Basic Questions About God


Registered Senior Member
Is god omnipotent?
Is god infallible?
Did god say that humans have free will?
Is god omnipotent?
Is god infallible?
Did god say that humans have free will?

This is largely a definitional series of questions.

I for one would define God as omnipotent. That means that if there is a higher being that doesn't happen to be omnipotent, then it isn't God (by my definition). It is just some sort of higher power with possibley god-like qualities.

As to infallible, well according to Merriam Websters
1 : incapable of error : UNERRING <an infallible memory>
2 : not liable to mislead, deceive, or disappoint : CERTAIN <an infallible remedy>
3 : incapable of error in defining doctrines touching faith or morals

I would guess infallible here would be definition number one. If the question is can God do things He feels are errors or regrets, I would say, yeah, He can. There are Biblical examples (like Noah's ark) where He didn't seem pleased with how things were going. However, if the question is does God make mistakes in dealing with humans, well, we aren't qualified to decide if something God does is wrong or right. As the ompipotent creator of the universe he would define what is good and bad, so who are we to arge?
I never got to #3, but honestly, I don't have a real answer for it anyways. I think the answer is no.
If you mean the standard concept of god invented by mankind to awnser problems ; than yes he is omnipotent, infalliable(he is,not man-kind), and the third question can be awnsered by intrepetation of freewill.
"God", if not invented wholly by humans, is absolutely defined by humans, therefore "God" is whatever each human decides God is.
Originally posted by Mors
Is god omnipotent?
Is god infallible?
Did god say that humans have free will?

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes. But remember that the path of evil is wide and broad while the path of good is narrow.