Beslan Memorial


Valued Senior Member
It's been 5 years since the Beslan Massacre where 334 hostages were killed, including 186 children. I saw a truck bomb went off today.




People suck.
It's been 5 years since the Beslan Massacre where 334 hostages were killed, including 186 children. I saw a truck bomb went off today.




People suck.

True muslims carrying out the call of the accursed muhammed to bring terror to the infidels.

Not only did they blow the children up and gun down ones fleeing who where fortunate enough to survive the explosions, they denied the little ones water for days. They did their best to inflict suffering on the children before they killed them.

That is the way of true islam

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar, we dont need a third Pope Alexander II.

LOL i had to spend some time looking up the guy "Pope Alexander II" to try and figure out what relation he had to my post.

I can assume the significance of the guy in your mind is that he called for the crusade that drove the muslims from Spain????

If that is the correlation your driving at then i cannot agree with you. I have not called for any crusade against anyone. My post never called for any violence at all. My post was commenting on the modern instance of jihad carried out in beslan.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
True Islam?
Maybe true 6th century Islam, which is basically Christianity.

True Islam is anything we want it to be - we made it up after-all.

Anyway, this was such an evil act perpetrated by Monotheistical Fundamentalists we shouldn't forget and should remember it.
True Islam?
Maybe true 6th century Islam, which is basically Christianity.

The original islam is the true islam because it is the islam established by muhammed. Any changes since then are the input of false muslims or half hearted muslims. The acts of these muslims in beslan shows they returned to the true path of the original islam.

True Islam is anything we want it to be - we made it up after-all.

No ture islam is what muhammed established it as during his life.

And 6th centrury islam is not Christianity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days