Be honest now

Would you be willing to spend the night in a haunted house alone?

  • Yes, I have absolutely no problem with it

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • Yes, but I want my teddy bear

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • No, I am afraid of poltergeists and evil spirits

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Maybe, it depends on how haunted the house is

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Registered Senior Member
How many of you would have the courage to spend the night in a haunted house? The reason I ask is most of you seem very rational and logical. You tough guys and girls don't believe in things you can't see (ie. read any thread on the religion board) so it should stand to reason spending the night in a haunted house should be no big deal right?
Originally posted by Bridge
You tough guys and girls don't believe in things you can't see (ie. read any thread on the religion board) so it should stand to reason spending the night in a haunted house should be no big deal right?
Wait a second, is it haunted or do YOU just believe its haunted? If YOU told me a house was haunted I'd stay in it, in fact I'd stay alone in any house that has ever been on earth.
I wouldn't , however, stay in a real haunted house... that would be scary.
I'd stay in it. What better to convince me of life after death then seeing the evidence first-hand.
Would you walk up these stairs...


and if you did, would you tuck yourself into bed or let her do it for you?
I'd walk up as long as she wasn't standing there. It's probably rude to walk thru ghosts.
I'd walk through her, just because when would I ever get another chance? I'd wanna' see what happend.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
I wouldn't , however, stay in a real haunted house... that would be scary.

Why precisely? Just curious as to know what exactly you expect would happen in a real haunted house? Are all dwelling spirits automatically evil? Why does it have to be scary immediately?

Did you people see the movie Rose Red by the way? That is a hell of a house. I would give something to stay in a house like that.

IF it should excist.
I don't know, I wouldn't stay in a "real" haunted house overnight, because for some reason things are creepier at night, don't you agree? Its not just the dark because a light won't make a difference so I'm assuming its got something to do with our biology, ANYWAY I would walk up those stairs in the daytime and I would give the ghost the finger and laugh my head off and moon it or whatever but I wouldn't stay overnight with the creepy bitch.
Sorry Dr Lou Natic, I do not agree. Maybe then, there is something wrong with my biology, for I much more prefer the dark of night, above the day time. In fact, for some reason, my eyes work better in the dark than they do in the light of day.

I do not find things creepier at night either.

Why do you want to give the poor ghost the finger, man? That is not nice. And then run for it during night time?

Tssssss, people are weird... :)
What I mean by our biology is I think emotions become magnified as we prepare to "shut down" for the night. I have no proof this is merely an observation I have made. I think if I altered my sleeping pattern to going to sleep at 1 o'clock in the afternoon everyday I think I would be more creeped at midday than I would be at midnight.

Why not give her the finger? Look at her! She's bein' all ghost-like 'n' shit.... ;)
i voted for "Yes, but i want my teddy bear" but now i'm havin second way! i wouldnt live in a haunted house...i guess i would get kinda freaked...honestly, i'd probably have a nervous breakdown everytime i hear a sound if i went to a haunted house...
i voted 'Maybe, it depends on how haunted the house is'...i don't think i would stay by myself in an extremely active house, but i would have no problems staying in any house with at least one other person. first of all, i would just want the peice of mind that i wasn't imagining anything that would be happening...second, if something scared the sh*t out of me, i would want someone to be able to drive me to the hospital after my heart attack :eek:

i have stayed in a couple houses with some acivity, mostly with onlly noises or small pranks, it didn't bother me, and i actually found it quite entertaining....
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I have no way to prove this

but I'm guessing if I put your wimpy asses in that house ALONE , at night, with or without your teddy bear, you'd be crapping your whitey tighties before midnight hit.

So far, IMHO, we have two honest posters, maybe three, because someone voted maybe, and purplestreak and Dr. Lou are having second thoughts.

The rest of you, I guarantee if we had hidden cameras in the place we'd catch you pissing your pants. Of course that's nothing new, you do it all the time at home :D
Definitely, concrete is no good for making creepy sounds. Wood is good for footsteps and creaking and groaning. Chains and such resonate better on wood. Concrete might be good for a night in a haunted dungeon though don't you think? :)
Oh man that's like the ultimate thing to do. Why wouldn't you want to? We're all different, that i can acknowledge, but to me there's nothing more worthwhile than research and finding answers to long asked questions. I have been chasing ghosts and whatnot for years now.. Whether they're psychopathic or not is irrelevant. If it answers a question it's always worth the try.
i voted for having my teddy bear there. i kind of enjoy getting scared, like going on roller coasters and the haunted houses in niagra where they have people in costume grab at you from the walls and chase you. you know it's not real and there's no danger but it's fun to sometimes let yourself go and be a kid.