Between Two Extremes?


Valued Senior Member
Any internet forum is a microcosm of society at large, and as such it reflects what I see as two extremes in its attitudes to the supernatural.

On the one hand we have the religionists, still clinging to the mythologies of ancient history, and who believe in the soul, life after death, angels, Gods, etc. simply because this is what they have been taught in their youth, and they continue to enjoy it.

And on the other hand are the materialists, who believe there is nothing but matter/energy. All consciousness, thought and emotion are biochemical/electrical reactions in the meat brain, with no real basis for morality extending beyond one's small circle of relations, and no ultimate meaning or absolute human values. Born of random chance...ending in oblivion.

Most of the members on this site fall into these two extremes, without much middle ground in the vast and yawning chasm between them.

If you are one of those who falls somewhere in between...speak up!!!

Specifically, did you come to occupy the middle ground from one extreme or the other?

Did you arrive because of some personal experience?

Did you arrive by encountering compelling evidence, not personally experienced but read/heard about?

Or did you arrive strictly by reasoning and conjecture?
Not sure if I fall in between.

I think anything is possible.

I think there is a chance that it is nothing but absolute oblivion after life is over.

I think there is a chance it works just like SANDY says LMAO(ok a real small chance). Or any other religious person(muslim, sihk, hindu). Perhaps bits and pieces of them all or something bigger than any person has ever been able to describe.

The point is, I consider it possible we are in the playground of a Loving or Mad overlord whom may have even Moved On, or is a real jerk and really does only have a place for just the (144,000)circumcised Jews. Perhaps even other more advance life forms even created life on earth or tinkered with primates to make us.

Mostly I do reject much of the bible as "borrowed", not so say it is for sure ALL false, but the way it is presented, is.

Personally, if there is a God that has a problem with me pondering these things in the way I do....well then he can suck my tiny little balls.
Well as far as "afterlife" is concerned. Yes. I got it sorted out (i think) in my own mind and nothing else can be done about it(till I'm dead). I refuse to try a host of monkey-through-the-hoops tricks in order to "get to heaven". Like I have posted before i'm not sure I even would want to go to the same "heaven" as some Christians I have met.

After reading Nietzsche, I subscribe heavily to the idea of not living for any sort of "other worldly" dreams. Though it is one hell of a motivator for many, indeed useful to get people to play nice or at least beneficial to the group at that TIME. As time passes...of course things change and the rules change too(Nietzsche calls this "flux"). Religious people hate change, it drives them nuts. They gotta reform everything and modernize it and it is a pain in the ass for them.

My tag line is "more a Here and Now kind o'guy", because of Prison Break. My favorite character "T-Bag" said it after a kindly Indian doctor pleaded for his life(Tbag was about to kill him after he repaired his hand - can't trust no one - poor T-Bag). He pleaded with a kindly gesture "What about your soul, you put it in jeopardy by killing me". "more a Here and Now kind o'guy, Doc" was his reply.

Where I differ from TBag is, he can only see the "Self". He needs the Doc dead or he might get caught. That's it, but I do admire he was absolutely unfazed at the threat to his soul. Courage or Bravery, I don't know. For me it's "The Self +1". Sure I'm selfish, but I'm On Board with the rest of you bastards. We are in this together, I do think that. Perhaps only our life spans, between burping and farting or beyond that also. The +1 is to frustrate the math wizzes's something. Don't we all want to add....something('cept TBag and others like him)?

So i'm a Here and Now kind of guy. Let's make this life better FOR US. Not people or beings whom don't even visit us anymore..if they ever did.

I sometimes gaze up to the stars and see DEATH. A lot of people think most of them stars have zero LIFE in their vicinity. That makes me think wow...DEATH is winning. Most of the Universe is DEAD. I do believe maybe the Universe conspires against us, should we not conspire back?

So yeah I get a little pissed at things that divide us, especially ones that I feel are no longer necessary, like religion.
That makes me think wow...DEATH is winning. Most of the Universe is DEAD.

If astronomers can't see anything beyond our own solar system clearly

enough to determine whether or not life exists anywhere else how can you

make a statement like that without any proof? Many scientists believe that

life does exist elsewhere but that we haven't discovered it as yet.
Not sure there is an in-between. There is either a supernatuarl or there isn't. It seems like a binary condition of 0 or 1.
Not a question of middle ground between yes or no, but between archaic religion and modern materialism.