Beware the Scientologists

the thing is...

the sicnetologist... themselves... state... that their very real goals... are to gain membership... of people.... WITH INFLUENCE.


they believe it is only by changing the minds of those in power that we can change the world.

they state this opennly.

they are hell bent on gaining influence.... poitical influence.

so... that being the case.. this is very disturbing.

but not surprising... since he was looking for small missles online.


Mosheh... their goals aren't crazy.

What is crazy...

Mosheh... their goals aren't crazy.

What is crazy...


actually... no...

dianetics.... doesnt work..

not for people with real problems.... IF IT DID... THEY WOULD BE SHOUTING IT FROM THE ROOF TOPS... AND BLASTING IT ON TV.

if you visit a scientilogy place... you will notice the bulk of the members, are young... and to all appearences... not wacked out..

in la... for example... there are very many.

but they dont take in the homeless with real issues... they dont go out and try and help these people... at all... NOT THAT I HAVE SEEN.. and i ask.

they cant... because dianetics... is for those with simple problems.
not for those with real problems... living on the streets right next to their fortress.

i went in there... saw their film.. and of course they tried to grab me... and get me interested...

but... i asked questions... difficult questions.. and they brushed me aside to their book store....

they dont want people who challange.. or who ask questions.

they want obediant workers.. and that is what they have.

to study scientology... there are 150 levels... and you can only progress by buying and studing the books... at 50 dollars a piece... 100's of books.

i have used the e-meter... great fun.

I read Ron's sci-fi series Battlefield Earth - 10 or 12 large books borrowed from library - one of the funniest and most insightful of the pulp sci-fi genre...Douglas Adams meets Phillip L. Dick...
...recommended. You will learn a lot.
Problem is: Scientologists think Lafayette's sci-fi books are factual.
The comedy sci-fi Battlefield Earth series has some rather interesting observations on humankind's malaise - drugs, psychiatry and something else?
I read Ron's sci-fi series Battlefield Earth - 10 or 12 large books borrowed from library - one of the funniest and most insightful of the pulp sci-fi genre...Douglas Adams meets Phillip L. Dick...
...recommended. You will learn a lot.

I ONLY EVER READ... battlefield earth... i didnt know there were 10 or 12 of them.... GREAT BOOK.

he was a madman and genius... he could write volumes.. and had a truely vast metal capacity...

if you get into scientology.. you will learn... they literally revere hubbard in the same level as with Jesus, Moses, and Mohammed... etc...

he is their savior..

but even still... only the choosen few get to ride on their ocean liner... and if so... its usually to serve the wealthy guests...

the wealthy influencial people they want to HAVE join.


you should see the celebrity center in LA.... its about as decadent as can be... gold leaf... guilded frames everywhere.. chandeleirs...
tapistries... beautiful carpets... wood work everywhere....

i was disgusted... and i asked them about it.

they just looked at me strange... and told me that their workers had done all the work... and that this place was made nice.. because it was meant to cater to the rich.... those who are accustomed to that level of decadence.

but.. it is open to the public... and they do have working E-meters on display... so i cant say they are all bad. just bad taste.

the e-meter is cool... hold the handles and think rage and hate.. and try to get your blood pumping.. with stress... and watch the needle rise.
calm yourself.. and watch it fall.

with enough practice one could possibly fool lie detectors.

That religion is fucking crazy. And it's hard to believe that a religion that requires you to pay money actually passes off as a religion. But such is the irrationality of humans.

Isn't that true of other mainstream religions?
scientology.... doesnt need to ask for handouts... or donations..

they sell books... 100's of books.. hubbards books.


they own earthlink..

anyone use earthlink????

with every month..... you are supporting their church, by using earthlink.

dont get me wrong... they do do some good... they do help people.. some people... young people with minor problems..

and they offer some level of training... in computers and such.

but it is limited... and not designed as a self recovery effort..
but as the cult... of followers... literally.

in la... i have watched bus loads of the blue shirts... fill out of buses..

and into their homes... large apartment buildings..

i asked questions... in some cases... 30 to 70 people may share a bathroom.

and the only allowance they pay their members.. is enough to buy toilet paper and tooth paste.....
never enough to save money and leave the church.

that is what is wrong with that scientology.

they will help you... even if you are homeless....

but only if you become worker volenteer.... intent on never leaving.

if you want to leave... you can... but you leave with what you came in with... which is usually... NOTHING.

actually... no...

dianetics.... doesnt work..

not for people with real problems.... IF IT DID... THEY WOULD BE SHOUTING IT FROM THE ROOF TOPS... AND BLASTING IT ON TV.

if you visit a scientilogy place... you will notice the bulk of the members, are young... and to all appearences... not wacked out..

in la... for example... there are very many.

but they dont take in the homeless with real issues... they dont go out and try and help these people... at all... NOT THAT I HAVE SEEN.. and i ask.

they cant... because dianetics... is for those with simple problems.
not for those with real problems... living on the streets right next to their fortress.

i went in there... saw their film.. and of course they tried to grab me... and get me interested...

but... i asked questions... difficult questions.. and they brushed me aside to their book store....

they dont want people who challange.. or who ask questions.

they want obediant workers.. and that is what they have.

to study scientology... there are 150 levels... and you can only progress by buying and studing the books... at 50 dollars a piece... 100's of books.

i have used the e-meter... great fun.


I think scientology does help people. I think it's best to help people help each other. You are right, it's important to help the homeless, but how can you help the homeless if you don't help the people who have jobs? You have to help people from top to bottom, not from the bottom up, because thats how you gain influence. Once Scientology has enough Tom Cruise type people, then they will have enough ability to help those who are poor.

By the way, scientology does help people who are poor, they do have free libraries, and they have a lot of volunteers who help. You can see what they do


Criminon—meaning “no crime”—is a criminal rehabilitation program in which inmates are participating in more than 1600 correctional facilities around the world.

Criminon addresses the underlying causes of criminality and provides a rehabilitation program for both juvenile and adult offenders so they learn the need for honest and moral behavior, as well as skills to lead a productive life in society.

Narconon drug rehabilitation and drug education is a secular social betterment program with highly effective results. It is a separate and autonomous charitable program that is independent of the churches of Scientology. It is supported by Scientologists around the world who volunteer their time and talents. The Narconon program is open to people of all races and creeds.

Applied Scholastics is a secular social betterment program, a separate and autonomous charitable program that is independent of the churches of Scientology. It is supported by Scientologists and others who volunteer their time and talents.

While religious leaders have long recognized that man’s spiritual well-being cannot be entirely divorced from temporal concerns, few churches have dedicated themselves so thoroughly to the cause of social reform as the churches of Scientology. Through their diligence and persistence, the churches are recognized by many as leading champions of human rights, one that involves itself in arenas wherever injustice has been perceived.

Really, they are like any other church.
yes they do help people....

but in a very specific and limited way....

those limits.... are the only problem as i see it.

they have the means to end homelessness in LA... but they dont.
