bet your not expecting this for a first post


Registered Member
I want to talk about the creation of the universe. I got this idea, its like a matrix of continual divisional reduction Click here.

Now I know I'm not crazy, not yet any ways. I wrote a very simple program, no more then like 100 lines of code that I cannot explain (equations any ways), but it does exactly what the "example" above means. I got some images for you. This entire product is the outcome of 2 three digit numbers at 3 different levels.
click here
click here
click here

This one is of 2 larger numbers, I don't remember what they are. And it will at some point create an order like the above 3, its just this one is huge.
click here

Now my idea is that These images are of some of the smallest known things to exist, ie. the strings of super string theory. But because I cannot explain the math I use, in equation form, I cannot go any further with this, so I'll put it here.

'The idea'

I base the theory on a nothing matrix were any perceivable point is a chaotic number away from any other perceivable point. This can be done by boundary mathematics, and as such any point in nothing is already bounded by this, as simple as my username n = infinity, n0n (which I think is the nothing state, also I am thinking this would be an innumerable amount of multi verses before this one).

If a crossing of boundary occurs then this is what it would look like n0N0n, to accommodate multiple instances of nothing, the "n" becomes "N" as it is some definite number. Now this is an odd state because were there was once nothing, something has come, and is only a temporary state for the instant another bounded nothing is added the reduction to oblivion occurs Like in the example.

As nothing is truly infinite n0N0N0n, becomes a diversionary process, with 0 distance between the 2 different definite Numbers. And as such the values can reduce themselves to return all points into the original n0n, or nothing state. Only to begin again whenever it does, who knows when.

The thing about the images is the first 3 are distances of free logical movement, meaning it can move in any direction but must stay the exact length way from points on either side of it, and of course the movement in any direction must be relevant to its surroundings. I have thought of this also, how can a stilled image like so be a moving fluid universe, and explaining this explains inflation quiet accurately at the same time.

The moment when n0N0N0n, division occurs instantly, lets use some numbers for example. 1/9 = 0.111111n lets say that occurs at the speed of light in relative distance. now 1/9 isn't much to reduce so lets say we used 2 number that could be reduced. now as the initially instant takes off at 186,000 mps it was like pulling on a long rope, with all the reduction connected to it. Its not hard to test this, but really NASA needs to test this (in space) for true frictionless interaction to occur. I think one pull will send a continual reaction of pull, and even separate a pile of rolled up rope into free floating ness, until its turn to gradually shoot off at the speed of light (black holes?).

To me this makes sense, I'm a musician/ producer, and I do all my own stuff all by myself. Music is what inspired this idea like 3 years ago, here is some music for you too, if you like, its very unique stuff too,
Echo Control
It's pretty good to from what I hear. Well this is all for now, sorry about spelling and other nonsensical mistakes, tell me what you think, of the idea that is. Thanks.
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n0n said:
tell me what you think, of the idea that is. Thanks

I think it is very interesting it reminds me of a fractal or a snowflake. I do think that energy takes many forms and in its stored state it is finite. However trying to model what we can not observe with mathematics reminds me of what Albert Einstein once said and I quote.

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality. " Albert Einstein

As for the music if it is something you created I do not want to sound critical but here it goes. It seems to be a little too much techno with all the magical computer generated sound effects and it lacks expression. The vocals are monotone and rarely change key. This is only according to my taste, my favorite music is ACDC, Phil Collins, Tom Petty, Rolling Stones, Nirvana, Creed, Nickel Back just to name a few. What I am trying to say is, good music in my opinion is like I herd it described once during a radio interview with Phil Collins. He said that what he aimed for was the release of expression, going from a subtle voice to an energetic voice like in edge of knight I think that was the name of the song. Maybe I am getting old and the music I used to like is no longer popular. Techno to me is repetitive and lacks imagination even if the beat was derived from energetic acts of sex, and that is just a guess on my part, personally I do not care for it. I would guess that you are younger than I am so the music you like has allot more sound effects than clean original sound. I only wish to inspire and not to criticize.
Do you understand what A. Einstein is saying? I'm guessing you do, it takes some brain power to understand even what someone else is trying to say. My idea is most likely wrong, but the point is that something from nothing will explain all existence, but cannot be driven to an exact something (existence is far to infinite to be that accurate). This is why quantum is so loved, and why Einstein hated his creation of it (A. Einstein "God does not play dice"). Quantum describes "how" god plays dice, and I think my idea defines "why" god plays dice (Which was the only reason Einstein disowned Q). From the deepest point in human understanding there are reasons why we choose things, and quantum was the diagram of statistical randomness, If I'm right it becomes statistical chaos, and we can draw paths to discoveries in chaos.

Music is such a path in chaos to be only what you make of it. you have heard my song but have you even tried to understand what its saying?. I have created a new genre of music, give it a few more listens to soak in and discover the hidden structures that makes music great to listen too. I've listened to the music listed daily, how can I not, its on the radio 24/7. And some songs in the bands use the same beats as in tech, so don't forget, music is sex derived (why do birds sing?). I think you may have forgotten some of what makes music an art. Your parents did the same thing to your music I'm sure, cause mine did the same thing to the music I like, yea they liked some but not all.

