Believers, alien would support...


Registered Senior Member
... a God more than disproving it.

I read in many places where believers claim that in all the Universe there is only one place where there is life, and that finding that will support a God, I think that it is quite the opposit, it will support that life on Earth is a simple accident, while on the other hand finding that there is life elswhere would support that there is life because this Universe laws are made in a way that life and the possibility of conscienceness is possible. That would support more the existance of some sort of God than disproving it, because we could not view humanity as a simple accident when we know that life is an innevitable thing.

I do not want attacks here, because I neither believe or disbelieve that existance of a form of god, even if my conception may be different if one day I may believe a form, because a kind of "Universe" god, where we are a part of it sound for me a better possibility, but I am open to any theories in that matter.
I think I disagree with you. I see what you're saying, but I think the argument is stronger the other way around. I'm pretty sure the Bible doesn't say anything about God creating other planets or worlds or universes or whatever. So from a strictly Christian point of view, this is it, the only planet with life because this is all that we know God created. Therefore, finding proof that we are the only life in the universe would credit what the Bible says, supporting God's existence.

On the other hand, finding proof of other life out there could either do the opposite, because we were never told about other life from God so that somewhat discredits God's existence. Or it could also do what you're saying and prove that something put us here and put other things here as well because we're not just some random accident anymore. I still think the argument you're not arguing (hehe) is stronger, though.

I don't believe in God because one of the problems I've always had with Christianity is that the Bible is so vague, especially on issues like this. If God was so smart, then why wouldn't he realize that people with a questioning spirit would take one look at what he gave us to believe with and try to fill in the gaps, along the way discrediting his existence?

That would support more the existance of some sort of God than disproving it, because we could not view humanity as a simple accident when we know that life is an innevitable thing.

That's interesting to think about.
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The possibility of life elsewhere or the possibility of multiple universes was dismissed by the early Catholic church because they couldn't deal with the implications. For example, would multiple worlds also mean that there were multiple Jesuses, etc. - these are the questions they asked themselves. So the theory was discarded as inconvenient.

If you remember, "the heretic"Giordano Bruno believed in multiple universes.
You probably know what price he paid for that.
Yes ! You guys are right, but when I refered to believers, I meant the belief of a God, not religion in particular, its funny how the support of a God will dismiss religion in this cases.
Have you ever heard of the anthropomorphic principle? Both finding life and not finding life mean nothing to the debate "Does God exist?"

Simply put: If things were not so "perfectly planned" for life to exist, life wouldn't be here on sciforums saying "Wow, we exist!"

If we find life elsewhere, why would that support God? In nature, across thousands of different species, eyes have evolved in a very similar manner. Even when there was no link between the species by any means. It's not a far stretch then to think that if the rules of the universe let us evolve, then they'll let other species on other planets evolve too.