Belgian UFOs 1990


Registered Member
The Belgium sightings are one of the most compelling military cases ever. What's encouraging is that the governments of European countries admit when they don't know what's flying around their skies, but the American government has (intentionally) fostered a culture of ridicule and auto-debunkery.

The following link is to the full report by the Belgian Air Force. In addition, the linked page includes a transcript of the pilots/control exchange during the chase and intercept phases.

What do you think?
Hello Ubaron:

That is a very interesting web page, I'm glad you
got the URL straightened out. You might like to
see this UFO sightings map of France and Belgium.
Its for all dates, not just 1989-1990, but sightings
density in Belgium is evident regardless:

I do have one map up for the 1990s (only) but sadly
that is for North America only:

I hope this is useful. Best wishes - Larry
I came across your maps awhile ago Larry, you have done an amazing job. Keep up the great work, thanks.
I particularly found interesting the dates you seem to somewhat show a focus on.
ubaron: We are lucky Ubaron, that not all countries, are unethical and dishonest as the US and certain European governments. In defence of the British government, at least they released cover-up files, showing a 20 year cover-up of UFO and ETI contact.

Yet, I have a feeling the US is going for full disclosure in the short term future. This is why many are jumping onto the ETI bandwagon: Disclosure project, presedential candidates. I just wish I could see the faces of the "debunkers" when it comes out. They are going to feel like complete idiots :D