Beyond beta brainwaves?


Registered Member
Hello, this is a simple theoretic question, concerning the beta brainwave pattern. I understand that the beta brainwave is associated with consicous awareness of the surrounding, so the brain can recieve and interpet signals from outside. This aware state is present at approximately 13 to 60 htz per second. My question is: do we have information or theories of possible, higher frequencies of brain activity? What possibly would/could happen to our nervous system if we could go beyond beta brainwave and experience resonations well above 60 htz? Like 150-200 htz, or even beyond that? All replies appreciated.
GET A SQUARE WAVE SIGNAL GENERATOR... AND attach it to a bright led.... like red.. or something..

then set it to 7 and then.. 13 and then.. 23.. hertz...

and put the light right up to your eyeball... and close the other one.
at higher frequencies... i have noticed mental effects..
wierd feelings...

if you put it at 4 hertz... it could cause a seizure..
because bright lights at 4 hertz... can push the brain uinto 4 hertz patterns.. which are sleep patterns..
if you observe 4 hertz.. while awake... it could be very bad.

siesure bad.

Hm, yes, differen sources telling different values, yet I trust Wiki too and do accept of course that Gamma is 25 - to 70, though some prefer to call in-betweens as Beta waves, only referring to them as Gamma when they hit the higher extremes.

This article at Wiki says higher mental activity is usually present when the brain operates on 70 htz Gamma waves, and that's what I am interested at. No information on higher recorded brain activity, maybe because there was none recorded? Or maybe there was, but head exploded? :) That's what I am curious about, you see.

Thanks for the tip about the signal generator. Not quite sure what you mean thogh, some little tech-thing? I used to tinker with some brainwave generator software, but I have the impression that many of the available presets aren't very well researched.
USE THE square wave generator to flash ... say... two bright leds.

bright white would be best...

set the sq wave at varied hertz.. best above 4... i say 7 or more...

i have done this...

hold the leds to your eyes..... and observe the pulses..

i noticed that at higher frequencies... it caused.. well... its hard to explain... but my memory is of pleasure, and stimulation unlike anything else...

if the awake mind is normally operating at 7 to 12 hertz... then higher mental states would be at 12 to 30 hertz... driving the brain into operative levels likenned to overclocking a CPU....

GET A SQUARE WAVE SIGNAL GENERATOR... AND attach it to a bright led.... like red.. or something..

then set it to 7 and then.. 13 and then.. 23.. hertz...

and put the light right up to your eyeball... and close the other one.
at higher frequencies... i have noticed mental effects..
wierd feelings...

if you put it at 4 hertz... it could cause a seizure..
because bright lights at 4 hertz... can push the brain uinto 4 hertz patterns.. which are sleep patterns..
if you observe 4 hertz.. while awake... it could be very bad.

siesure bad.


Trance states, sometimes also hypnotic states.
This stuff can be controlled very well though, and people have found ways to induce these states with music, tribal societies have induced musical trances using certain sounds. Don't ask me how it works because I don't really know. I just know it's real.

As far as brainwaves, I don't know, you tell me?
I hear the brain has electro magnetic type of consciousness, but very few actually know how it works. It's something to look into.
bright flashes... or loud sounds...

at specific rates... applied to the senses...

causes the brain to start recieving at that frequency rate..

its the brightness and loudness that matters...

it impresses the brain with large signals...

signals that can re-set the brain clocking rate...

like i said.. 4 hertz... can be very bad for you.

it can push your brain into a sleep state while awake... and cause seizures.

the brain is not really something to play with ... not at 4 hertz anyway.

GET A SQUARE WAVE SIGNAL GENERATOR... AND attach it to a bright led.... like red.. or something..

then set it to 7 and then.. 13 and then.. 23.. hertz...

and put the light right up to your eyeball... and close the other one.
at higher frequencies... i have noticed mental effects..
wierd feelings...

if you put it at 4 hertz... it could cause a seizure..
because bright lights at 4 hertz... can push the brain uinto 4 hertz patterns.. which are sleep patterns..
if you observe 4 hertz.. while awake... it could be very bad.

siesure bad.


Where can I get one???!!!!
higher frequencies are less and less possible as the hertz increase, brainwaves are limited by the speed of ionic depolerization along neurons (which is ridiculously slow) same problem happens in trying to increase the frequency of CPUs. In the gigahertz range, electrical energy travels only a few mm/cm per wave, as a result if the frequency allows for more then one wave to fit across the CPU area data processing goes out of sync and cpu errors out. Same for the human brain at frequencies of hundreds or thousands of hertz more then one brainwave would fit across the brain and sections of brain would be out of sync with each other, causing a inability to process data successfully. More so neurons can't pulse fast enough to keep up with frequencies that in the upper hundreds of hertz.