Being "saved" (is extremely annoying)


Let go your conscious self...
Registered Senior Member
So, how many other people have dealt with theists(particularly Christians) who keep telling you that they don't want hell for you and want you to be saved and keep trying to turn you towards the way of God? How did you react, how did you deal with these people?
Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with people who go to that extreme. Some people have come close though.

I suppose if the time came, I would do my best to scare them away forever. I'd go all-out Satan, man. :D
Actually, these are friends of mine and I enjoy pissing them off talking about my religion and my point of view on God(telling them God is a delusion and that they're just imagining them, and pinning LOGIC on it so they can't pose a good argument reeeeeeeaaaaaaally gets them going) :D

But yeah, there are times when I am very short and can't stand the whole "God will help you, seek his guidance" crap. I can't go satan because they know what my real religion is, but I can certainly blow up on them with my...erm..."feelings" towards God, which are extremely strong...heheh...

Although, I'll keep that in mind the next time I meet someone online...
seekeroftheway said:
Actually, these are friends of mine and I enjoy pissing them off talking about my religion and my point of view on God(telling them God is a delusion and that they're just imagining them, and pinning LOGIC on it so they can't pose a good argument reeeeeeeaaaaaaally gets them going) :D
What do you say to them? And how do they react to the logic, specifically? Do they just ignore it, or do they stammer?

seekeroftheway said:
But yeah, there are times when I am very short and can't stand the whole "God will help you, seek his guidance" crap. I can't go satan because they know what my real religion is, but I can certainly blow up on them with my...erm..."feelings" towards God, which are extremely strong...heheh...
What are those feelings, if you don't mind me asking? Should be interesting. I might even share some of them.
My sister continually says that "God loves you and all he wants is for you to love him" and stuff about "sacrificing his only son" (only to slyly take him back a few days later - yeah great sacrifice).
Athelwulf said:
What do you say to them? And how do they react to the logic, specifically? Do they just ignore it, or do they stammer?

What are those feelings, if you don't mind me asking? Should be interesting. I might even share some of them.

Well, in my belief, God is a human construct. Designed because our nature is to fear what we don't understand, so we slap a label "God" onto it, and it makes us feel better. It gives us something to hold onto, but, because it's obviously human, it can't be the natural way of things. Logic usually stems into observations of nature, about how God takes after the human government system, where we (commoners) are below the monarch or leader of some sort (in this case God) who "protects" us from the bullies (in this case satan and demons). We created it, nature did not and does not operate under this system, and we came from nature. I also pose practical questions such as "If God loves all of us and wants us all saved, and he's omnipotent and is in control of everything, then why do people still go to Hell?"

Those feelings are potent. I had an experience with a person who is currently a friend but who I'd never trust, who I honestly think is insane. She, along with a friend of hers, really tried to make me "see God". I went to Church with her, they ended up trying to put me through a sort of interrogation where they assumed they knew all sorts of things HAD to be true, and I was simply denying it if it didn't fit. This actually still applies today, she still assumes she knows things about me that aren't true. In any event, the whole ordeal about trying to "see God" exploded in their faces. I snapped. And it left an impression. They shy away from the topic of God whenever I'm around them now. I specifically remember telling her "When we do die, I'll be the one who drags you in chains from heaven down to hell in a flaming Chariot" just because I was so pissed at her. It lasted all summer last year. Since then she's been...interesting...
Blue_UK said:
My sister continually says that "God loves you and all he wants is for you to love him" and stuff about "sacrificing his only son" (only to slyly take him back a few days later - yeah great sacrifice).

Yeah, my experience with them tells me they never are really sure whether they're doing it right or not, they assume that voice they heard was God, but they were probably just talking to themselves in their sleep...
allisone417 said:
im in college, so no ones bugging me with this crap :)

I'd say you're lucky, but you never know, it can be fun turning it around on them, especially if you have a really good argument.
seekeroftheway said:
So, how many other people have dealt with theists(particularly Christians) who keep telling you that they don't want hell for you and want you to be saved and keep trying to turn you towards the way of God? How did you react, how did you deal with these people?

I always wonder what their motives are for wanting to save us? Is it an act of selfishness? A good deed? Or do they feel they need to do a good deed because it is required from them turning the good deed into a selfish deed? Shouldn't they be concentrating on their own ascent to heaven? I reckon it must be difficult (depending in your religion).

I did the hell test. I didn't go to the lowest tier, the one above it was my righteous place. I wonder where all these so-called believers would end up if they would take the test. All in hell. That is for sure.

Hmm...I did the test again and I am now going to Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis. I'm improving!!! Maybe I will go to heaven after all!
Have you noticed that there is no dominant religion which is depicted by the black race, I wonder?... Anyway I wonder if Jesus would have been so popular if he were black? Not that there weren't any negro Messahs from Africa hundreds of years back, but mysteriously enough they died off. But we live in an esthetic world a world that chooses to see things as best fit so I don't care about this issue. What I do care for is the motive behind peruading people to convert to something they have never seen, tough hussle. You know, in the west the courts are ruled by evidence and judgements beyond reasonable doubt, however the same courts belong to chistian states, tough sell.
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spuriousmonkey said:
I always wonder what their motives are for wanting to save us? Is it an act of selfishness? A good deed? Or do they feel they need to do a good deed because it is required from them turning the good deed into a selfish deed? Shouldn't they be concentrating on their own ascent to heaven? I reckon it must be difficult (depending in your religion).

