Bermuda Triangle


Registered Senior Member
What do U know about the Bermuda Triangle???

Is it a portal to the UFOS???

Why are planes and boats missing there???

Is there an alien city down there???

Maybe it's a secret base of the Government???

Please answer me as soon as possible!!!
uh, no.

Ever hear of something called METHANE HYDRATES? It's pretty convincing that this "newly" found compound, when released in large amounts into the water from the sea-floor, can cause alot of instability to aircraft and boats alike.

Charles Berlitz makes a living selling his books and publications, we all have to remember that.
Who is Charles Berlitz????
And I still don't know very much what is the Atlantis!!!
Berlitz is an author who likes to exploit the mysteries of the bermuda triangle with publications chock-full of unbacked rumors, old stories and spook-tactics. Alot of his claims have been refuted, proving again that the triangle sells! I think one of his soft-covers was a top-seller back in the day.
Methane hydrates are a good and proven theory on what could sink ships. However this would have to happen all over the world and not in just one particular area. because the release of this gas is relevent all over the world, so there has to be an other way to explain the mysteries of the triangle.
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hey gil :)
might be an opening and closing time distortion created by a re-accuring vairiable magnetic wave intersection
making sudden servere weather or time shifting
or maybe even transportation or space/time folding.

the magnetic feilds of the earth seem to have FAR TOO LITTLE info on them from any govt research institution.

i dont know why it has not been surveyed by any major research institute on a yearly basis....?

it seems like no govt wants to know about it!!!
kinda weird considering military aircraft have just dissapeard and some have dissapeared and then re-apeared with time distortions/missing time being reported by the pilots as a weird journy or some other type of weird thing.

ill keep an ear out for www sites :D
question = have you been tripping before?
if so then you should understand what an electro magnetic feild feels and tastes like (maybe)
i wonder if any of the people who have been through there have the ability to percieve these type of things?
i also wonder if the earths magnetic feild is a different type of magnetism? (i might pursue that thought) !

groove on
did you know that you can take any well travled area of the ocean as large as the triangle and you get a compareable number of boats/ plains missing. But that in no way rules out the fact that adlantis itself is sunk in the triangle and as we all know it was a space port city and its automatic landing beacons that were so well constructed are still guiding ships and planes to the landing pad ... witch incedentaly is now at the bottom of the sea.
Nope, I don't think so

Woah, hold on Kaaras, your theory doesn't account for the interdimentional portal that leads the the homeworld of the reptilians, if you are going to let a thing like that slip through your reasoning, you had better think things through a little more!
Hang on a sec ...

<b>Mystech</b> and <b>Kaaras</b>, how about this?

Ever heard of the art of misdirection? Consider a magician as he preoccupies you with his sleight of hand tricks, while at the same time, kifing your watch. He misdirects with his one hand, while his other takes what he's really after. The thing with magicians, though, is that they'll return your watch. The thing with the Bermuda Triangle, though, is that it is <i>not</i> the focal point for strange events.

The Bermuda Triangle, after gaining unheard-of fame and tourism spots due to the disappearance of five fighter planes, has gradually become the most potent source of misdirection. As Kaaras said, planes and boats get lost elsewhere in the ocean, but precisely because the Triangle conjures in the imagination the idea of a hidden Atlantis or some supernatural force residing within its angular formations, people will look <i>to</i> the Triangle ... and <i>ignore</i> information that comes elsewhere. The Triangle is the veritable Black Hole of supernatural phenomena--it swallows up and eclipses all other dubious reports of interdimensional news precisely because it was <i>intended</i> to.

The funny thing about the Triangle, though, is its double-redundancy factor. The Triangle <i>draws</i> information and sources and supernatural researchers to its site in order to find or confirm sitings and other such phenomena, yet at the same time it draws <i>away</i> those same researchers from the <b>right</b> locations. So, though a legitimate siting may yet be discovered over <b>here</b>, because of the pulling, enigmatic power of the Triangle, validators are directed to the Triangle over <b>there</b>. The d-r factor comes into play in this case, because, once researchers realize their mistake, they will completely abandon the Bermuda Triangle and will, instead, search all paranormal phenomena where the Bermuda Triangle is <i>NOT</i>. The seeders of the theory of the Triangle were, indeed, intelligent. By eventually drawing attention away from the Triangle, the Triangle will eventually become the focal point of all legitimate paranormal experiences. Sort of like the boy that cries wolf. Cry wolf, the villagers come running, but there's no wolf. Cry wolf long enough, the villagers will stop running, but the poor little boy will be confronted by an actual wolf!

Kaaras may be right on Atlantis, though. The coral system within the parameters of the Triangle is undergoing a sloughing period most likely, which, given the time it will probably take for researchers to become completely fed up with the lack of validation from the Triangle and move to other areas, may mean that Atlantis will be reborn. But I'm not sure about this last part.
hey prag.. :)
just like area 51...maybe :)

the real deal will be in your corn meal,
and orange peel,
your computer wheel,
u know... the day-ly deal
not spinning on-an electromagnetic kathrine wheel.
if all could see as life just is...
then we would not be in such a fizz!
so let us call a ghost a stick,
and beat our neighbour,
till blood runs thick...
so all can make sence-
of none of it!

& thus the media thives.....
like mental illness spawned by 'tales of wifes'

riple-oet 2001
The Tooth Fairy

The lost planes are no longer missing. They were found where they ran out of fuel on the bottom of the ocean. I disremember where I read it, but I think Plato made notes to Atlantis being around England. The Bermuda Triangle lays in an area that until modren aircraft were developed, (with longer flight times) it was easy to lose your way and run out of fuel. Ships go down all the time. If you haven't been on the ocean it's hard to understand the force that gales and fronts can develop over open ocean. Take a craft that has any kind of trouble and there are not going to get help as soon as they need it if at all. The triangle covers such a large area that it is easy to lose something even if you thought you knew where it is/was. The public loves a mystery, especially one that can be attached to the unknown. TV folks have thrived on it for years. Building out of it things that simply aren't there. Good salesmanship rakes in the profits. This inspires at a later date to do a sequel or an update for more money and ratings.
I know that this will be poopooed to death by the believers, that's ok. But check yourself while you're at it, Do you believe in the tooth fairy, too?
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and people who said the world is round were sent to prison :/
but now we can truely discuss things openly ..
with out abuse- to look at 'a few' of the many sides.
the biggest bermuda triangle i know sits between my ears :D
groove on