Behavioural Patterns of UFO's

Paul Rayment

Registered Member

I am new to SciForums and have a question in regards to the behaviour of ufo's.

At night I look up at the night sky and see objects that differentiate in intensity of brightness.

Some go from a bright white star coloured object to a flourescent light blue.

The most common object I have seen differentiates from a bright white star colour to a red than back to white.

I know these objects aren't stars as they tend to zig-zag from side to side and up and down.

Has anyone got any ideas to what these objects are.
Originally posted by Paul Rayment
I know these objects aren't stars as they tend to zig-zag from side to side and up and down.
Can you estimate the size, distance, or speed of the objects? How often do you see them? Do you live in an urban area?
Originally posted by ubaron

Can you estimate the size, distance, or speed of the objects? How often do you see them? Do you live in an urban area?

I am not much good with mathematics but I will try my best.

The size of the object would have to be the same size as Venus when it is nearest to Earth.

Distance wise it would have to be approximately around the same distance as the moon from Earth.

Speed wise i've only noticed it moving slightly from side to side.

Based on the distance of the object slow to medium speed (I am only guessing though).

I live in country New South Wales, so usually you can get a clear view of the night sky without any obstructions such as smog and street lighting.
This is an update from my previous post.

Last night I decided to be more specific on my details of the object I have seen for the past few weeks.

Details as follows:




11:38 PM EST


Clear night


Approximately about 5000ft from mountain top.


Very fast descent, very fast climb, tends to hover in one position for several seconds.


Object tends to glow bright white, red, green and blue.


Object appears to be in the same position as the last few nights.

I hope you all find this posting interesting.
Re: hey raymond

Originally posted by Nightshadow
you sound like a person we can use in our ufo forums as well..

feel free to come check us out at

we have videos online and a members forum for discussing specific ufo details and other data.

Thank's Nightshadow it's good to be able to discuss ufo's with people who aren't going to give me a hard time.

I was subscribed to alt.ufo.reports on Usenet, but was constantly harrassed there.

It was UB who suggested me subscribe to Sciforums as this was a great place to discuss ufo sightings with like minded people.

I'll definately check your url out, I am always looking for new ufo sites to visit.

Best Wishes

Paul A Rayment
Re: hey raymond

Originally posted by Nightshadow
you sound like a person we can use in our ufo forums as well..

feel free to come check us out at

we have videos online and a members forum for discussing specific ufo details and other data.

Thank's Nightshadow it's good to be able to discuss ufo's with people who aren't going to give me a hard time.

I was subscribed to alt.ufo.reports on Usenet, but was constantly harrassed there.

It was UB who suggested me subscribe to Sciforums as this was a great place to discuss ufo sightings with like minded people.

I'll definately check your url out, I am always looking for new ufo sites to visit.

Best Wishes

Paul A Rayment
LItes in the sky!

Try looking at the above NASA links! Just click & seek!

There is a Godawful number of satellites up their these days. At the very least, you could get used to the larger satellites passing overhead. Hell, maybe your seeing the "Space Station"!

The SpaceStation is visible for about two minutes as it pases over my locale........

Even if it isn't what your looking for, you should take advantage of viewing location. The more remote, the better!

3-d J track is pretty cool! You can select a variety of real time options from the upper left hand corner of the screen and locate any satellite which may be passing over your locale at any time.

Hell even if it isn't a ufo, but rather a satellite, it is certainly worth your time to track the extreme number of satellites passing over your locale using the NASA j=track!

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Re: LItes in the sky!

Originally posted by JEHOVAH

Try looking at the above NASA links! Just click & seek!

There is a Godawful number of satellites up their these days. At the very least, you could get used to the larger satellites passing overhead. Hell, maybe your seeing the "Space Station"!

The SpaceStation is visible for about two minutes as it pases over my locale........

Even if it isn't what your looking for, you should take advantage of viewing location. The more remote, the better!

