Benny Hinn

A few years back HBO did a special on Benny ...
They followed his circus act for a whole year
while he claimed He was healing people and performing miracles
They could not validate one single claim....

The real kicker was they aired it on easter sunday
the religous fanatics went nuts ...
I beleive they started a lawsuit over it.....

Man I wish I could get a copy of that show...
I always regreted not recording it ....
Boss Foxx said:
Is this guy anything like that Peter Popoff character?

Pretty close! Peter Popoff specializes in holy water that can perform miracles fo you...apparently from the "holy land" ( or most likely water he scooped outta the toilet bowl:)

How about Jack Van Impe and his wife Rexella...Actually I used to watch that guy a lot and half believed at one time a lot of his b/s. He never can get scientific facts says there are 100 million stars in the milky way galaxy..more like ( latest est from hubble) 200 billion +., or that that the cluster formations of galaxies represent the walls of heaven...more like clustering is due to gravitational forces.

He specialises is selling the same old videos of end time prophecies, re-hashed and repackaged.

Anyone else seen Jack and his Armani suits and silk ties?


Yeah, Benny Hinn was always good for a laugh!
In my opinion, I don't believe in the devil exactly, but I think that if the devil DID exist, Benny Hinn is it! Seriously.
oh no, was that an endoresement of Benny hinn??? q0101????? :eek:

maybe one or two of you will be able to see the wolf in sheeps clothing that this man is:

benny hinn or ben Hinnom?

2 Chronicles 28:1-3 (NIV) Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem sixteen years. Unlike David his father, he did not do what was right in the eyes of the LORD. 2 He walked in the ways of the kings of Israel and also made cast idols for worshiping the Baals. 3 He burned sacrifices in the Valley of Ben Hinnom and sacrificed his sons in the fire, following the detestable ways of the nations the LORD had driven out before the Israelites.

2 Chronicles 33:1-6 (NIV) Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty-five years. 2 He did evil in the eyes of the LORD, following the detestable practices of the nations the LORD had driven out before the Israelites. 3 He rebuilt the high places his father Hezekiah had demolished; he also erected altars to the Baals and made Asherah poles. He bowed down to all the starry hosts and worshiped them. 4 He built altars in the temple of the LORD, of which the LORD had said, "My Name will remain in Jerusalem forever." 5 In both courts of the temple of the LORD, he built altars to all the starry hosts. 6 He sacrificed his sons in the fire in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, practiced sorcery, divination and witchcraft, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the LORD, provoking him to anger.

baal to whom children were sacrificed by passing them through the fire:

Another ritual was child sacrifice. A fire was lit inside a metal idol, heated until the idol was extremely hot, and then a baby would be placed in the arms of the idol or slid inside the idol and burned to death. (I once came across a source that said that the people would sing religious hymns very loudly at this point to drown out the baby's screams. I can't find that reference so I can't vouch for its reliability.) This was supposed to be an act of adoration to their god: they sacrificed the thing most valuable to them in the world -- their children -- to the god.

is it any wonder that we have Benny Hinn say:

Hinn growling in tongues and growling says “Fire on you and your ministry. bring those preachers, bring those preachers, bring those preachers, bring those preachers, My God .FIRE , FIRE, FIRE, FIRE, FIRE on you. Bring Paul Crouch here, Kent get up here Kent get up here (this is all done in an foreign voice not his own ) My God fire on you Paul , FIRE. Fire on you Kent fire, pick up Kent FIRE (tongue) fire pick him up fire on ya, pick Paul up, pick Paul up (Hin s now become very agitated in his ordering the catchers) fire that’s fire on ya paul, that’s fire on ya, that’s FIRE on Kent, that’s FIRE on ya my (preacher bunch) get ____over here lift your hands play in the holy ghost. that’s fire on Tim, come’re come’re come’re (Hinn now is in ecstatic pain) , fire on ya,( he growls in pain) come’re Mr.___come’re growls fire on ya, (whispers the fire presence is here) growling argh, FIRE on ya, Crusade shown on TBN with Paul and Jan Crouch Sept. 13 1999) Clearly Hinn on the video is completely out of control and trying to pass on this power that is on him.
hyperqube said:
oh no, was that an endoresement of Benny hinn??? q0101????? :eek:

I’m not endorsing him. The documentary in the link will show you how he operates behind the scenes. As I said in my original post, he is one of the most successful con men in the world.
q0101 said:
I’m not endorsing him. The documentary in the link will show you how he operates behind the scenes. As I said in my original post, he is one of the most successful con men in the world.

