Betty Bowers explains abortion: God's all for it!

LMAO! Classic! If only I had had such a Sunday school teacher!
If only we all had that Sunday School Teacher, despite the heavy vulgarity what he teaches is the direct content of the old testament. So yeah lets keep this stuff away from the kids shall we?
I see little respect for creator God so far in this O P. Shame on you guys.

The God who creates all things perfect and for his pleasure you, --- just do not understand.

At least that is what I am told when I ask what pleasure God got out of creating these that are shown in this clip.


I see little respect for creator God so far in this O P. Shame on you guys.

The God who creates all things perfect and for his pleasure you, --- just do not understand.

At least that is what I am told when I ask what pleasure God got out of creating these that are shown in this clip.


Picasso painted distorted figures too.
And if you believe in Evolution these deformities are the result of evolution too.
It is hard to understand what goes wrong at times. Respect rather than ridicule wouldn't go unnoticed.
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I was thinking about the mothers and fathers who are unfortunate enough to have produced those un-viable offspring. If they watched that video they would feel like having been hit twice.

If Christians then they would say it was God's will as he created them that way.
God had a good reason for creating those. Perhaps he wanted to make someone suffer. He is good at that.

Was it king David's baby that God tortured for 7 days before finally killing it to punish it for what it's parent had done.

God does that a lot. He is a prick.

If Christians then they would say it was God's will as he created them that way.
God had a good reason for creating those. Perhaps he wanted to make someone suffer. He is good at that.

Was it king David's baby that God tortured for 7 days before finally killing it to punish it for what it's parent had done.

God does that a lot. He is a prick.

Are you any better?
Hell yes he is! Unless DL's a serial killer, I'm sure he's alot better than bible monster god. Aren't you?
The one i say that stumps most pastors is the verse John 1:17 New International Version
"For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." So if truth came by Jesus what was before that?

That to me states anything before Jesus is suspect for the truth came through Jesus. So don't tell me what happened in the OT, I might not believe it.
Are you any better?

If torturing and killing babies is the criteria, then most people will be more moral than the genocidal children murdering scum Christians follow.

If you are not better than that God, then you are no better than Satan because your God does way more evil than Satan.

Shall I get the quotes?

If torturing and killing babies is the criteria, then most people will be more moral than the genocidal children murdering scum Christians follow.

If you are not better than that God, then you are no better than Satan because your God does way more evil than Satan.

Shall I get the quotes?

The God I follow brought Grace and Truth to the Earth so why are you pulling the Lord Jesus down for the things the OT god did?
The God I follow brought Grace and Truth to the Earth so why are you pulling the Lord Jesus down for the things the OT god did?

Jesus believed in the God of the OT. He even claimed to be his only son. Chip off the ole block one might say..

Matt 23:33 “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?"
Do you do not believe in the Trinity?

How many God are spoken of in your bible?

Do you believe in the Trinity?
I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and they are the heads of my belief, but whether that means I believe in the Trinity I don't know. It is not a word that hasn't any meaning to me.
Do you believe in the Trinity?
I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and they are the heads of my belief, but whether that means I believe in the Trinity I don't know. It is not a word that hasn't any meaning to me.

So you have three Gods?
