Bible deems godless as fools

I remember watching that vid a few months ago. I consider myself in a good company of fools if need be.
"But anyone who says 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell." (Jesus) Mat 5:22
toss the bible into the fires.

we can be pleased that we are in extremely good company.
I see gods as something like training wheels for a bike. You use them to steady yourself until you can balance on your own. There comes a point where you learn that correcting the "balance" in your life depends on you. That's when you've outgrown your need for gods.

My husband holds that gods are for people who are afraid of questions they don't know the answers to. Instead of looking for the answers, they accept a god as a placebo and never try to correct the situation by learning more.
This video is clearly biased, a biased theist can easily make a video just as convincing against atheists. The reason atheists are considered anti-American was probably because they opposed the term "under God" in the pledge of allegiance (which I agree should be removed from the pledge since it originally was NEVER in there).

Also a lot of these statistics are taken out of context, the reason that there are more prisioners that are theists than prisioners that are atheists is because areas with more atheists are rich areas, which generally have less crime than areas with poverty. If there were areas that had "raised atheists" and were poor, filled with poverty the crime rate would be just as high maybe even higher. The divorce rate also has nothing to do with religion, as the difference (6%) is so small it is to be considered insignificant, especially since there are way more Christians than atheists. Also intelligence has nothing to do with atheism or theism, thats a known fact, its mostly genetic.

In the eyes of the Bible someone the denying the existence of God, saying that there is no God is like a drowning person who refuses to take a lifesaver when thrown to them, therefore they are known as fools. This is why they are considered "fools".

Like I said this video is very biased, anyone could make a video biased against atheists pointing out that people like Stalin (who killed more people than Hitler) were atheists. But it still wouldn't mean much, just another biased video, just like this one.

For those who are truly seeking the truth, they give up their biases, prejudices, etc....
By showing those statistics, I infer that the video is pointing out that crime and marriage instability are weak arguments to mistrust atheists. I didn't take it to mean to that atheism > theism.
Seth Green is an Atheist?

I renounce all prior positions. I am now a pagan. I go to sacrifice a cock to Asclepius (and no, that isn't a euphemism).