I'll check the Nasa url's you listed, but I know for sure that satellites move in a Westerly to Easterly direction, these objects stay in one place for several hours, zig-zagging occassionally as well as the light emulating from dull to bright.
Hell I don't know!!! Let's find out.

Hell I don't know!!! Maybe it's those aboriginals out in the bush causing the lights!

never mind..too much Fosters Lager!!! (joke)

ARE THE LIGHTS CONSTANT? Every night at a certain time? Regular?

I like the J track 3-D because I can select all satellites and hold down the left mouse button move the mouse around to see a variety of satellites anywhere on the Earth at any given time!

ps. If you find a satellite that you are interested in then simply double-click on it & you'll get it's name, data, altitude, ect....

pretty damn cool....hey?
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Re: Hell I don't know!!! Let's find out.

Originally posted by JEHOVAH
Hell I don't know!!! Maybe it's those aboriginals out in the bush causing the lights!

never mind..too much Fosters Lager!!! (joke)

ARE THE LIGHTS CONSTANT? Every night at a certain time? Regular?

I like the J track 3-D because I can select all satellites and hold down the left mouse button move the mouse around to see a variety of satellites anywhere on the Earth at any given time!

ps. If you find a satellite that you are interested in then simply double-click on it & you'll get it's name, data, altitude, ect....

pretty damn cool....hey?

Yes the lights are constant in nature at around 9pm onwards they tend to be able to be seen.

I live in Mudgee, New South Wales and ther has been quite a few sightings over the past 10 years in this area.

Of couse trying to judge distance, especially at night is extremely difficult! However, what would be your guess as to how far away the lights might be?

Have you tried using a fairly powerful spotlight to shine at the object? This could give one an idea, at least in regards to that it would be a heck of a long way from you if the spotlight didn't reveal any detail.

In other words, a million candle power(wild example) spotlight, which might reflect off an object of a quarter mile away, might not reveal any detail of an object which would be say: 4 miles away!!!! It depends on the strength of the light and the weather (visibility/air polution, ect...)...

Maybe this will help you in determing "WHERE" (how far away).

As far as velocity & position, you should try to take note of all visual reference points (during the daylight hours) so that you can use these reference points to determine degrees, velocity, ect.......

Knowing when the lights appear (exact time & date), where in the sky they appear, for how long (when the lights disappear), the direction of travel, will at least give you a decent record to compare against any who might say that you are simply seeing a satellite!

NOTE: If you shine your spotlight at the UFO & it begins to move in your direction, be sure to put the camera down on a solid footing so as to continue recording.

AFTER you do that, RUN LIKE HELL!!!!!
Hell I don't know!!! Let's find out.

If you are willing to go the extra mile(so-to-speak), then why not try triangulation?

It's been quite a few years since I have thought about attempting to triangulate great distances with crude equipment, so bear with me, and of course feel free to improve upon my ideas.

Basically, if you are unfamiliar with the idea of triangulation, thus:

okokokokk????....Ok, say if an object at night is out there!!!!!!!!!!!!, at an unknown distance from you.....

- You might be able to take two high powered spotlights, to triangulate the postion, speed, and distance of the UFO.

- What would be best, is to have two people, each with a spotlight, separated by say at least......O' ...500 to 1000 ft. Bear in mind though, that the greater distance between the two spotlights, the better!

- In fact, the spotlights could be separated say up to a quarter of a mile apart! It would be best also, if you had a third(or even 4th) person to coordinate and record the positions of the spotlights being aimed.
Using good, precise compasses would be invaluable!

Basically, when the UFO appears in the night sky, spotlight #1 & spotlight #2 would be aimed from their respective positions and held on the UFO. You should want to know the precise distance between your spotlight positions.

By figuring the angle at which the two spotlights converge (using compasses), you might get a reasonable estimate of the distance at which the UFO is from you. Perhaps the use of GPS might work even better.

Roughly though, a couple of people with a spotlight apiece, and a couple of walkie talkies (radio's), could get an idea of about how far away the UFO might be. Of course if it is in Earth orbit or beyond, the spotlights won't appear to converge (overlap) much at all. If however, the UFO is pretty damn close, you should be seeing the two spotlights overlapping (crossing) each others paths at greater and greater angles.

