Basic Summary


Everlasting Student
Registered Senior Member
Here is a basic summary of the Religion Forums threads' discussions:

Person A: I believe this.

Person B: Well that's because you're delusional.

Person A: That's an outrageous claim, come up with something more substantial.

Person B: Alright, my sources say this, which makes you wrong.

Person A: Your sources are dubious at best, I have no reason for trusting them.

Person B: But you'll trust in something written by people nobody even knows today.

Person A: Yes, because I have seen its truth.

Person B: Well I've seen its lies.

Person A: You're the deceptive one.

Person B: And you're delusional.

Person C: Why can't everyone just get along?
Person B: But you'll trust in something written by people nobody even knows today.

Given person B is the theist:
That is simply a flimsy excuse when applied to extraordinary claims. As some guy somewhere someplace said: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof".
I think A is the theist. B has modern sources while A is depending on belief and things written by dead people.
If A is the atheist then it doesn't follow that he should be the one requiring B to "come up with something more substantial."

Did you ever hear a Christian asking an atheist to be objective? :rolleyes:
The theist is the opposite of an atheist.
A is a theist. (what religion hardly matters)
B is an atheist/different religion.

Sadly this applies equally as well to any topic where people go by their 'gut' more than their mind.
Person C: Why can't everyone just get along?

"All people are different, all are equal" is a lot of BS.

If people are different, they eventually will not get along, period.

Some people one just cannot get along with, and it's nobody's fault -- not getting along comes naturally from being different. "Being tolerant towards everyone" is an illusion that demands you to give up your own identity. -- Sadly, today's political correctness demands just that -- the impossible: respect everyone.

The only solution, as I see it, to situations as you have presented them in the opening post is to have such situations escalate, so that the real emotions -- and it is often hate, anger, resentment, despise, disappointment -- will show and those having those emotions will be able to face them, and maybe find new ways of communication.

There's no way that such strong emotions could be dealt with in a civil manner, in an easy "Oprah way".

Say you hate that person, say you don't like them! Don't hide behind polite words! For it is only *after* that that you can contemplate and exercise tolerance in a meaningful and productive way.

Unless you face your hate, it will go on, destroying communication, and leading you into having even more meaningless discussions.

Differences are irreconcilable, this is why they are called *differences*.
The only thing I hate is people hating me but you are right Rosa, I much prefer people calling me an amoeba-man, than 'delusional' because they can call me what they like to my face, but to make a judgement against my state of mind is foolish given that they can have no idea what actually goes on in my mind.
I am colour blind but I dont say to the person who has correct vision, "You are delusional because you claim you see colours!"
I can call the correctly sighted person an amoeba man though if I wish. It is more honest, it says I hate you. If it is honest, so be it.



Maybe if you quit condemning everyone and claiming they "rejected" the Truth even though you "have no idea what actually goes on" in their mind, then the golden rule wouldn't come to haunt you.

No use pretending you are the victime, countless posts of you belittling people and calling them 'brood of vipers'.

Maybe if you quit condemning everyone and claiming they "rejected" the Truth even though you "have no idea what actually goes on" in their mind, then the golden rule wouldn't come to haunt you.

No use pretending you are the victim, countless posts of you belittling people and calling them 'brood of vipers'.

Rosa Magika, stop patronizing invert's debate style

I'm sorry. I didn't hear you. You want to kiss my what? Your tongue is how long? You just love the flavor of my what?

You perverted bastard. Ok. Eat it then, if you must. Lick it clean for daddy.
§outh§tar said:

Maybe if you quit condemning everyone and claiming they "rejected" the Truth even though you "have no idea what actually goes on" in their mind, then the golden rule wouldn't come to haunt you.

No use pretending you are the victime, countless posts of you belittling people and calling them 'brood of vipers'.

I don't think he can really give the benefit of the doubt to what goes on in "nonbelievers" minds. After all, aren't we supposedly "blinded by the god of this world"?
§outh§tar said:

Maybe if you quit condemning everyone and claiming they "rejected" the Truth even though you "have no idea what actually goes on" in their mind, then the golden rule wouldn't come to haunt you.

No use pretending you are the victime, countless posts of you belittling people and calling them 'brood of vipers'.

When people who have known the truth and embraced it personally, i.e. have experienced God's good grace in their own hearts and were relieved for it, As you once were! When those people turn bitter and snatch away at the ankles of young people rejoicing in what you yourself were once relieved of, I cannot help but slice at the throat of that snake. No blood though , I promise you.
Snakelord is less guilty that you Southstar because he hasn't known God's grace. God bless Snakelord.
Yes you see my seething SouthStar, but this is because I know the price that was paid to make that grace available. All Christians do! His name is Jesus. A real person! And He is alive. You once met Him, and He showed you grace. Now tell me who tricked you and I will deal with them, not I but the Lord.

c20H25N3o said:
When people who have known the truth and embraced it personally, i.e. have experienced God's good grace in their own hearts and were relieved for it, As you once were! When those people turn bitter and snatch away at the ankles of young people rejoicing in what you yourself were once relieved of, I cannot help but slice at the throat of that snake. No blood though , I promise you.
Snakelord is less guilty that you Southstar because he hasn't known God's grace. God bless Snakelord.
Yes you see my seething SouthStar, but this is because I know the price that was paid to make that grace available. All Christians do! His name is Jesus. A real person! And He is alive. You once met Him, and He showed you grace. Now tell me who tricked you and I will deal with them, not I but the Lord.


So now I am a snake? :rolleyes: And you wonder why people call you names...

P.S. I thought the Bible teaches that once a person has been saved by the blood of Jesus, it is impossible for them to be 'lost'.

Also do tell me, how do you know that Jesus died for your sins, or even assuming that he did die, his death had any effect on the salvation of Gentiles.
c20: calling you an amoeba-man has nothing to do with hate, I done know you to hate you, but if I feel that you've made stupid Imo statements, then i will defame you. it's not done with any spite or hatred, how can you hate someone who amuses you, ( a little example my favourite characters from friends pheobe,joey and chandler for his mockey of joey etc) you see we all love these type of people, when my friends say stupid thing they get mocked and ridiculed, and I dont think I'm the only one who does this on this forum or off.
ps I'd expect the same, and have recieved it.

notice no amoeba-man tag, thats because you have the wrong impression. no malice intended.
anonymous2 said:
I don't think he can really give the benefit of the doubt to what goes on in "nonbelievers" minds. After all, aren't we supposedly "blinded by the god of this world"?

And how has he determined this? Because someone 2000 years ago determined it to be so and therefore it must apply to all generations..
§outh§tar: And how has he determined this? Because someone 2000 years ago determined it to be so and therefore it must apply to all generations..
M*W: Good Afternoon, SouthStar. Is the 'someone' 2000 years ago Jesus or Paul? Nothing has been documented that says Jesus is the author. Paul, however, wrote to his peers (or the victims) of his day about the mythical Jesus. Paul had no idea nor intention to write what the Roman Catholic Church would lyingly propagate for nearly 2000 years.