Bible Contradictions... Anyone?


Come Let Us Reason Together
Valued Senior Member
Here is an extremely basic and clear Bible Contradiction.

Paul Says...
"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them." (Romans 12:14)

Paul Says...
"I wish those who unsettle you would mutilate themselves!" (Galatians 5:12)

Has anyone else come across any other contradictions lately that are as crystal clear as this one is?
i'll speak to my brother bout it and get back to you all he read the bible to better piss of the christians
im too affraid to say anything aginst religeon
cause you know
step over the line anyone who has never sinned
Jesus threw the money-changers out of the temple. He also didn't write the bible. Therefore, we may point out the contradictions in this flawed collection of documents.
Jesus intentionally created contradictions of a new law. Consider all of those, and we will be here all week.
Jesus didn't exist. Jesus is a contradiction as he contradicted himself by his nonexistant contradictions.
M*W: Do you think Paul really existed? I don't. Paul is a metaphor for the Greek god Apollo! Anything that "Paul" is accredited to is totally fiction. Paul is just another name for "Apollo." He was never a real person. He wrote nothing. He only wrote about Jesus as a fictional character.
M*W: Do you think Paul really existed? I don't. Paul is a metaphor for the Greek god Apollo! Anything that "Paul" is accredited to is totally fiction. Paul is just another name for "Apollo." He was never a real person. He wrote nothing. He only wrote about Jesus as a fictional character.

If Paul did not exist, which is possible I guess, then who wrote the letters that are attributed to him. And why were these letters written as if they were written by a real person. Who would do this, and why? Would it not have been simpler and more direct to just use the name "Apollo" instead of the name Paul then? Why all of the symbolism, deception, and hidden or double meanings?

Just Wondering,

Here is an extremely basic and clear Bible Contradiction.

Paul Says...
"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them." (Romans 12:14)

Paul Says...
"I wish those who unsettle you would mutilate themselves!" (Galatians 5:12)

Has anyone else come across any other contradictions lately that are as crystal clear as this one is?

I'mm all for dissing the Bible but your example isnt a great one. It merely shows that Paul is an angry guy that loses control from time to time. Jesus always said this. It merely shows that Paul isnt a little angel but that doesnt matter in christianity as long as you say sorry xD
If Paul did not exist, which is possible I guess, then who wrote the letters that are attributed to him. And why were these letters written as if they were written by a real person. Who would do this, and why? Would it not have been simpler and more direct to just use the name "Apollo" instead of the name Paul then? Why all of the symbolism, deception, and hidden or double meanings?

Just Wondering,

M*W: Current theory is that one or more Romans wrote the NT. From the research I've done, it was quite likely Josephus himself who wrote the NT. In any event, "Paul" did not exist.
Here is an extremely basic and clear Bible Contradiction.

Paul Says...
"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them." (Romans 12:14)

Paul Says...
"I wish those who unsettle you would mutilate themselves!" (Galatians 5:12)

Has anyone else come across any other contradictions lately that are as crystal clear as this one is?

yeah numerous others so whats your point?
I'mm all for dissing the Bible but your example isnt a great one. It merely shows that Paul is an angry guy that loses control from time to time. Jesus always said this. It merely shows that Paul isnt a little angel but that doesnt matter in christianity as long as you say sorry xD

Perhaps this at least shows that Paul's "inspired words" are not.
Medicine Woman said:
He was never a real person. He wrote nothing. He only wrote about Jesus as a fictional character.

In one short paragraph Medicine Woman contradicts herself. Paul was never a real person yet he wrote about the fictional character, (Jesus).

I guess in her haste to post her anti-religious vitriol she stumbled over her thoughts.

At least there is no need to contradict her. She does a pretty good job of that on her own.:spank:
Here's one of those obviously evil atheist sites that give a helpful list of Biblical contradictions. Link

You can check them all for yourself. Though a note to readers of the NIV version of the Bible that there has been revisionism to order to "correct" some of those contradictions.
What some see as contradictions are usually differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament. The two Testaments, were written for different reasons and to serve different purposes.

The Old Testament was meant to be a history of the Jewish people coupled with laws by which they were to live. It traced the Jewish people from their creation in the Garden of Eden, through the journies of Abram/Abraham from Ur in Chaldea to the Jewish homeland. It recounted the days of the Hebrews in Egypt and the Babylonian captivity. As history it is pretty accurate. Kings, nations and battles mentioned in the Old Testament are also mentioned in other historical sources.

The second purpose of the Old Testament was as a law book for Jews. It laid down quite specifically what they must do, must not do, could do, and need not do. It told them what they could and could not eat, how they were to interact with fellow Jews and with non-Jews, how they were to treat widows and orphans and what they needed to do in order to get to heaven.

The New Testament dealt with the life of Jesus and his followers and with forgiveness and redemption. Rather than binding people by the law the New Testament freed them through the redemptive suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ.

Because the two testaments served different purposes at different times what is said in one testament is sometimes contradicted by or at odds with what is in the other testament.

When there is a contradiction the words of the New Testament take precedence for Christians since the New Testament fulfills the Old Testament.
Here is an extremely basic and clear Bible Contradiction.

Paul Says...
"Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them." (Romans 12:14)

Paul Says...
"I wish those who unsettle you would mutilate themselves!" (Galatians 5:12)

Has anyone else come across any other contradictions lately that are as crystal clear as this one is?
its common knowledge to anyone who is familiar with what is called "text critical issues" of the bible that it doesn't represent the contribution of one author at one particular time
