biblical flood-fresh or salt water?


tortured brain
Registered Senior Member
if it was a salt water flood then all the fresh water fishys would be dead, if it was fresh water then all the ocean fishys would be dead. there are aprox. 40,000 species of animals on this world, if you take the bible literally then noah would have had 80,000 animals on his little boat and he would have to of met all of their diatary and environmental conditions. possible? i think not. we couldnt even do this today. think about it.
Good point.
Especially if there were dinosours on that ark. The size described for the ark seems like it would be much smaller then many modern ships yet no modern ship could hold that many animals especially dinosour sized animals

As far as fresh/salt. That reminds me of a simpsons episode where homer adopts a pet lobster to grow to eat. He puts it in the fish tank and it flips over on its back. Lisa tells him its a salt water creature so homer adds some salt to the tank. The lobster flips right side but the other fish go upside down. Lisa's like dad those are fresh water fish they'll die.Homer goes wait just wait and pours a little bit of salt and a little bit of water till both the lobster and the fresh fish were flipping back and forth. Ahh perfect.

Perhaps god added just enough salt for salt water creatures to live but not so much that fresh water fish die? A whole ocean full of creatures on the verge of death flipping back and forth perhaps? :p Perhaps he made it so that salt water creatures could live without salt for a that length of time or perhaps they weren't salt water fish back then.( perhaps they *eham* evolved into salt water fish latter?)

It must have been fresh water because clouds don't pour salt water. Salts too heavy for evaporation. But if it flooded the land then any salt in the ocean would mix with the rest of the water. Granted there is less salt in the ocean the further you go back in time.
I may be mistaken here - but (speaking fact here, any religious folk can just not bother poking in with the whole word noah bullsmack) wasn't the biblical/mythical flood in Mesopatamia and salt water?
What they teach you....

Don't question the church, you now have to whip yourself 50 times on the back and make a pilgimage to Vatican City on your knees :rolleyes:

Science and the Bible don't mix well, to combat that the Church makes a rule that you must accept what the Bible says from a priest.

If there is a God, then He would've found a way to make the fishies survive, ever heard of flying fish? LOL
"The biblical account of Noah's Ark and the Flood is perhaps
the most implausible story for fundamentalists to defend.
Where, for example, while loading his ark, did Noah find
penguins and polar bears in Palestine?" -Judith Hayes
Why do we insist?

if it was a salt water flood then all the fresh water fishys would be dead, if it was fresh water then all the ocean fishys would be dead. there are aprox. 40,000 species of animals on this world, if you take the bible literally then noah would have had 80,000 animals on his little boat and he would have to of met all of their diatary and environmental conditions. possible? i think not. we couldnt even do this today. think about it.

Why do we insist on arguing over whether the Easter Bunny is fuzzy and pink or slick and grey? What is to be gained by exerting intellectual effort over disproving something as etherial as belief cemented in what can be convincing if indoctrinated as a child? The efforts are noble, but everyone has to find their own way. Let them claw their own way out. It is hard to watch, but it is the only way.
Oddly enough it doesnt specify whether EVERY species must be taken by Noah.. although it DOES include this list..

. 6.18 But I will establish my covenant with you; and you shall come into the ark, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons' wives with you. 6.19 And of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. 6.20 Of the birds according to their kinds, and of the animals according to their kinds, of every creeping thing of the ground according to its kind, two of every sort shall come in to you, to keep them alive. 6.21 Also take with you every sort of food that is eaten, and store it up; and it shall serve as food for you and for them."

I know others poo poo the idea of science trying to explain religeon... but based on current biomass on THIS planet... that would mean him bringing 400,000 species of beetle alone... just under a million beetles before he began "collecting" any other species....

Muslim Perspective!

I have seen people talking about it all the time, it is very interesting to me that there is a difference between Christian version of Flood. I would like you to check it out and I would like to know what are your opinions? I am just giving you insight about what muslims think about the flood.'s Flood
I was just thinking about this earlier. food would have taken up a good amount of spcae and weight alone. And I dont think they had SPAM back then.

One interesting fact, told by "In Searh of Eden" on TLC, they say they can not find evidence of a global flood. They did find evidence of a flood that covered the "Known World" at the time.
They did find evidence of a flood that covered the "Known World" at the time.

You know. Thats what I was thinking about.

Perhaps its a matter of translation a flood of the world being a flood of the known world. Perhaps noah just put two of every creature he could find in his immediate area (How do you spell fasinity?)
Actually the Jewish flood is a rip-off of the Egyptian epic of Gilgamesh. The flood as told by Moses is not Christian but Jewish in origin. Remember that, its in the Torah, not the New Testament.
Yes and there is a continuing belief that all flood myths came from a single common source.... maybe around the time of the last great ice age.. where most of europe was under ice, when these started to melt it may have triggered world wide floods of areas of the world.... if that had been a particularly svage ice age.. with most of the populace being wiped out... i am really rather unsurprised that a myth about god destroying the world came about....

articles to have a look at....