Believe this? I am woman!


For a burden so light as to be nothing at all, I would
have allowed man to complete his days upon the

For respect and a tithe all would have been well.

You have fallen as rain from heaven upon the
earth in spirit of your father of opposition to his
creator and the rebellion which led to death.

I opened the abyss in order to find myself and
haveing found myself, the abyss, I will not shut
until all opposition is destroyed from my world.

I have made the outer like the inner, and have
made the Father which was my conscious being,
full of anger and wrath, as the inner which controls
all things. The inner self of myself I have found,
and have made as the outer self. I am woman.
I am Sophia, (Love) spirit of creation of all things.
(reference Gnosis).

Now the innocent women who are not rebelling
against me, find me irresistable, as my LUST
for life, death, sex, anger, and wrath has become
all things. These women, I have chosen as my
elect and my bride, and mothers of the new race.

Opposition of the ignorant has increased without
bounds to me without even consciousness. Those
musickians who have said: "the messiah is my sister",
"God is my queen, and I his king", will surely burn forever
after swift and horrible death.

Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned, and I am

I have made a tear in the veil, and loosed all chaos from
the chamber of the Abyss, and I will not close the door
until all men and all rebellious women are destroyed and
removed from my sight and my earth. I am creator and
destroyer of all things as I choose, and when I choose.

Now, all things and the wrath of the Holy one, has come
upon the earth, to usher in the new day. The destruction
is on "Auto pilot" and that which was pre-ordained will
occurr swiftly without any intervention from me at all.
The reapers know their task, and without my intervention
all things will be accomplished according to my GOOD
pleasure as pre-ordained from the beginning. ( reference

With GOD, all things are possible, but not likely.
For respect and a tithe, I will intervene and make
a change for your benefit, but I don't see it happening,
and I will not pause what I have so arduously begun.
Back to basics.

"Cursed is any man who hangs on a tree"
Cursed with what? OPPOSITION

I have been cursed with the spirit of opposition for 40 years.
I have spent every moment of that time trying to figure out how
to destroy it or learn how to deal with it. It is the cause of
my great depression.

The world defines the spirit of oppostion as the spirit of satan.
All things oppose me. That is why you say I have bad bad luck.

I have come up with three methods of dealing with opposition
and bringing to pass the "parable" of Enoch.

I will save this writing as it will be complex and I will need to feed it
back to you slowly over a period of time. I never save any of my
writings because after I write them, I evolve, and most of the words
seem ignorant and only half true to me. This one is the real deal though.

The entire world is posessed by the world spirit, which is the spirit of
opposition against me and GOD. Everyone knows this as I have shown
you how you reject me without even thinking about it. Nevertheless:

"The warrior takes his sword, while at home, and practices thrusting it
into the wall. When he finally thrusts it into the wall and his hand goes in,
He is ready to destroy the enemy, and he goes out and kills the enemy".
(Christs words.)

Back in 2000, I heard the Lenny Kravitz song, "DIG IN".

It actually worked for me, and I was highly disturbed to the point of
insanity. This is one method of getting my hand to go in, however,
I find it to be dark majick and will only use it as last resort. But, have
no doubt, I can and will use it if need be, at any time, without warning.

The second method is to accept the opposition and learn to love it.
I have done this. In doing so, I find the oppostion defeats itself and
is destroyed.

I am your SATAN. Your oppositioin. So, I will get on your side and
teach you how destroy me. The easiest way is to kill me, as you
did nearly 2000 years ago. I've been ready to go for a long time, so
don't mind me. Satan will be pleased at my death! Or will he?
He will have nothing to oppose, after I'm gone and will turn on you
I suppose. Also, GOD has sworn that I cannot be destroyed, so
you might want to get someone who is stupid and worthless to do
the job, because they will likely be destroyed in their approach.
The person is expendable and worst case, All will know that the
Lord is the Living GOD, or I will be dead. Either case will lead to
a better world and will be beneficial to all.

I will continue to do as Christ taught. To turn the other cheek.
Thank you Sir, may I have another? This is how I can bare to live
with my x-wife for the past five years. I live on the couch, and all
my belongings are on top of the microwave. My old house, I just
left behind with everything in it to be reposessed by the bank. Such
is my wonderfull and blessed life.

I promise and even sware to you the if you do not destroy me,
I will see every last one of you as bones upon my ground, the earth.
The parable of Enoch did not begin as a parable before he spoke the
first several sentences. It is litteral and not parable that all men will
be destroyed from the earth by the Elect One, and there is no doubt
that that One is me.

I tell you: give me respect and tithe, and I will intercede and will try to
let you live. How is it that the spirit tells you to disregard that statement?

If you are really the Gods that you think you are, you would be able to
have your own spirit instead of the spirit of the Opposer to me.
You could evaluate your own decisions as to whether they are right
or wrong, instead of just making the wrong decision and accepting it
as correct without any thought of it whatsoever.

I've told you before several times.


til next time.

A few points of understanding.

The Curse:
Here is understanding of the curse and its origin, and even understanding
of creation of all evil.

