Beleive it OR not


Valued Senior Member
In those really really darkest of hours. That time when you didn't think you had the strength keep going. And you got down on your knees and prayed. Prayed for help. Well, believe it or not, but, when that strength came to you. It was from you. It wasn't from Xenu, even though you happen to be Scientologist and really really prayed to Xenu. Well, I know you probably think that the strength you felt was from Xenu (and maybe even this has furthered your faith in His Holiness and Intergalactic Warlord). But the truth is, the reality is, over here in logic land - IT WAS FROM YOU.

Did I mention how tired I am right now... seriously punch drunk. Did you guess ever say that, punch drunk? Where did that come from? Kids drinking Koolaid? I suppose that much sugar could be like EtOH......

Oh yeah, no matter what Tom Cruise says, Xenu is imaginary, THAT'S why I know the strength came from you and not Xenu. But, meh, I can't "prove" that's the case.... anyway.
I think we could all take a lesson from Draqon here.

I'm not sure what kind of lesson that would necessarily be, but clearly there's something to be learned.
I think we could all take a lesson from Draqon here.

I'm not sure what kind of lesson that would necessarily be, but clearly there's something to be learned.

Ignore whatever solution Draqon suggests and you should be fine ;)
When I get depressed I do:

1) Eat a pack of durian fruits
2) go mastr.
3) sleep

Now there's a mental pic we're all going to be thankful for as we lay our heads down to sleep.:bawl:


You actually eat durian fruit? Do you puree it and mix it with your baby formula? Or have you graduated to actually eating adult food instead of baby food?

GeoffP said:
I think we could all take a lesson from Draqon here.

I'm not sure what kind of lesson that would necessarily be, but clearly there's something to be learned.
Admit it, you took notes!
I think we could all take a lesson from Draqon here.

I'm not sure what kind of lesson that would necessarily be, but clearly there's something to be learned.

Ignore whatever anti-draqon suggestion Enmos makes and you should be fine ;)
Short and round? Able brickman of a fellow, the description is. Lumberjackian.

I found myself in East Korea.
Ignore whatever anti-draqon suggestion Enmos makes and you should be fine ;)

Seems reasonable. :D

Say, what happened to that thread where we identified curious Russian constructions and Tesla coils and such? I miss that.

You actually eat durian fruit? Do you puree it and mix it with your baby formula? Or have you graduated to actually eating adult food instead of baby food?

Yes ...

what is it Bells?

I am waiting for you, here, now... :eek:

Yes after extensive adulthood progression I managed to gradually adapt to eating an actual fruit, the durian fruit.

But I am waiting here...Bells..

for you...


Now there's a mental pic we're all going to be thankful for as we lay our heads down to sleep
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Ooohh you can multi-task. Typing with one hand?
Mental pic of short and round hairy englishman trying to find himself..:bawl:

Er, if he's taking notes then: trying to find his pen is what you mean...
That's absurd. Not like me in the slightest.

For example, I don't press wild flowers. I make collages. Manly collages.
That's absurd. Not like me in the slightest.

For example, I don't press wild flowers. I make collages. Manly collages.

And let me guess, you are also a wizz at fixing garage door zappers and other such home essentials?

You S.N.A.G. you.:)