Better God questions for all (concerning a with beginning kind)

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A question is not in "Does God exist?", but rather a better questionaire is as follows:

Should God exist at any point or Can God exist at any point? If you say yes to either, then why to that should or how to that can?

And plus, since dealing with a God Should Exist Reason or a God Can Exist Cause, which God do you think sounds better: A) a God which will do what it should or B) a God which will do what is can.

On a side note: No one teaches you "Do all you should do", but many teach you "Be all you can be". Though it is up to you to figure out any thing in wisdom.
Should God exist at any point or Can God exist at any point? If you say yes to either, then why to that should or how to that can?

The question of whether or not God should exist is illogical and irrelevant. There's no basis for an answer either way since we can't possibly know a world in which the other answer is true--ie, we can't know if the grass is greener on the other side.

Now, can he exist? Another question we obviously can't answer, but at least there may be some way to answer it in the distant future. As it is now, we've pushed God back from omnipotent being that punishes you for disloyal thoughts, to a potential that lies beyond the borders of the universe, so who is to say if we'll push him back so far that he can't possibly exist? Or maybe we'll push back so far that we find him? Who could say?

And plus, since dealing with a God Should Exist Reason or a God Can Exist Cause, which God do you think sounds better: A) a God which will do what it should or B) a God which will do what is can.

Neither sound all that appealing, actually. I have enough judges on earth, I really don't need one more.