Bias in your belief.


Registered Senior Member
Definition of God:
noun: the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe; the object of worship in monotheistic religions
Definitions of worship:
noun: a feeling of profound love and admiration
verb: attend religious services
Example: "They worship in the traditional manner"
verb: show religious devotion to, as of a deity
verb: love unquestioningly in complete faith
Definition of faith:
noun: a strong belief or bias in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny.
Definitions of belief:
noun: any cognitive content held as true
noun: a religious doctrine or theory that is proclaimed as true without proof.
Definition of Creation:
noun: (theology) God's act of bringing the universe into existence
Definition of theory:
noun: an often biased concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena
Definition of biased:
adjective: favoring one person or side over another regardless of circumstance.
Definitions of disregard:
noun: letting pass without notice
verb: bar from attention or consideration
verb: refuse to acknowledge
Why waste your time argueing over religion ? its obviously pointless! People believe what people believe..... take the catholics as one example.... IF.. God and the bible were suddenly proven to be a fake 100% without dispute... Would catholics stop being cathlolics? or would many just continue worshipping their beliefs anyway ? :bugeye:

Definition of theory:
noun: an often biased concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena

As used in science, a theory is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena.

often biased concept??? Sounds like a bias against science.

Where did you get these definitions from?
Originally posted by razz
Definition of theory:
noun: an often biased concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena

oh i dont know consequentathiest,
the theory of evolution seems to fit this description rather well

it has not be verified, it would explain certain things if it were proven to be true, and is often held by athiests with a certain bias against religion

btw, did you know that Charles Darwin became a christian before he died and didnt believe his own theory, he wasnt even sure of it when he first created it.
Re: Re: Bias in your belief.


Originally posted by New Life
the theory of evolution seems to fit this description rather well
Evolution is a fact, the method of evolution is a theory. It is not a 'biased concept' in that it is just a logical reason. When a better one comes along, then you can complain.

btw, did you know that Charles Darwin became a christian before he died and didnt believe his own theory, he wasnt even sure of it when he first created it.

Classical creationist tripe.

Incase none of you realise....... all opinions and theories are biased..... Notions for the opposite train of thought must be weighed for merit .... then a favoring decision for whatever reason must be made in order to form a theory..... afterall, ..this is what being biased is about .. Definition of biased: adjective: favoring one person or side over another etc etc etc .....
Hmmmmm ......sounds like one of the stepping stones towards forming a theory to me.:bugeye:

Bias usually implies negative intention. The formulation of a true scientific theory is absent of bias, it is more accurately described as the best that can be done with the information available.

While individual scientists might have their own strong personal opinions and perhaps personal bias this is usually significantly and hopefully completely removed by widespread publication and peer reviews of such proposed theories. A true scientific theory once accepted as such is as objective as is possible.

However, the term ‘theory’ used in a layman’s sense is often very much biased and heavily opinionated. You should not confuse the uninformed definition with the scientific definition.
btw, did you know that Charles Darwin became a christian before he died and didnt believe his own theory, he wasnt even sure of it when he first created it.

Not true at all. Where did you hear this nonsense?

He reported, near the end of his death, that his typical frame of mind was agnostic.

Darwin had pondered the meaning of life for

"a man who has no assured and ever present belief in the existance of a personal God or of a future existance with retribution and reward." -Charles Darwin

He believed that such a man would find "in accordance with the verdict of all the wisest men that the highest satisfaction is derived from following certain impulses, namely the social instincts. If he acts for the good of others, he will receive the approbation of his fellow men and gain the love of with whom he lives; and this latter gain undoubtedly is the highest pleasure on earth." still, "his reason may occasionally tell him to act in opposition to the opinion of others, whose approbation he will then not receive; but he will still have the solid satisfaction of knowing that he has followed his intermost guide or conscience."- Darwin's autobiography p.94-95

Yes, he did believe in his own theory. He took great pride in its strength.

I have to laugh..
Some people take sciforums and their opinions way to seriously, if they ever sat back and read their own posts like i do sometimes, they would shake their heads and laugh at how carried away and arrogant they get.
Cris your arguement is biased pmsl.. get the hell over yourself, you always have this attitude like your smarter than everyone else on the forum..... youve been argueing with me over a dictionaries definition because you know better than a dictionary, but if you were so intelligent you would have seen there was actually a question in this thread which no one, including you, seems to have addressed properly! ..........WHY? are you scared?

Instead and as per bloody usual you have all gone off on some twisted tangent and attacked other issues like the evolution theory without answering my questions. ..............Cant beat the question then attack something else to divert attention.

Regardless of definitions given... and when your finished playing games......the questions are: .... Why waste your time argueing over religion ? its obviously pointless! People believe what people believe..... take the catholics as one example.... IF.. God and the bible were suddenly proven to be a fake 100% without dispute... Would catholics stop being cathlolics? or would many just continue worshipping their beliefs anyway ?
U obviously cant conclude things for yourself :rolleyes: oh well :

1)general arguing can give you logical insight in many aspects .
2)religious debating creates a situation in witch there are possibilities of increasing knowledge on the subject of religion , including theology and culture .

Ofcourse as you present it you care only for rhetorics in debate , I think thats silly .....

Who gives a damn who is persuaded into something and who isnt on an internet-forum ? Whats the price ? Somebody creating letters forming "you're right" on your monitor ?

Well you're right , you have persuaded me into whatever you wish to believe you need to persuade someone into .

I have just stopped being catholic and now follow that what you wish me to follow , LMAO .

Re: lmao

Originally posted by razz
IF.. God and the bible were suddenly proven to be a fake 100% without dispute... Would catholics stop being cathlolics? or would many just continue worshipping their beliefs anyway ?
I think the same would apply if the Big Bang theory was proved to be false 100%. Would scientists pursue with the idea - No.

But I think Catholics would be more devastated then scientists if their theory was proven to be false 100% ;)

Darwins therory really isn't a theory any more sense it was proven to be right. The whole fight over if he believed it really doesn't make sense in that his therory was that strongest wins. The theory of evoloution has yet to be proven though. We've only been studying human life for a while now and there is still a huge gap between Dinasours and humans. A theory is a studied and some times documented researched subject on which is in the unknown. I agree with Razz. People need to get over them selves. This forum is getting way to uptight and way too personal. Everyone needs to take a step back and realize, maybe no ones right, INCLUDING me.

The theory of evoloution has yet to be proven though.
Just a gentle reminder. Evolution is fact, it has occurred, there is no doubt. Evolutionary theory is an attempt to explain how evolution occurred. There can be no question about whether evolution is right or wrong.
no not really, see heres the thing yes the do "think" that we have evolved but why did some monkeys stay and others grew on? And why haven't we become a smarter, and more intelligent species??? And as some like to believe in Aliens are a smarter species, but yet we don't even have proof except more "therorys" on how they became... Evolotion might be half proven but none of this matters it's off the point, just like I was trying to say in my other post.

I have to agree with Cris... evolution has taken place on this planet.. but was it responsible for our creation as a species? thats the real million dollar question .
Well, the reason why some monkeys stayed and others grew on is because the was tectonic activity and they got sepperated by the mountans. Some were still living in the forest (today's apes), but some were living in the newly created plane. Where natural selection occured and the most fit to survive did ( the upright apes).
There are countless facts which support evolution, and it is a SCIENTIFIC theory.