Try this, if you can before the UFO appears, or on nights when the UFO doesn't make a show. You & your friend could probably get some pretty good ideas of the spotlight overlap based of trees, terrain, mtns, buildings, ect.........

If spotlights don't do it for you, then howabout using laser pointing devices. Lasers which would be visible to 1/2 mile away or so (((O'yeah, each spotlighter should also have a good pair of binoculars or spotting scope/even field glasses would be good)))).

If I were going to set the experiment up, I'd replace the spotlights with lasers. I would build a couple of tripods out of scrap lumber , or whatever. On top of each tripod, I would like to mount the laser pointers on a length of say 2x4 lumber, which would also have a fixed compass. The idea is to make something similiar to what the surveyors use.. By communicating with your buddy via radio, you could write down the precise time, the precise direction (N?S?E?W in degrees) at which each of you are pointing your lasers............

Make sure that the location of the laser pointers(spotlights) are always the same, day after day(every night). To do this, I would simply drive a piece of metal deep into the ground directly under the tripod of each pointer/spotlight. This will assure your position records don't get thrown off, thus resulting in bad data.

This is all pretty offhand, and I haven't put much thought into it. I'm sure that you could refine the ideas and equipment to help you in gathering data about the UFO.

Expenditures in equipment? NOT MUCH AT ALL! Really I am curious as to why more UFO people haven't gotten the word out more to amateur investigators so that invaluable data could be collected in the light that there is so damn little data to support the many claims!


Not only can one get an estimate of distance, but if the object is moving, it would also be possible to get a pretty good idea of the speed at which the object is moving.

Another thing that would be good to have is a very sensitive audio pickup device. Something like this is off the shelf tech & could be pointed into the direction of the UFO (IF YOU ARE IN A QUITE AREA). The reason I say this is that there is almost always the report of witnesses saying that the UFO made no sound(noise). If one had a pretty sensitive mic. pointed at the object, then even more data could be gathered. If however, you were to get an audio recording of a real, honest to god UFO, then you would have something to add that no other person has ever managed to show as evidence.

Of course, one of the best things to have would be an infared viwer or a starlight telescope (expensive). With the ability to zoom in, one might be able to pick out an incredible amount of detail of the UFO.


PS.. Whatever it turns out to be, don't be disappointed. You can continue to make observations and teach others of you data gathering abilities. Chances are, sooner or later, that someone will get the inside scoop and have the irrefutable evidence which virtually all sightings are devoid of today!

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Re: Hell I don't know!!! Let's find out.

Originally posted by HOWARDSTERN
If you are willing to go the extra mile(so-to-speak), then why not try triangulation?

It's been quite a few years since I have thought about attempting to triangulate great distances with crude equipment, so bear with me, and of course feel free to improve upon my ideas.

Basically, if you are unfamiliar with the idea of triangulation, thus:

okokokokk????....Ok, say if an object at night is out there!!!!!!!!!!!!, at an unknown distance from you.....

- You might be able to take two high powered spotlights, to triangulate the postion, speed, and distance of the UFO.

- What would best best, is to have two people, each with a spotlight, separated by say at least......O' ...500 to 1000 ft. Bear in mind though, that the greater distance between the two spotlights, the better!

- In fact, the spotlights could be separated say up to a quarter of a mile apart! It would be best also, if you had a third(or even 4th) person to coordinate and record the positions of the spotlights being aimed.
Using good, precise compasses would be invaluable!

Basically, when the UFO appears in the night sky, spotlight #1 & spotlight #2 would be aimed from their respective positions and held on the UFO. You should want to know the precise distance between your spotlight positions.

By figuring the angle at which the two spotlights converge (using compasses), you might get a reasonable estimate of the distance at which the UFO is from you. Perhaps the use of GPS might work even better.

Roughly though, a couple of people with a spotlight apiece, and a couple of walkie talkies (radio's), could get an idea of about how far away the UFO might be. Of course if it is in Earth orbit or beyond, the spotlights won't appear to converge (overlap) much at all. If however, the UFO is pretty damn close, you should be seeing the two spotlights overlapping (crossing) each others paths at greater and greater angles.

Try this, if you can before the UFO appears, or on nights when the UFO doesn't make a show. You & your friend could probably get some pretty good ideas of the spotlight overlap based of trees, terrain, mtns, buildings, ect.........

If spotlights don't do it for you, then howabout using laser pointing devices. Lasers which would be visible to 1/2 mile away or so (((O'yeah, each spotlighter should also have a good pair of binoculars or spotting scope/even field glasses would be good)))).

If I were going to set the experiment up, I'd replace the spotlights with lasers. I would build a couple of tripods out of scrap lumber , or whatever. On top of each tripod, I would like to mount the laser pointers on a length of say 2x4 lumber, which would also have a fixed compass. The idea is to make something similiar to what the surveyors use.. By communicating with your buddy via radio, you could write down the precise time, the precise direction (N?S?E?W in degrees) at which each of you are pointing your lasers............

Make sure that the location of the laser pointers(spotlights) are always the same, day after day(every night). To do this, I would simply drive a piece of metal deep into the ground directly under the tripod of each pointer/spotlight. This will assure your position records don't get thrown off, thus resulting in bad data.

This is all pretty offhand, and I haven't put much thought into it. I'm sure that you could refine the ideas and equipment to help you in gathering data about the UFO.

Expenditures in equipment? NOT MUCH AT ALL! Really I am curious as to why more UFO people haven't gotten the word out more to amateur investigators so that invaluable data could be collected in the light that there is so damn little data to support the many claims!


Not only can one get an estimate of distance, but if the object is moving, it would also be possible to get a pretty good idea of the speed at which the object is moving.

Another thing that would be good to have is a very sensitive audio pickup device. Something like this is off the shelf tech & could be pointed into the direction of the UFO (IF YOU ARE IN A QUITE AREA). The reason I say this is that there is almost always the report of witnesses saying that the UFO made no sound(noise). If one had a pretty sensitive mic. pointed at the object, then even more data could be gathered. If however, you were to get an audio recording of a real, honest to god UFO, then you would have something to add that no other person has ever managed to show as evidence.

Of course, one of the best things to have would be an infared viwer or a starlight telescope (expensive). With the ability to zoom in, one might be able to pick out an incredible amount of detail of the UFO.


PS.. Whatever it turns out to be, don't be disappointed. You can continue to make observations and teach others of you data gathering abilities. Chances are, sooner or later, that someone will get the inside scoop and have the irrefutable evidence which virtually all sightings are devoid of today!


Thank you very much for that, i'll have get the items I need before I can do any accurate data collecting.


Paul Rayment

TO: Paul Rayment


If you need any help to set up the triangulation equipment or computationals, you can always ask a math teacher, or even a land surveyor.

You should be able to do all these things on the real cheap (inexpensive) side.

If I lived in Austrailia, I would be among the first to volunteer to help gather data about the UFO that you have seen!


Originally posted by HOWARDSTERN
TO: Paul Rayment


If you need any help to set up the triangulation equipment or computationals, you can always ask a math teacher, or even a land surveyor.

You should be able to do all these things on the real cheap (inexpensive) side.

If I lived in Austrailia, I would be among the first to volunteer to help gather data about the UFO that you have seen!


Hi Howard, saw a ufo today moving from the south to the north.

At first I thought it was a balloon but it was moving away from the direction of the breeze.

The object I can definately say was at low cloud level as I used the surrounding clouds as a guide.

The object started off as a shiny metallic object than as it gathered height it gradually disappeared from sight.

This is the second daylight sighting I have witnessed in a period of 12 months.

Yesterday I tried to buy a pair of second hand binoculars but they had sold out of them, i'll just have to wait I guess.


Paul A Rayment