M*W: What turns me off is the comb-over hair. That proves he's not an honest man!
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: What turns me off is the comb-over hair. That proves he's not an honest man!
Of course, the correlation between baldness and evil has been proven repeatedly!
Zephyr said:
Of course, the correlation between baldness and evil has been proven repeatedly!

M*W: You know, you're right! Just look at all those bad guys in film -- they're bald! Actually, I think bald men are kinda cute. (Maybe that's my age talking!). Or, maybe, I just have a peeve about christians with hair! Just look at Jan Crouch! My god! They showed footage of Jan in Rome and her wig almost blew off! Why do "christian" women like that get-up? She's had so much plastic surgery she could be confused with a recycling company. Even her big bouffant blonde wigs are synthetic plastic and not human hair! Do christian women really believe this is what believers look like? Look at Tammy Faye, all that wasted mascara! That's why they accept donations. It's to pay for her crying lying eyes! From the Pope on down, christians are big fat liars. Maybe I should write a screenplay about "My Big Fat Lying Religion."

My theory is, the more mascara they have on, the more they cry. I liked it when it was on Alice Cooper and Kiss, but sticking religion into it, crying and mascara don't mix.
Boss Foxx said:
Is this guy anything like that Peter Popoff character?
Peter Popoff was busted by CSICOP about twenty years ago. They sneaked into the auditorium with a tiny radio scanner and discovered his wife reading to him through a tiny receiver from the information cards that the attendees so helpfully filled out on their way in.

The person on the stage would identify herself as Ima Duntz and after a short pause filled with holy gestures he'd say something like, "Ima, Jesus tells me that when you get to heaven he'll be waiting at the gate with a big platter of macaroni and cheese because he knows you love it. He also says that God wants me to rid you of your back pain because he loves you. Do you have back pain, Ima?"

It's a tribute to the accuracy of the self-selection mechanism for attendance at these revivals that absolutely no one ever said, "Hey didn't I write that on the little card the nice man at the door handed me?"

He was excoriated, run off of his TV show. And two years later he was back, with many of the same congregants, doing pretty much the same stuff.

People love these guys and don't want to be distracted by the facts.

CSICOP is the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. James Randi used to be affiliated with it but when the charlatans he exposed right and left started suing the organization in addition to him, he had to separate to keep it from being sidetracked by the constant court battles.

Randi is a stage magician and the tricks used by faith healers, mediums, palm readers, water dowsers, coal walkers, spoon benders, and the lot are simply the stock in trade of stage magicians. A mix of science (anyone can walk on hot coals if they do it fast enough because the heat transfer is very slow), cold reading (a person with good "people skills" can guess an awful lot about you by the way you act, dress, talk, etc.), technology (the radio transmitter behind the stage), optical illusions, the power of suggestion, and the rest of it.

Some use it to help people who are comfortable with the trappings and wouldn't go to a conventional psychotherapist or financial counselor, like many astrologers and curanderos. Some use it for entertainment but don't mind fooling the gullible, like TV "wrestlers." Some get off on the ego trip of acquiring a cult of iconoclastic mystery, like a few controversial figures who might sue me if I named them.

Others take advantage of people's religious convictions and use their donations to buy fancy houses and cars. My wife says that for these people, the televangelists and their helpers with the alien hairdos are their family, and when they see them wearing new dresses they bought with the money they sent them, they feel a sense of pride and accomplishment that they can't get from anything else in life. Sometimes her insights into human nature and the gracious way she makes peace with stuff like this are so humbling to me.
James Randi worked for the BBC a while back, filming a documentary on Benny Hinn. They had some very damning footage and their story would have had a detrimental effect on Hinn's corporate bottom line had the BBC documentary crew not caved to the threat of lawsuits and released a washed version. Randi was on record as having been very disappointed and revealed much of what was left out in a recent interview on the Point of Inquiry podcast.