Being Bulemic


High School Smoker
Registered Senior Member
ok everyone, in all seriousness, tell me anyhting and everything you can about helping peopel who are balemic ( the thing wherere everything you eat you throw up) becasue my firned is balimic but if she goes to phyce ward again she will go into foster care so i am first oging to try to help her myself, then if it fails, im telling soemone, pelase tell me what you nkow about helping someone who is balimic, thank you
riku my GF was belimic a while ago. The only way i found that worked was threating her, she wouldnt lission to encouragement and reasurances that she wasnt fat, the only things i could do was tell her if she really wanted to lose weight to go to her GP and to threaten to get her comited (or to tell her GP) if she didnt stop throwing up. I just had to keep at her until she stoped it. Its probably not the nicest method or the most compasionate but it did work
"the only things i could do was tell her if she really wanted to lose weight to go to her GP "

why would you tell someone with bulimia that they should go to their GP to lose more weight? thats just encouraging the idea in their mind that they are overweight, causing more doubt and self hate...
Get her hooked on Meth.


Nysse, to give her a better alternitive. She thinks she is fat no matter what i say, telling her to get help from her GP gave her a way to do it that wouldnt KILL her (and GP's help with pycological problems as well if it came to that). She eventually DID go to her GP and he gave her a safe diet that helped her. That is what ended up stopping her

Also (altho this isnt very nice either) i threatened her on more than one occasion if she did it again and didnt get help i would leave her, I told her i didnt want to get a call that she was in hospital one day because she refused to get proper help. As i said i wasnt being nice and caring because that didnt work, threats however DID work. To be honest riku_124 if you wont or CANT do everything including hidding your own feelings and being cold when you need to its a BAD idea that you try to help your friend. Its always better to get them to see a shrink because they can help or atleast there GP. Its a lot of hard work and very emotionally draining:(
Craven said:
Get her hooked on Meth.
If she's not really fat then that's an even more stupid idea than simply being bulimic.

Get her to try the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). It's a relatively new form of therapy that combines some principles of Oriental medicine (like accupressure meridians) with post-industrial Western psychology ("get over it"). It is no guarantee but it has a higher success rate than other forms of psychotherapy and it's a hell of a lot faster.

Check out the website:

There are a number of practitioners available. They do workshops in major cities but they also do phone consultations. It would help if she pays the money to download the coursebook and studies the physical tapping technique before starting a phone session. But it's not mandatory, the practitioner can instruct it over the phone.

What's important here is that she has a very common problem, but it's one that conventional healers have not had a lot of success with, and even when they do it takes a long time. This is almost certainly an emotional problem, I don't believe that physical causes of bulimia are at all common.

So it's time for her to try something new and different. EFT might not work but it doesn't have much of a down side. Side effects and breakdowns are pretty unusual, the worst thing that's likely to happen is that she'll try it and it won't work. She won't be any worse off than she started except for the money.

These people have cured things like asthma, fear of spiders, and other syndromes and phobias. IN JUST ONE SESSION! I haven't seen bulimia specifically mentioned in their literature but it seems right up their alley.

I'm as big a skeptic as anyone, trust me. I wouldn't recommend woo-woo and it took me a while to be willing to give this stuff a try. It does work for a lot of people.

Give it a try.

Good luck.
i suppose it is different for certain people with bulimia, and depends how advanced the problem is. a method that will help one person may not help another.
Fraggle Rocker said:
I'm as big a skeptic as anyone, trust me. I wouldn't recommend woo-woo and it took me a while to be willing to give this stuff a try. It does work for a lot of people.

What is a "woo-woo"?
what is a GP, and i have been cold, if she messes up again she goes into foster care and i told her strait out that if she doesent work to get better, i wil leven help her im looknig for a book at my library acurally, that i wil ltel lsoemnoe and make sure she gets sent into foster care cause she only is doing this becasue msot people in our school call her fat, she isnt fat, shes not skinny, i think she has a great form i dont liek super thin people htough, i liek girls who are jsut them and dont work on themselves much ( as in dotn do this stupid shit, cut themselves, i liek the inner beaty, ( peopel say that that is weird)
and i ahve been cold with her as soon as she heard i owuld tel lthem aobut it ( them as in school parents shrink etc) she got mad at me said " i nkew i sohuldnt have told you" and i went on a tyraid iwth her, abnd i think i yelled at her enoph to see htat i mean it for her to stop, if i havent said she sued to cut herself i knew, she was ptu i nthwe hhospital, i wil lnot let that happen again, she also went on starvation diets, witch she thinks in her mind being balimic is better, and i otld ehr there both one word for the same thing there both stpuid and could hurt your body before you even realize it" i think i ahve the bases in the irhgt places i jsut gotta have her stop from now on, i thin ki wil lnot have to bring people into it, i dont wanna make ehr go into foster care western phyce and stuff ( western phyce is a phycatric care palce)
Medication for depression, behaviour modification, individual therapy for body image. Limiting foods that cause fear of weight gain. Just to let you know, there is nothing you can do for her except be her friend, you can not stop her. The only approach I have ever seen work is behaviour modification, which for bulimia is 4-6 months of therapy and meds. Is she vomiting,using diuretics or using laxitives? She needs to make sure her electrolytes are balanced and start taking a supplement orally to maintain a balance in her body. It sounds like your friend has some serious issues that she needs help with. Unfortunately, you are not qualified to offer her that help.

Good luck and best of luck to your friend.
i think she understands, cause she is eating 2 meals a day, casue i asked her to, she udnerstands how much i care, she keeps getting "sick" i dotn know if i really belive she is sick and vomiting becasue of it, or if she is jsut throwing up. Do i Belive ehr? she was hot today on the forhead so i thin kshe may be telling the truth,
dude, she just wants attention, shes like all of those wrist slitter show-offs, just ignore her and she will find a less unhealthy way to get some friends
a GP is a genral pratisioner. You know? your local doc who you go to first for everything. In australia at least they are trained to help with mental illnesses (at least to start with). He\she should be able to atleast start to help her or refer her to someone who can help her. You really cant do anything by yourself