Best and worst days

Pollux V

Ra Bless America
Registered Senior Member
My best day that I can think of:

While on the cruise, I had a first-class room, so there was a balcony. The heat and humidity were unbelievable but I quickly got used to it, so I would spend a great deal of time outside watching the ocean fly by, rippling under the sun. I brought two books with me, Speaker for the Dead and Shadow of The Hegemon, both by Orson Scott Card. Reading Speaker while sipping a coke 'on-the-rocks:D' near the Yucatan Peninsula was very pleasureable indeed.

My worst day I can think of:

At school, on top of mounting pressure to finish an english paper after the deadline (it's this stupid beurocratic system we have here, called portfolios, various projects that not only have to get good grades but must 'meet the standard.' If they don't meet the standard then we don't graduate. Trouble is, every porftfolio piece I worked on in English my teacher apparently lost, so that kinda puts me in the screwhole:() I went to lunch, after forgetting money, and had to purchase a crappy one with a ticket. While nabbing some silverware, I spilled the food all over my pants.

Also, on the day of the science fair in eighth grade I had
  • A crappy project that I knew nothing about
  • A poster that I had thrown together the night before
  • A project that didn't work

So, when I got to school after having a tooth pulled I could hardly muffle a word to anyone, my teacher screamed at me for having a bad project (which I kinda deseved...I was more of a slacker in elementary school:D), which lead me to actually create a good poster while everyone else was setting up theirs, the teacher and I wary of each others anger and not really speaking to each other.

So howsabout you 'people?'
1.) Best Day, everyday I've experienced true happiness, every day I've experienced ture awareness and everday that I've experienced true beauty and realized it.

2.) A day where I was made fun of the whole day, outcast by my friends, and furthermore unprotected from the tauntings by them. Plus all of them where on the side of this asshole that made the most peircing jokes, and she (the proverbiale she)...she loved him then.

Maybe my best day could be set out and said, and I could have written about my worst day differently..but that sounded deeper ;)