Battleground God

I took two bullets, but this was only due to imagining a hypothetical god who has the power to create any universe he/she so wishes. A square circle could perhaps exist in some bizzarely designed universe.

Also there is much proof for evolution and none for god, I don't see why I took a bullet on that one.
Their refutations can be refuted

but then that's the eternal nature of philosophy -lol

BTW I took 4 bullets

People suffering disease serve a higher cause
- only a problem if your view doesn't entertain reincarnation

Loch ness monster has no body of evidence to support it - there is no process that one can apply to directly perceive the nature of the loch ness monster - the same is not true of knowing god

There was also something in there about how god cannot be understood by logic - logic can only bring one to the point of accepting the processes for knowing god (knowledge of god is dependant on existential conditions - freedom from sin etc )- if logic was sufficient for knowing god that would make god composed of the same inferior substance of the inanimate world

The goodness/evil of "god's works" operates out of a dualistic paradigm that only holds in the mundane sphere - transcendence is beyond it

One can hear from authority and be bereft of direct perception and still get the benefit of perceiving the truth - like for instance if a father tells his child "This is a microphone" and the child tells teh mother "This is a microphone" they have not spoken a lie
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They compared believing in God to believing in Evolution. I contradicted myself(not really), I'll bite the bullet.
that test is pretty sketchy, they asked some rigged questions in an attempt to get you to contradict yourself or answer no to things that you actually agree with. pretty clever ruse but i didn't fall for it.
I took a bullet by making the mistake of saying that you need absolute proof to believe in God (I should have said that absolute proof wasn't needed; just ANY proof. Occam's razor would then nullify the concept of God). It was my only one.

I corrected my mistake and tried it again, and I won :)
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