BBC: Alien abductees show real symptoms


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BBC: Alien abductees show real symptoms
It is thought there are about four million Americans who believe they have been abducted by extraterrestrials.

Scientists believe this clearly is not true, so why do abductees believe they have been taken?

Professor McNally has found that many of them share personality traits and sleep disorders.

"Most of them had pre-existing new-age beliefs - they were into bio-energetic therapies, past lives, astral projection, tarot cards, and so on," he said.

"Second, they have episodes of apparent sleep paralysis accompanied by hallucinations."
You know ....

Okay, as someone who has suffered sleep paralysis and hallucinations of ghosts, fiery cataclysms, and Orson Pig, I well understand the idea of sleep events being interpreted as alien abductions. I also recognize that there is a degree of "pre-existing new-age beliefs" that permeate the culture.

I'm also aware of debunker theories which rightly point to psychological stress causing reassigned symbology to phenomenal or traumatic events.

But still ... I don't know. I'm just not convinced that EBE's aren't here. Of course, I also think EBE is the new religion, but that's beside the point. Or is it?

Anyway, it's a reasonable article and worth two minutes' time. Enjoy.

Tiassa :cool:
:bugeye:Medical research has shown that subjects injected with N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) have experiences of a nature comparable to the reports of alien abductees and contactees, as well as others who have had intense, mystical religious experiences. After "returning" from their journey, DMT subjects report they feel they really went somewhere, and actually met beings there. The pineal gland manufactures DMT and it is also present in a number of the entheogens (plant derived pschotropic substances used by traditional peoples for religious rituals , e.g. peyote, ayahuasca, yaje, etc.). A book is available on the subject: DMT, The Spirit Molecule , by Rick Strassman.
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nice topic!

thanks for bringing this up tiassa! i had posted that article on my site a few days ago and i'm glad other people are keeping up with alien abductions.

i am a believer in the DMT theory brought up by alphascent. in fact, we interviewed someone regarding encounter experiences and DMT on my radio show which is archived here:

i think the fact that the human pineal gland can produce DMT is strong evidence that alien abduction experiences are real. if you look at how common encounters are in DMT experiences (not to mention the whole 'being tested on' thing) you'll see that there's something serious going on on another dimension of reality that shouldn't be discarded as merely psychological. in fact, most things that are considered 'psychological' might have something to do with beings in other dimensions, or our ability to 'see' into these other dimensions. DMT may very well something that unveils our blind material selves to the metaphysical world which we are slowly coming to realize as a race once again.

just my thoughts...
The pineal gland has an important role in the regulation of biorhythms, so that might explain the sleep pattern "problems". It is also known that rituals involving altered states of consciousness, particularly those that are not induced by ingesting psychotropic substances, often involve some level of sleep deprivation... an active involvement in disruption of biorhythms.
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:eek: So, are these folks really going somewhere and encountering "real" beings, or is this just evidence that all of these experiences are just chemically induced distortions of "reality"? Tenure? What is that?
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like i said, i think the fact that people are having the same experiences, even having encounters with the same types of beings, suggests that the beings may be real.
well, exactly. i think recent theories in hyperdimensional physics may begin to help explain abduction experiences as well, and maybe even spiritual experiences or metaphysical experiences in general. what is metaphysical is starting to become physical. we're entering a whole new age of understanding of our universe and (if we can just get past all the wars) we might discover some pretty cool things about life.
The story spreads: MSNBC

Alien memories leave real scars (MSNBC)

It's pretty much the same thing, but its "entertainment value" makes sure it will get around.

I admit, though, I haven't done my homework. I have not kept up on abductee tales and developments over the last few years. However, is DMT--or, I suppose, what agents are--capable of leaving permanent emotional scars? I mean, sure, LSD, but ....?

What's strange is that you'll find a conceptually-similar idea in delayed-memory sexual-abuse trials. If these "memories", arising after years of suppression, speak to incidents that did not happen, how is it that they leave such enduring psychological scars?

Like I said, I haven't done my homework; this might be a commonly-explained device of the mind, but I haven't learned it yet.

Tiassa :cool:
If one believes that DMT induced experiences are the explanation for alien abduction accounts, then the question arises as to "where" is "the self" actually going on these journeys? I had a dream one night a few years back in which I was in India.

It was a very realistic dream, I felt like I was actually there. I was talking to a woman that I met in my dream and she was talking to me in a sort of gibberish, but I thoroughly understood her on some emotionally transdendent level.

She seemed to sense my curiosity, and smiled (kind of a Glinda, the witch of the north smile), and said, "its unitalk, the language of dreams".

Then my radio alarm went off and the song was one by Icehouse, about a woman you meet in your dreams. Coincidence? Alternative reality? Alternative interpretation of reality? DMT? Was "I" really in "India"?

Has anyone run into her anywhere else? If so, do you have her phone number?
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i think what you have described is just a typical prophetic dream scenario. but who knows, maybe dreams are astral journeys.
Does Icehouse have a new album?

