Becoming an Ordained Minister


Rest in peace Kurt...
Registered Senior Member
I've thought about getting ordained. I'm interested in being able to marry people and such. I'm not sure what sort of stuff I have to do to work towards these ends; thus, this thread.

Are there people here that are ordained or know about the ordaining process? Could you please share your info, insight, and advice?
I'll speak from my own experience but I'd rather burn in hell then succumb to the religious ideology of Christianity or Roman Catholics. Burn in hell!
Check your local state government laws on the matter if you live in the US, or your provincial or country laws on the matter elsewhere. You can do an easy website search for marriage laws in your area.
DONT talk to the gov't.... they do not regulate or control churches. (IN THE USA)

if you want to be of a particular church brand... then you will have to go to their schools... and learn their version of scripture..

ie.. do you want to be catholic, protestant, babtist... what?

cause each will demand that you learn it their way.. only.. and preach it their way.

you dont need any ones help to begin your own church.
and no power on earth can stop you, or say that your version is illegal.

I am the founder of The Empirical Church, and i take orders from no one other than what is found in scripture, and if GOD or Jesus says it to me directly.

marraige in the church... has nothing to do with being married in the state.

churches, can.. however, recieve the permit or whatnot, to handle all the paperwork that normally a gov't clerk would do...

i.e.. you could get married in church, then go to the clerks office and file the paperwork... or.. the church can handle all of it for you. and its legal.

do not confuse the matter, if you really want to preach the gospel, i will help you, seriously... in detail.

but if you want to be a methodist or some established brand... your on your own.

Athelwulf said:
I've thought about getting ordained. I'm interested in being able to marry people and such. I'm not sure what sort of stuff I have to do to work towards these ends; thus, this thread.

Are there people here that are ordained or know about the ordaining process? Could you please share your info, insight, and advice?

I am actually an ordained minister. I did it a few years back for a good laugh.

You can do it online. It's legit (it is registered through some church). And it's legal in the US.

Call me Reverend.
In case any more information was needed, I had made this thread and asked about this because I heard from a friend that she is ordained and can legally marry people in our state when she turns 18. But then, thinking about it now, it seems a bit illogical that a minister could legally marry people anywhere in the US by being ordained. I'll have to ask her for clarification.

sderenzi said:
I'll speak from my own experience but I'd rather burn in hell then succumb to the religious ideology of Christianity or Roman Catholics. Burn in hell!
Oh trust me, I'm not succumbing to a religious ideology. Honestly, I'm interested in doing this for the hell of it.

Mosheh Thezion said:
you dont need any ones help to begin your own church.
and no power on earth can stop you, or say that your version is illegal.
I'm not looking to do that.

Mosheh Thezion said:
marraige in the church... has nothing to do with being married in the state.

churches, can.. however, recieve the permit or whatnot, to handle all the paperwork that normally a gov't clerk would do...
Does being ordained allow you to handle this paperwork?

Mosheh Thezion said:
do not confuse the matter, if you really want to preach the gospel, i will help you, seriously... in detail.

but if you want to be a methodist or some established brand... your on your own.
I appreciate the offer, but I should say again that I'm only looking to get ordained just because. I figured that having some authority in marrying people would be nice (but like I said earlier, I should make sure I understand this authority correctly).

Absane said:
I am actually an ordained minister. I did it a few years back for a good laugh.

You can do it online. It's legit (it is registered through some church). And it's legal in the US.

Call me Reverend.
Thanks for the info. But I'm not calling you Reverend unless there's something in it for me. :p