Bible Contradictions 1


Registered Senior Member
I wish to examine some of what I regard as contradictions in the Bible and see what explanations, if any, are forthcoming.

The first question I would like to pose is this :

Why did god create pigs and why did Noah save two of them when they are regarded as unclean animals in the Bible ?

Please keep to the topic , as I have I have a number of questions I should like to raise one at a time

the same reason that God created a forbidden tree with an apple in a garden and told Adam and Even not to eat it. To test the will of his own creations.
Eggs without bacon, just couldn't imagine it and neither could God. Along the same lines..why would God save any animal only to have it go extinct ?
I wish to examine some of what I regard as contradictions in the Bible and see what explanations, if any, are forthcoming.

The first question I would like to pose is this :

Why did god create pigs and why did Noah save two of them when they are regarded as unclean animals in the Bible ?

Please keep to the topic , as I have I have a number of questions I should like to raise one at a time


Good questions. Not so easy to answer.
I think... such questions cannot be answered without saying God needed to even allow unclean things. Pigs are not only shown of such contempt in the Old Testiment. A ''Legion'' of Demons existed in a man, and Jesus cast them out, and they took hold of the pigs and they drowned themselves...

... So without the pig, where would the demons have gone?
I think... such questions cannot be answered without saying God needed to even allow unclean things. Pigs are not only shown of such contempt in the Old Testiment. A ''Legion'' of Demons existed in a man, and Jesus cast them out, and they took hold of the pigs and they drowned themselves...

... So without the pig, where would the demons have gone?

another reason of the wrong view on the world. the demons don't have to go anywhere, the demons can be changed to become good spirits.
I don't know about that... are demons... redeemable? They are the fallen angels of God... Do they still have a place in heaven?

Most scriptual evidence would support it as a ''no.''
the same reason that God created a forbidden tree with an apple in a garden and told Adam and Even not to eat it. To test the will of his own creations.

Why would he need to test the will of creatures he created. As an omniscient being he would have known in advance how they would behave, so the idea of a test becomes pointless.

Don't be so impatient; I have just got out of bed.
I think... such questions cannot be answered without saying God needed to even allow unclean things. Pigs are not only shown of such contempt in the Old Testiment. A ''Legion'' of Demons existed in a man, and Jesus cast them out, and they took hold of the pigs and they drowned themselves...

... So without the pig, where would the demons have gone?

If demons had not been created, there would have been no need for them to go anywhere. I assume you are referring to the Gadarene swine. Why should innocent animals be made to suffer needlessly ?
Question 2

Why did god create a world full of sinners, Noah and his family excepted, and then have to drown them all ?
Question 2

Why did god create a world full of sinners, Noah and his family excepted, and then have to drown them all ?

Because that's how a psychopath thinks. Doing the world and Himself a big favor.

Why tell us about it?
God seems to have a lot of trouble putting the ideal pair on the Earth for His master plan. A&E bombed so He tried a family and it looks like more of the same. He sounds like some mad male chauvinistic genetic engineer scientist dictator bent on establishing a new world order in which there is no evil, unfortunately the evil starts with Him.
the answer to this is simple, God created people to test their power of will, he created us because we are just like God cannot be defined or predicted. Our existence is chaotic because we have free will, and the stronger the expression of this free will within us the more unpredictable and God-like we become. The less we are accustomed to act by instinct to life, the more we become God-like. God wanted like him, beside him.
the answer to this is simple, God created people to test their power of will, he created us because we are just like God cannot be defined or predicted. Our existence is chaotic because we have free will, and the stronger the expression of this free will within us the more unpredictable and God-like we become. The less we are accustomed to act by instinct to life, the more we become God-like. God wanted like him, beside him.

I have been called some awful names in my time but saying I am just like god is the worst ever.

If he wanted perfect people like himself, why didn't he create clones, and save himself the trouble of having to deal with sinners ?
I have been called some awful names in my time but saying I am just like god is the worst ever.

If he wanted perfect people like himself, why didn't he create clones, and save himself the trouble of having to deal with sinners ?

because this free will gives birth to strong willed people who choose whether to limit their own freedom for sake of good and those who abuse their freedom and become what we refer to as Satan's.

Dont get me wrong we are no Gods, but we are on a path to such...
the answer to this is simple, God created people to test their power of will,

It seems that you believe we are here for a test. If so then it shouldn't matter if we fail. There is absolutely no reason to kill us for taking the test.