I did the hell test. I didn't go to the lowest tier, the one above it was my righteous place. I wonder where all these so-called believers would end up if they would take the test. All in hell. That is for sure.

Hmm...I did the test again and I am now going to Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis. I'm improving!!! Maybe I will go to heaven after all!

I took that one too, always got Dis (when I answered honestly, anyway). You don't want to be in heaven, with a God who would send you to hell for not kissing his ass in the first place, I'm quite happy to burn for eternity, thank you.
Chatha said:
Have you noticed that there is no dominant religion which is depicted by the black race, I wonder?... Anyway I wonder if Jesus would have been so popular if he were black? Not that there weren't any negro Messahs from Africa hundreds of years back, but mysteriously enough they died off. But we live in an esthetic world a world that chooses to see things as best fit so I don't care about this issue. What I do care for is the motive behind peruading people to convert to something they have never seen, tough hussle. You know, in the west the courts are ruled by evidence and judgements beyond reasonable doubt, however the same courts belong to chistian states, tough sell.

Mmhmm. If you think about it, everything we stand for today as a country, as a society, is based on Christian or at least theisitic ideals. If we had never believed in a God and had the same "ethics" that we did the way we developed as a culture, the world would likely be a very different place today. Like if the far east rose to be the dominant power first and they become the "world police" and such that we are now (as opposed to exploiting us over time and bring down our economy while strengthening their own[I can't wait to move to China]), we might have developed a society on Taoist or Confucian principles, you never know.
I tell them that it's hard to imagine a "sin" more unforgiveable than the obliteration of an entire civilization. And that the Abrahamists have destroyed half of the world's six civilizations. The Muslims took out Egypt, and the Christians got the Inca and the Olmec/Maya/Aztec, for the specific reason that they practiced a different religion. I tell them there is no Hell sorrowful enough for people who think it's really cool to live the legacy of the assholes who did those things. Any so-called "religion" whose leaders and followers could have perpetrated sins of that magnitude must by its very nature be purest evil. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and all the other nasty patriarchal, monotheistic "faiths" are a plague that keeps metastasizing out of the Middle East like a cancer epidemic. They're lucky that we're not as hateful and violent as they are or our ancestors would have cleansed this planet of their filth hundreds of years ago. They live only because of our mercy, so they had better GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE.
Try saving someone for real, that's a miracle. I'm not talking about recruiting members for God's pep squad, but doing what Jesus did, give something of yourself so that another person can share in the bounty of this Earth too.

If they still go on to talk of heaven and hell, you can tell them they missed the point.
I have to admit I prefer the Mormons attempting to stop you in the street, the main reason for this is they are usually in trousers, shirt, tie, blazer and a pin badge, so they kind of stand out a mile.

Again you could add the Krishna's into that category, bright orange is pretty noticable. I remember one trying to palm "The only book you'll even need" while I was coming back from a shop, I don't think he realised I already got my Linux book from the bookshop.

I did talk once to some Jehovah's witnesses, however after three hours of talking to me, they actually were the ones that wanted to leave.

(Two rules to this game its a bit like a staring contest:

1: who ever leaves first is the loser.
2: Don't tell the other party they are playing.)

As for all other religions, I have yet to have them try to hard sell like those mentioned here. All I can suggest is I'll be waiting, therefore you'd best stay clear :D
spuriousmonkey said:
I always wonder what their motives are for wanting to save us? Is it an act of selfishness? A good deed? Or do they feel they need to do a good deed because it is required from them turning the good deed into a selfish deed? Shouldn't they be concentrating on their own ascent to heaven?

I'm glad I can answer your question. These people mostly are new converts, what in the christian usa are known as "born-again-christians". They are people who are not too sure where they stand, they want to reaffirm themselves, that what they do, what they are and in what they believe in is the "right thing". So they consciously or unconsciously test their beliefs on others, but because they apply magical not scientifical thinking, they can not be proven wrong with logic, thus in most cases think that they have reassured their one, true belief.
That's one. The people I associate with have been Christian all their lives, they don't need any reassurances.
Xtians who claim to be saved seem to have forgotten a fundamental part about their religion, and that is that god decides on judgment day.

Of course these loons will try and twist scripture to show support for their argument, but all that shows is that they are more insane than the average xtian, who is well into the red on the 'Barking-Mad-O-Meter'. Not that scripture counts for anything, anyway, but such is a measure of their desperation.
As I'm writing this, my mom is having the local christian congregation for coffe and cookies, reading loud from the Bible, every fifth minute calling to me from across the livingroom "Howard, are you hearing this? Isn't this true and beautiful? You should listen to this! Blah blah". It's killing me. :eek: