Bible and the NRA



The bible is to society
what the gun is to NRA.

The only difference:
While guns can kill us,
Only the bible has, for thousands of years,
caused all the suffering, torture, anguish, guilt, shame, misery, and slaughter
that makes us eternally grateful (makes us thank our gods)
that we have guns to die.

-- Eternally Now
genep said:
The bible is to society, what the gun is to NRA.

No, that's not correct at all. The NRA is fighting to maintain our rights of freedom under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The government wants to take away the right of citizens to bear arms, which is guaranteed under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
.. The government wants to take away the right of citizens to bear arms, which is guaranteed under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Baron Max
Ill bet you didnt know that only well regulated militia is allowed to keep and bear arms,and NOT every psycho trigger happy morron as they would like you all to think see click on "first half of the fucking sentence"
That website provided a good read. :)

I will still fight to keep my firearms though, especially in a world full of nutjobs and dumbasses.
scorpius said:
Ill bet you didnt know that only well regulated militia is allowed to keep and bear arms,and NOT every psycho trigger happy morron as they would like you all to think see click on "first half of the fucking sentence"

Um....Do you actually know what well regulated militia means?
Baron Max said:
The government wants to take away the right of citizens to bear arms
If this is true it'll be the first sensible move your government has made for some time. Please tell me that this isn't just the Baron being paranoid!

I know I've said previously that I don't care how many of my brain-dead, bloodthirsty transatlantic cousins kill each other... but I do really!!!
redarmy11 said:
I know I've said previously that I don't care how many of my brain-dead, bloodthirsty transatlantic cousins kill each other... but I do really!!!

If you really do care, then you should be much more concerned about automobile accidents, than any accidents or purposeful death by guns!

But I bet you're not worried about car deaths, are you? ...'cause you can slough those off as mere "accidents", right? So those deaths aren't important in the grand scheme to take away the right to bear arms.

Baron Max
scorpius said:
Ill bet you didnt know that only well regulated militia is allowed to keep and bear arms,...

Interesting, but I and every able-bodied male in the USA is part of that well-regulated militia ....whether they know it or not!

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Interesting, but I and every able-bodied male in the USA is part of that well-regulated militia ....whether they know it or not!

Baron Max

M*W: As much as I would like to still believe in this sentiment as someone who proudly served her country during Vietnam, I'm afraid the all-volunteer services has led our military recruiters to coerce, play head games, and trick our young people to join up. When our dads served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam, they were the "good, the proud, the chosen." Most of them had no regrets, and they made it a better world for us. I would like to see the draft return. Sure, I grew up in an age of draft dodgers, but I also grew up with innumerable men who went willing but never returned. The draft elicited a sense of public pride. We were "all in this together."

That is not to say that our troops today are any less patriotic than our forefathers. Military recruiters infiltrate the economically depressed areas of our country such as West Virginia, Tennessee, and the Texas Outback to recruit young men who would otherwise have no education nor training for a skilled job. The armed services always have and always will provide these young people with an education they will never regret, and it gets them out of their poverty-stricken hopelessness. Regardless of what they had when they enlisted, they come out with so much more. That's why I'd like to see the draft be reinstated. Maybe we wouldn't have such a problem with drugs. There's not a lot of hope on mean streets.
Thank you, M*W, that was a good post and one that I hope others will see the wisdom in.

And I agree about the draft, too. While on the surface, it might seem like a burden, I think the rewards of the military phase extend far into our lives as citizens of a nation instead of takers FROM that nation. We were soldiers once, and young ...but we were together, we were proud and we were strong. No one can take that away, and I know of nothing else that can instill that sense of being in a person like the military.

Thanks again,

Baron Max
The NRA is fighting to maintain our rights of freedom under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The government wants to take away the right of citizens to bear arms, which is guaranteed under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

And the Constitution must be right for ever and ever. Right?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: As much as I would like to still believe in this sentiment as someone who proudly served her country during Vietnam, I'm afraid the all-volunteer services has led our military recruiters to coerce, play head games, and trick our young people to join up. When our dads served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam, they were the "good, the proud, the chosen." Most of them had no regrets, and they made it a better world for us. I would like to see the draft return. Sure, I grew up in an age of draft dodgers, but I also grew up with innumerable men who went willing but never returned. The draft elicited a sense of public pride. We were "all in this together."

That is not to say that our troops today are any less patriotic than our forefathers. Military recruiters infiltrate the economically depressed areas of our country such as West Virginia, Tennessee, and the Texas Outback to recruit young men who would otherwise have no education nor training for a skilled job. The armed services always have and always will provide these young people with an education they will never regret, and it gets them out of their poverty-stricken hopelessness. Regardless of what they had when they enlisted, they come out with so much more. That's why I'd like to see the draft be reinstated. Maybe we wouldn't have such a problem with drugs. There's not a lot of hope on mean streets.

The draft would create a more involved constituency--more so if your child was of age. I still place my bets on the quality of a volunteer over someone who has been forced to serve.
James R said:
And the Constitution must be right for ever and ever. Right?
It is what it is until someone changes it. You don't ignore the portions you don't like, and that goes with any system of law. The whole point of the U.S. Constitution is to limit the powers of the government so that it doesn't infringe upon the rights of the citizens of the United States, not to give you whatever rights the government thinks you should have.

You see, this is a fundamental difference in philosophical thinking between the United States the the rest of the Western World. Americans believe that these rights are inherent to the individual, and that the Constitution is there to protect those rights from a potentially overbearing government. It seems like the rest of the Western World operates on the premise that you have whatever rights your government gives you. I could be wrong; it's just an observation.

Anyway, the point is that the Constitution was designed with every able-bodied male citizen in the United States as a part of "a well regulated milita". The whole reason why the citizenry's right to bear arms exists is so that the milita in the various states can meet without the Federal government interceding in the regulation of that militia. Of course, this no longer exists anymore, because people do ignore the parts they don't like.

That's why we have the National Guard. Technically speaking, the National Guard could be considered an illegal organization, removing the right of the various states to keep their own militias for their defence. Militias now are considered in the same light as terrorist organizations (well, a terrorist organization actually is a militia, but that's a separate issue), even though they were built into the fabric of American governance from day one.

Of course, from a wider political perspective (even though I own a few weapons myself) I consider the right to bear arms to be irrelevant in this day and age. It should be removed from the Constitution, in my opinion, because it's not important anymore. However, I do recognize that the law is the law, whether you like it or not.
Bowser said:
The draft would create a more involved constituency--more so if your child was of age. I still place my bets on the quality of a volunteer over someone who has been forced to serve.
By leaps and bounds, I'd say. Of course it depends upon culture. Today, in America, we'd both be right. In a more rural society, or in the ancient world, militiamen were the backbone of the army. They fought hard because their homes were at stake.
But I bet you're not worried about car deaths, are you? ...'cause you can slough those off as mere "accidents", right? So those deaths aren't important in the grand scheme to take away the right to bear arms.

Yes, no, really.. A car accident victim and your right to keep and bear arms are the same fucking thing exactly.

I'd argue with jester, but he'd just waffle on about what they did 1000 years ago and how that means it's applicable today - fuck James R's opinion to Hades.

Remember the adage.. "don't fix it".
genep said:
Only the bible has, for thousands of years,
caused all the suffering, torture, anguish, guilt, shame, misery, and slaughter
that makes us eternally grateful (makes us thank our gods)
that we have guns to die.

-- Eternally Now

Perhaps much of this slaughter was perpetrated by selfish hypocrites who abused Scripture for their own purposes rather than those who honestly followed its direction...

"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love."

--I John 4:7-8
SnakeLord said:
Yes, no, really.. A car accident victim and your right to keep and bear arms are the same fucking thing exactly.

I'd argue with jester, but he'd just waffle on about what they did 1000 years ago and how that means it's applicable today - fuck James R's opinion to Hades.

Remember the adage.. "don't fix it".
Oh wow... you should actually read my post. I said I think the Constitution should be changed to remove the second amendment. I was just against the government's attempts to subvert the Constitution.

You really don't like it when people disagree with you, do ya?
The right to bear arms? That is why we have waiting periods and background checks before purchasing guns.
Oh wow... you should actually read my post. I said I think the Constitution should be changed to remove the second amendment. I was just against the government's attempts to subvert the Constitution.

Why my friend, that is truly fascinating. It's just a shame that I was responding to Baron and not you. Can you cope with that? Can you bear the thought that someone is responding to someone other than you? Must you give me the high and mighty when I wasn't even talking to you? Well?

You're right though, I really should read your post. It's relevance to me responding to someone elses post is....? What exactly?

If I wasn't a peaceful man I'd state my right to bear fists and slap you silly.
P.S You should actually read my post....

Ok, admittedly I did put your name in there for kicks, but c'mon.. you must have realised the quote I was responding to wasn't yours?