Bible quotes the god Amen


Registered Senior Member
Revelation 3:14
....These things saith the Amen, the faithful and the true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
The god Amen was an Egyptian god of creation invoked even today in Christian prayers although the true meaning of the name has been forgotten by them. The Israelites that remained loyal to Amen became known as the children of Amen, Ben-Amen, Beni-Aumen, B'nei-Aumen, the tribe of Benjamin. Of the Essene (meaning followers of Jesus), the sect called the Nasorene or Mandeans where Jesus really gets the term Jesus of Nazareth are historically most closely connected with the B'nei-Aumen sect. Thats where the Lord's prayer invoking Amen comes in. The Mandeans had a book called the book of John the Baptist although it speaks of John having left the body and mentions Paul so it doesn't look like it could have been written by him. I am still looking for any historical evidence of a John the Baptist outside the Josephus quote. I guess no one has any.
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But there was me thinking that "Amen" comes from the Hebrew word "Aman" meaning "to be faithful / to support / to confirm".

The fact that it was also the name of an Egyptian God just means that the root of the word is the same, not necessarily that they relate to the same thing.

I.e. the Egyptian God was called "Amen" BECAUSE of what the word "Amen" means. etc
Marlin said:
No it didn't.
Yes it did. I already proved it. You can't quote so let it be. You can quote Amen. You can't invoke so let it be. You can invoke Amen. You can't be a son of so let it be. You can be Benj amin.
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