Icehouse? Holy crap. I still keep "Electric Blue", "Crazy", and "My Obsession" in semi-regular rotation in iTunes. Of course, those songs are like 16 years old.

At any rate, I wouldn't know where to begin speculating about the woman. Kali is one of the most predominant feminine deities of Indian lore, but I never bank on the most obvious choice in something like that. I always aim for #2 or #3--I never bet on the favorite horse; if odds respected history at all--I can't imagine the rules of that--a horse winning the first two American triple crown events would not be favored to win the third; regardless of how many times you flip the coin, the next flip bears probability of 1 in 2--doing the experiment in science class years ago, we got 17 heads in a row during a 25-flip sequence and a 21:4 distribution.

But being more general in my theism, it might be that you met your own feminine deity incarnation, your own personalized representation of the feminine mysteries. I'm actually interested in what she talked about.

For comparative notes, "Sophia" (wisdom) is a feminine attribute of God in Judeo-Christian lore, and her importance used to be greater than it is today. Even the Koran refers to God by Its feminine aspect. Modern pagan revivals often focus on Goddess traditions; in these, mutt mixtures of spiritual symbols are cast as a background to which the Goddess idea provides an organizing anchor. On that note, see the prior paragraph about your own feminine deity.

But that's what comes to mind. One of the strongest Goddess-encounters I ever had was on one occasion that she rode shotgun with me on Interstate 5 heading north toward Salem, Oregon. We talked about little things; her presence literally kept me awake. She disappeared as we passed a burning car on the roadside, figuring that in a frightened mother clutching a child while watching the family car burn better things to attend to. In the end, it's most likely a psychological preservation device invented by my own mind. But it was damned effective. But I always like to spend time afterward thinking about the symbols of those encounters; be it Goddess or psychology, I have been shown something, and understanding the symbols is one of my strongest exercises in spiritual growth.

So of course your dream strikes me curously, Alphascent.

I did, actually, catch a Scientific American Frontiers (with Alan Alda) on PBS last night, reviewing the placebo effect. Most intriguing is the fact that placebos can cause such heavy changes in the brain, though I never actually figured if any of those were structural. Nonetheless, the placebo effect speaks volumes as to what is inside us. It seems to me similarly possible that something must be causing the longer-term effects in abductees. However, what does this sort of idea speak of human history? If there is some self-induced effect causing this much damage, how easy is it to damage the psyche? And what does this say of the events and justifications of history? How many of those perceptions were mere placebo effects of the human experience?

None of these remarks, however, should be taken to suggest that I discount the possibility of a real encounter. But something is causing these symptoms; if not a real encounter, what?

Tiassa :cool:
well, tiassa, that seems to be the burning question.

i think we mustn't look away from the fact that people are having the SAME experiences. i mean, yes, the experiences happen often at night time, but maybe there is another explanation instead of just that it's sleep paralysis and hypnogogic imagery. while we have established archetypes in our collective unconscious, does that mean these archetypes are only passed down from generation to generation, or could they be real entities existing on another plane of reality? i don't think that question has been answered yet, and until then, this is where the whole concept of real contact with extraterrestrial beings seems to come in handy. but the sleep paralysis theory works too. i think it's only a matter of a couple years now before we get to the bottom of the whole issue.

spookz, you may be a jerk sometimes, but you post some cool stuff like i said. although, that article could have used some of this talk in here about DMT, methinks.
Originally posted by zechaeriah
that article could have used some of this talk in here about DMT, methinks.

get on it! yayyyy new project!


And this brings us to another interesting thought to ponder. What if the alien abduction experience is an astral one. Perhaps the astral body, not the physical body is abducted. This could account for the absence of scars or physical evidence on the body of the abductee. Many who have reported having implants inserted into their heads have been mystified to find no such evidence in skull x-rays. Many abductees report a lack of pain despite the painful sounding medical-like prodding and such. To my knowledge, the astral body would not feel pain. Those who do report feeling pain, or wake up from the abduction experience with scars or bruises of unknown origin, could be explained as the psychological-induced manipulation of the physical body brought on by a convincing experience as we have seen in Mara-type experiences.

quote from the astral/alien link.
does this make sense? if the astral is abducted on what do they perform experiments? they are insinuating that implants were inserted into the astral body? that is ridiculous as it is supposed to immaterial and what would be the point then? though i believe i rarely read this shit!
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i know somthing

this maybe alittle strage to say but since i was a small child i have been able to read peoples minds i know things that i shouldnt really know, or should i? but when i was 9 me me mom n dad and my little sister got out of the car cuz we was just ariving home from my granmas and there was a very large ship i ran in side the house and my mom n dad n sis stayed behind lookin up at it, i look out of my bedroom window, i tell u ive neva moved so fast in my life the i saw a guy that was as black as a shadow i couldnt make out a face then everythin went white and i saw picuters and diagrams in my head ive been tryin to make sence of som of the things i saw and i think i have the planes to somthing very big ive been drawing then up for since the day after the ship came
Apoc, i wish you were either not crazy or more level headed in your post. people with stories like this never seem to be able to explain them in a way that enables me to take them seriously.