Bible Physics & Hieroglyphs


Cranky old fool
Registered Senior Member
The Bible is consistent or sustains the physiological law of the atom. Each time that an atom subtracts electrons it becomes low or positve. Diametrically, each time that an atom adds an electron it becomes high or negative.

Each time that a reductive term such as low, meek or humble is asserted, then a positive concept is associated with it. Diametrically, each time that an inductive term such as pride, proud or vain etc. is asserted, then a negative concept is associated with it.

Let's hypothesize that God has inspired scribes to assert words in the Bible same as artists assert hieroglyphs in paintings to communicate a mystical language via a form of symbolism.

One would need to be artisan in hieroglyphs to decode the truth of God's word.

For example:

Adam could be a hieroglyph of atom.

Stop with the hyperlinking.

Also, this is a completely foundationless theory. "Positive" means "humbleness"? Adam means "atom"?

Come now, make more convincing arguments than this, Morpheus! I want to have an excuse to say "whoa"!
stanleyg said:
The Bible is consistent or sustains the physiological law of the atom. Each time that an atom subtracts electrons it becomes low or positve. Diametrically, each time that an atom adds an electron it becomes high or negative.

Each time that a reductive term such as low, meek or humble is asserted, then a positive concept is associated with it. Diametrically, each time that an inductive term such as pride, proud or vain etc. is asserted, then a negative concept is associated with it.

Let's hypothesize that God has inspired scribes to assert words in the Bible same as artists assert hieroglyphs in paintings to communicate a mystical language via a form of symbolism.

One would need to be artisan in hieroglyphs to decode the truth of God's word.

For example:

Adam could be a hieroglyph of atom.
Well said and felt out.

I suspect that a cloud is sending me secret messages with its shapes and forms.
This makes me happy.

I therefore choose to believe that this is so.

You are my second favorite teacher.

Sometimes when I fart, it sounds like words.
I feel good about having my body talk to me.

I converse via my mouth with my asshole.
I feel good.

Underlying words makes them appear more substantial.
I therefore do so to replace any weakness of argument.
I feel good as a result.

Funny how English or Greek was the preferred language for Adam even before the tower of Babel.

Is God Greek?
The idea makes me feel good.
I can only believe that it is so.
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Satyr said:
Well said and felt out.

I suspect that a cloud is sending me secret messages with its shapes and forms.
This makes me happy.

I therefore choose to believe that this is so.

You are my second favorite teacher.

Sometimes when I fart, it sounds like words.
I feel good about having my body talk to me.

I converse via my mouth with my asshole.
I feel good.

Underlying words makes them appear more substantial.
I therefore do so to replace any weakness of argument.
I feel good as a result.

Funny how English or Greek was the preferred language for Adam even before the tower of Babel.

Is God Greek?
The idea makes me feel good.
I can only believe that it is so.

Your words have changed my life :)
stanleyg said:
Here is where you made your first mistake. The Bible is not consistent. It is a pale collection made from the more significant previous narratives from much more ancient societies (Greek, Egyptian and Persian) whose true meanings were primarily restricted to the Priest and Priestess ruling classes. As such the Bible is really a poor copy of interesting stories whose meaning would mostly be lost on us – considering those cultures are now defunct/extinct.

For example. In the Gospel of John, 7 of the 12 gosples go out to get some grub and through the help of Jesus they net in153 fish from the sea. 153 is the sum of the integer numbers from 1 to 17 inclusive and also has the rare property that it is the sum of the cubes of its own digits (i.e. 153 = 1x1x1 + 5x5x5 + 3x3x3). In the time of Pythagoras (yes that is much earlier than “Jesus”), 153 was most significant for being one of the two numbers in the closest fraction known, at the time, to the true value of the square root of 3, the fraction in question being 265/153 (the difference between this and the square root of 3 is merely 0.000025......). This number frequently cropped up in geometry, most notably in a simple shape known as the vesica piscis, Greek for the body of the fish (because the shape looks like the body of a stereotyped fish), and the ratio of 153:265 was consequently known throughout the Hellenic world as the measure of the fish.

The Biblical passage is copied almost word for word from an earlier Greek story. Even today we see these silly “Jesus Fish” bumper stickers on the backs of Xians cars – yet they rarely understand why they have such a fish symbol.

So no the Bible is not consistent. Much like the Torah and Qur’an, it is a copy of the millennia old secrets from religious upper-class. Poorly constructed Religious Gossip Magazines for mass consumption if you will.
Michael said:
Here is where you made your first mistake. The Bible is not consistent. It is a pale collection made from the more significant previous narratives from much more ancient societies (Greek, Egyptian and Persian) whose true meanings were primarily restricted to the Priest and Priestess ruling classes. As such the Bible is really a poor copy of interesting stories whose meaning would mostly be lost on us – considering those cultures are now defunct/extinct.

For example. In the Gospel of John, 7 of the 12 gosples go out to get some grub and through the help of Jesus they net in153 fish from the sea. 153 is the sum of the integer numbers from 1 to 17 inclusive and also has the rare property that it is the sum of the cubes of its own digits (i.e. 153 = 1x1x1 + 5x5x5 + 3x3x3). In the time of Pythagoras (yes that is much earlier than “Jesus”), 153 was most significant for being one of the two numbers in the closest fraction known, at the time, to the true value of the square root of 3, the fraction in question being 265/153 (the difference between this and the square root of 3 is merely 0.000025......). This number frequently cropped up in geometry, most notably in a simple shape known as the vesica piscis, Greek for the body of the fish (because the shape looks like the body of a stereotyped fish), and the ratio of 153:265 was consequently known throughout the Hellenic world as the measure of the fish.

The Biblical passage is copied almost word for word from an earlier Greek story. Even today we see these silly “Jesus Fish” bumper stickers on the backs of Xians cars – yet they rarely understand why they have such a fish symbol.

So no the Bible is not consistent. Much like the Torah and Qur’an, it is a copy of the millennia old secrets from religious upper-class. Poorly constructed Religious Gossip Magazines for mass consumption if you will.
You forgot to substantiate your arguments by selectively underlying some of the important words.

have you read 777 by alester crowley?

gemtria, and numerology of laugauges is a most fascinating subject.

and your mention of this, pos neg pattern, has never crossed my mind.

and i thankyou for mentioning it.
