Biblical laws: God's or mans?


Registered Senior Member
Premarital sex is wrong according to the bible......I was just wondering how other Christians interpret this. Do you think that it was written due to the law at the time, because they did not want to marry a woman pregnant with someone elses child, or do you truly feel that this is God's law?

If you do, then what about all of those laws in Deuteronomy, where it says you should stone your child to death if he talks back to you? That obviously is not God's law, is it? If it is, then are all of us that don't follow it sinning?
Of course, but christians found an escape clause which is like this:

"We don't need to listen to that anymore 'cause jesus did away with it and made a 'new covenant'."

Basically it's just a matter of time before they say the ten commandments is just a load of old dog balls, and start mass murdering people while stealing their wallets and bonking their wives and pets.

gods word is nothing more than a giant pick and mix. Religion only works when it's made up as you go along.
The bible does not say to wait for sex until you are married - the bible says if you have sex you are married.

The bible does not say to stone your child if he talks back, it says if the child grows up and still will not listen to correction (he has become an adult and is a real trouble maker - drinking, carrousing) then the parents are to take the child to the judges and then, only if the judges (elders of the city) agree, then the whole city is to stone him. I don't think there is ever a time when one person is to stone another. Stoning is a societal activity.
One of the problems we have in western society is our code of morality. We have a mix of Greek and Judeo-Christian philosophy. Greek philosophy is not really compatible with Judaism and much of the corruptions of the Christian faith are an attempt to merge the two - Greek being a belief in self (essentially worshipping man) which follows the teachings of Plato, and Judeo-Christianity being the belief in Yehovah (Yehweh) and his annointed, Yeshua 'ha meShiak (Messiah, Jesus the Christ, the Son of God).

Morality comes from religion - so a mix of morailties means a mix of religions. America was founded by those trying to reject the Greek and re-establish the Judeo-Christian roots. What we are seeing in the past few decades, is a swing back to the Greek and away from Judeo-Christianity.
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"God's law or MAN-MADE"

the latter, as is very "God" "HIM"self

digressing, but relevant. on our news at the moment is info regarding man made products. Apparently most of them are toxic.
they checked this average family's health--blood, etc etc, and found toxins which are related to the usual stuff we all use....computers, TVs, non-stick pans,
home furnishings, etc ...all man-made!

It seems to me that so-called "God's laws" which really are man's laws are also toxic. in that they create more rouble than they are supposedly designed to avoid

that communal stoning was fukin solo stoning, no! but communal...oh yeah thats just fine

what these fascistic laws never ever take into account is the very oppressive system
crime is born in. so, for example, someone who goes off the rails to the conformist--err potential stoner--may really be rebelling against a pile of injust shit that the conofrmist is too dull to see!
If you have to have capital punishment (and I don't really see any way around it - what do you do with a Timothy McVea?) then I kind of like the idea of society doing the execution rather than a single executioner. Stoning is interesting because the victim/accuser must throw the first stone. This puts mercy in the hand of the victim rather than in the hands of the government. If the victim will not throw the first stone, then no one else can either. Yet if the victim throws the first stone and no one in the society agrees with them then it is unlikely that one victim can stone anyone to death. Thus society can also show mercy.

This is what Jesus did to the woman caught in adultery. Jesus declined to be the accuser yet he did not condone the offense - He affirmed the Law of Moses. Jesus told the crowd that one of them had to be the accuser - and reminded them that they all had sins too - they could show mercy, and they all did. (BTW, adultery is between two people, where was the man?)
David F. is the only one that had anything valuable to say, and it did not even apply to my question.

I obviously posted on the wrong place. I did not want a bunch of ignorant atheist's opinions. I hate it how you all say things that are totally thought-up, society created bullshit, and then ramble on about it as if it is fact.

I'm also frustrated with the current trend away from anything western and the way people are embracing everything from the east, as if everything people have been doing over there is perfect and right throughout history and everything white Americans have been doing the last 300 years is flawed and wrong. Complete trash.