My voice does suck, but I've only been singing for 3 months, but to say this song lacks imagination and expression is crazy.... How much more inspiration do you need to create a new genre with techniques and structures never even comprehended before and breaking all the rules and bounds in production.
A.Einstein "There are three types of knowledge, the first lays cold and dead in books, the second alive in the minds of man, and the third is the most essential kind". So ok, I'll still take your review in and work on my vox, as for my structure and expression musically I don't think I need to work on, I'm bringing stuff to the table that will change the way music is done, and its portraying exactly what I've come to love about music old and new, breaking new boundaries is what its all about.
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Music isn't chaotic. I just mention this however I might of misinterpretted you. If you were to look at a musical score you would see it to be mathematical in implimentation, the overall composure is non-chaotic and rythmic, if music was just a cacophony of randomised chaotic sounds, I'm sure most wouldn't find it very enjoyable or listenable (Apart from if you had been an Artisan like Warhol)

I know it's one of the many things that Artists tend to try and percieve on occasion, for instance is it them that creates the artwork, or the causality in nature where a gallery hangs their piece and a world of people view it generating not just the reason for why it exists but for how it looks as a piece.
n0n said:
Do you understand what A. Einstein is saying? I'm guessing you do, it takes some brain power to understand even what someone else is trying to say. My idea is most likely wrong, but the point is that something from nothing will explain all existence, but cannot be driven to an exact something (existence is far to infinite to be that accurate). .

All existence is attributed to energy.

n0n said:
I think you may have forgotten some of what makes music an art. Your parents did the same thing to your music I'm sure, cause mine did the same thing to the music I like, yea they liked some but not all.

My voice does suck, but I've only been singing for 3 months, but to say this song lacks imagination and expression is crazy.....

You are correct I was wrong. You are very creative and you are using your imagination and your music contains plenty of expression.

n0n said:
How much more inspiration do you need to create a new genre with techniques and structures never even comprehended before and breaking all the rules and bounds in production. .....

I am an inventor and not everyone likes what I invent. What will bring success is an unwavering devotion to your dream. Do not ever give up. Always try to improve.

n0n said:
A.Einstein "There are three types of knowledge, the first lays cold and dead in books, the second alive in the minds of man, and the third is the most essential kind". So ok, I'll still take your review in and work on my vox, as for my structure and expression musically I don't think I need to work on, I'm bringing stuff to the table that will change the way music is done, and its portraying exactly what I've come to love about music old and new, breaking new boundaries is what its all about.

I only wish I had your talents for I to would try to do the same.
Stryder, I like the argument you bring. But I wonder, do you think chaos and random are the same? If you listen to the final product music is far from chaos, or rather just a lesser version of infinite complexity. But if you look at how a song is written, and what a musician play's in practice as one long musical event till the day they die, then the chaos is very apparent. Like Echo Control, is just a short part of my life, but to others there might be an order they cannot control to it (who knows,I think it would be a first for my music thou I don't really show many people what I write, I don't see how unless I started to promote a cd).

Here is what I think chaos means (If I'm wrong please correct me, anyone). Chaos is chaos because it has something logical to fall back on, and what ever that logic was affects what will come. Randomness doesn't have anything to fall back on, so whatever did happen wont make a difference to what comes next.

Music isn't infinite complexity like pi is (pi is mathematical chaos, and amounts to white noise musically, with 0 musical properties), but is instead a lesser version so we can understand it as people (like fractals, also infinite in complexity but sense it uses less complex math the complexities are more pattern based, altho Don't take my word for it cause I don't know if there has ever been an established link to chaos/patterns via size of the equation).

Stryder said:
I know it's one of the many things that Artists tend to try and percieve on occasion, for instance is it them that creates the artwork, or the causality in nature where a gallery hangs their piece and a world of people view it generating not just the reason for why it exists but for how it looks as a piece.

To be honest I have never thought about this. I'm going to tonight.

Thanks Stryder and Starman.

btw. Starman what do you invent?
n0n said:
btw. Starman what do you invent?

I have patents on Alarm Systems, Waterbed Sheets, a Display System for the Automotive Retail Industry. I want to get a degree in physics and work to join GRT and QMT. I also want to write comedy. Strange isn't it.
Hehe, well when you get your degree in physics and join GRT/QMT dont forget my idea, see if it fits ;) .
math was never one of my strong suits, nor was attention span, can anyone sum this up for the people like me?
nothing = something and vise versa. And I guess its really saying existance is a forver occuring event. Hmm..
0 + 0 = a measurable distance between both 0's..
0 + 0 + 0 = a ratio of 2 mesurable distances(same as division) and reduction back to a single 0 . But you see, if you do division long handed you end up with a series of numbers that can be interpolated and divided again and reduced again. And its all at perfect midpoint to both infinite and finite states.