Bermuda Triangle Show


free thinker
Registered Senior Member
if anyone caught the bermuda triangle show on discovery last night, i would like to discuss how cheap and stupid the show was.

first of all, the entire show was focused around trying to duplicate situtations they *THINK* may cause the dissapearances. this means they are already starting a procedure based on an assumption.

they continue to fiddle with Gas theories and huge Gas Bubbles- yet no where in the show did i see any graphical analysis of any ocean area.

i think the show was biased in a way.

this is what should have been presented in the show:

a) physical graph topology with indications of dissapearances marked (showing concentration)
b) magnetic analysis of areas
c) x-ray analysis of areas
d) thermal analysis of areas
e) gravitational analysis of areas

with these done first, educated guesses can then be brought forward as to go into further detail.

instead of trying to sink a (miniturized) ship with a huge Methane Gas Bubble, and then perpetuating that theory into saying the gas in the air is what made the Planes malfunction also- is irrational. especially when theres NO EVIDENCE OF THE SHIPS/PLANES in the water.

why cant scientist embrace the unknown ? after they accept it, perhaps then they can prove it. and perhaps then we can DO IT.

just a thought
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They should test the theory of the bermuda triangle "Mythbusters" style with some explosions. I purposely didn't watch that Bermuda triangle show because I don't believe in the Bermuda triangle. I've never seen or read anything about the Bermuda Triangle that directly compares the amount of ship wrecks and disapearances to any other similar sized portion of the ocean.