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Might be a big footette, someone coudl make a move on her, hint, hint.
this is a shape formed by chaotic Martian landscape dunes, the many shapes the sand forms can create much imagination within us
This doesn't really need to be kept since a thread is already begun on this topic. I would like to say that if they took a new photo and it was still there then we could be certain it's not a Big Foot :L
It looks like a mermaid to me.
A mermaid with long hair, sitting on a rock, looking in a mirror.
Waitin' fer a Captain........


Garrr! It be a lovely seamaid.
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Don't be fooled by the lovely pair of tits Kremmen, it be jasus, self flagellatin' at dat.
It's a rock i think, and possibly a trickery of the light.
Oh, Reiku, that's a closed minded sceptic point-of-view :D

If that's a stick in the creatures hand.......

It could be a martian mermaid conducting the martian symphony orchestra.