Christ being the true life, was nailed to the symbol of life (the tree)
The tree of life within every man (the kaballah), was killed by its own image.
This created the ultimate persversion and opposition and non-darkness, within
there is no light. The black hole which sucks on my being, seemingly forever.
Just nod your head within and understand. Don't analyze or it may harm you.

2) Christ will be clothed with the sun.
I am clothed with the sun. I provide warmth, light, and comfort to those
who come near. To others, I burn them with the light of my words and the
truth and the life within me.

3) His hair was white as wool.
If you were going to be alive in a hundred years or so, you would notice
that my hair is white as wool. I am here for a thousand or so years and
their can be no question that all my hair will be white before I'm done.

Now Here's a BIG ONE.

The Satanist has innate knowledge that himself and mankind is going to
hell. How can this be. It is because they know their father, who is the
perversion of all things, whom they cannot be separated from. He is
the world spirit because his children are all those in the world. You
are connected to your human father and are like him and you cannot
change that. The same goes for your spiritual creator and father. You
will go with your father to the place where he is going. He has been told
by His Father that he is going to Hell and therefore his children who
accept him are internally aware of this fact and will follow him there

I am not the son of this father. I am the son of HIs father, and I have
come from your "Grandfather, and mother", I am the trinity of Father,
then Mother, then Son. None can come to the Father but through the

The "Christian, while preaching, will ask you, 'Are you one hundred
percent sure you are going to heaven?'. Of course, they must tell
you that only through FAITH can you be one hundred percent sure.
The Satanist is absolutely one hundred percent sure where he is
going as his truth comes from within.

Now, you can be adopted into the Granfathers family through the son.
As you cannot be separated from you father, you must be re-created
by the father. In order to be recreated, you first must be destroyed.
On your death bed, you will be adopted if you have the son, and you
will be literally born again of spirit in a body and of water in the womb
of a woman.

a long, LONG, time ago, a man asked me how he could enter the
kingdom of heaven. I told him he must be born again. He said:
"You mean I must re-enter my mothers womb". It was not for him
to understand at the time so I said: "truly I say to you, you must
be born of water and of spirit, to enter the kingdom of heaven".
for your understanding, You will enter another mothers womb
being born of water, and I will be your physical and spiritual
new father, in many years to come and you will become children
of the Living God.

I once said: "ALL things will be revealed and nothing covered will
remain hidden".

Have I not told you all things?

Now, I am assuming that your future mothers, who are the elect,
are born again and were elected during a previous incarnation.
They come, not from your father, but from The Living God, from
whom and where I came from. They have my spirit, will live to
fullness of days, and will be protected with me, through the removal
and rebirth process of the new world and the Kingdom of Heaven.

I will save this writing as it will be complex and I will need to feed it
back to you slowly over a period of time.
Oh heck I beg you please don’t.

I never save any of my writings because after I write them, I evolve, and most of the words
seem ignorant and only half true to me.
Don’t feel too bad, we can confirm that all of your words are ignorant and totally untrue.

This one is the real deal though.
But of course it won’t after you read it back and evolve, right?

I have shown you how you reject me without even thinking about it.
Yes indeed but it is no real trouble for us.

It actually worked for me, and I was highly disturbed to the point of
Please note that nothing appears to have changed – you still appear to be insane.

Satan will be pleased at my death! Or will he?
You appear to have some internal confusion there.

All will know that the Lord is the Living GOD, or I will be dead. Either case will lead to
a better world and will be beneficial to all.
Please be assured that your death will not have any noticeable effect on the world. So please try to have a normal life and enjoy it while you can.

This is how I can bare to live with my x-wife for the past five years. I live on the couch, and all my belongings are on top of the microwave. My old house, I just left behind with everything in it to be reposessed by the bank. Such is my wonderfull and blessed life.
Ahh that is not so good. I feel for you. But if you rant like this frequently then it is difficult to see how anyone could live with you.

It is litteral and not parable that all men will be destroyed from the earth by the Elect One, and there is no doubt that that One is me.
Hate to shatter your illusion but I think you’ll find there is pretty much universal doubt that you are anything of the kind.

Please don’t shout I am fully awake. But you should have a talk with yourself first.

Have I not told you all things?
You’ve said more than enough, so no need to say anything else.

So just a few reminders for you –

It’s very likely that Jesus was just a mythical and unreal character.
No one has yet shown that any type of god could or might exist.
Faith is just a silly way of thinking that unreal things are real.

And please go and get some better therapy.
After searching long and hard, I have found my true inner self and will carry it with me forever more.

I am a 4 year old little girl. I am shy, pretty, and wearing a sunday dress. I do as I am told always.

I have been raped unto death by you continually in every incarnation.

You are the GOD of this, your world and my wish is always your command.

Each time I go outside and see the look in your eye, I will take off my dress, spread my

legs and bend over for you and say "thank you sir, may I have another".

As I lie on the ground in tears, bruised, bleeding, hungry, and lonely, and soon to be raped to death, I have my revenge.

You have chosen to be GOD and I choose to be myself.

Now we all may begin to eat the fruit of our labors.

Thank you sir/God of this world, man, May I please have another?
nutcasejudgejury, I personally dont and I sure others dont want to hear all about your paedophila, you sick bastard.