I just had to get that stuff off my chest, anyway, thanks for nothing kids, I'm going to go discuss these things with people who can actually give me honest, well-thought out, intellectual feedback.
I don't really see that - some people may have been a bit blunt, but it's all grist to philosophical discussion, and if no other Christians came in to air their views, is that the atheists' fault?

If you do, then what about all of those laws in Deuteronomy, where it says you should stone your child to death if he talks back to you? That obviously is not God's law, is it? If it is, then are all of us that don't follow it sinning?
Many articles of the Torah are not considered binding on Christians, including the dietary codes and the need to undergo circumcision. David F gave a specific answer for that particular law, but other laws and that one may be covered by the fact that Christians consider that they are saved by the Grace of Jesus. Some laws laid down in black and white in the Torah were even ameliorated by the rabbis of the Talmud. Thus, any law which implied that the punishment would be summary death (such as the one you cited) was interpreted rabbinically in such a way as to prevent such a thing happening at least without some kind of due process.
David F. said:
The bible does not say to stone your child if he talks back, it says if the child grows up and still will not listen to correction (he has become an adult and is a real trouble maker - drinking, carrousing) then the parents are to take the child to the judges and then, only if the judges (elders of the city) agree, then the whole city is to stone him. I don't think there is ever a time when one person is to stone another. Stoning is a societal activity.
The Biblical proscription against homosexuality has provided incitement to homophobes to attack and even kill homosexuals, but as David F. here correctly points out, all the laws of the Bible - even if it is not spelt out - imply the due process of law. And in Judaism proper in addition to the biblical Ten Commandments are the Seven "Noahide" Laws, the first six are more or less restatings of the Ten Commandments, but the seventh is a specific direction to establish courts of justice to decide these matters. Not to take the law into ones own hands.
David F. is the only one that had anything valuable to say, and it did not even apply to my question.

Nonsense, I answered your question. Having asked people similar questions thousands of times, I can safely say that the mass majority simply say that god made a new covenant, and as such the old laws don't really apply.

I obviously posted on the wrong place. I did not want a bunch of ignorant atheist's opinions.

Well well, it seems you have this burning resentment towards atheists - which is your right I suppose, although I'm not sure what jesus would have to say on the matter.

However, to save yourself from showing your "true side", perhaps in future you should stick to a 'christians only' forum - and that way you can all share your resentment for atheists without having someone mention jesus's words of "love thy neighbour".

I hate it how you all say things that are totally thought-up, society created bullshit, and then ramble on about it as if it is fact.

You asked for the christian view, so I gave you the christian view. As such, of course its made up bullshit. That's what defines a christian.

I'm also frustrated with the current trend away from anything western and the way people are embracing everything from the east, as if everything people have been doing over there is perfect and right throughout history and everything white Americans have been doing the last 300 years is flawed and wrong. Complete trash.

I'm with you on that one brother! Bring back slavery!...

I just had to get that stuff off my chest, anyway, thanks for nothing kids, I'm going to go discuss these things with people who can actually give me honest, well-thought out, intellectual feedback.

Ok, I take my last statement back... don't go to a christians only forum.
Frisbinator said:
David F. is the only Christian who replied, and is therefore the only person here of any value.

I obviously posted in the wrong place. I did not want a bunch of ignorant atheist's opinions. I hate it how you all have the ability to conceive that perhaps man invented some of these concepts, rather than God. How dare you bring reason into my thread.

I'm also frustrated with the current trend away from anything western and the way people are embracing everything from the east, as if everything people have been doing over there is perfect and right throughout history and everything white Americans have been doing the last 300 years is flawed and wrong and also I don't understand what a period is and how to use it so sometimes my sentences run on and on and on and on oh yeah and America is awesome and perfect because we discriminate against pretty much anyone who isn't a WASP but that's ok because they're going to all burn in hell eventually. Screw the East.

I just had to get that stuff off my chest, anyway, thanks for nothing kids, I'm going to go discuss these things with people who can actually give me honest, well-thought out, intellectual feedback that happens to agree with every preconceived notion in my mind. You can find me at

Here, I fixed your post for you.