Battleground God


Registered Member
This is a fun little Philosophy game that someone referred to me. Typically I don't just post a thread for a link, but I found this pretty entertaining... plus there are a couple other games that are cool. Definitely check out Battleground God though.

I didn't take any damage and I bit one bullet. :)
What an interesting concept

It's an interesting idea, and a heck of a way to keep religion violent ;)

They're limited to Western ideas, but don't quite have the balls to ask the question: Can God kill Itself?

Short of that, they've decided that coinciding contradictory states--nullification--ought to be within the power of God. For instance, if I put one stone next to one stone and I'm God, I should have seventy-two stones. Thus, can that which lives eternally die? Can God both exist and not exist at the same time? In fact, as I read through the page here, it seems that they've pulled off an excellent, accidental piece of performance art. By creating the argument that God can exist and not exist at the same time--a result of their logical strictures--they render the entire exercise moot.

Life is performance art.

It's an interesting perspective.

And an excellent diversion.

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool: