Basic inalienable rights


Valued Senior Member
There is no right more deeply personal and inalienable than the right of a person to be the master or mistress of his or her own mind, body and soul. I felt embarrassed a while ago when informing my city council of thios fact. Shouldn't people know this? That the brutality delivered by the city police to its citizens is a gross violation of any person's most basic right. I pointed out to the council that even the consititution had a thing or two to say about this.

The consititution provides that all of the rights specifically mentioned in the consitutution, as seen for instance partially in the first ten amendments, free speedch, right to trial by jury of one's peers and so on, does not limit the rights of the people, for we see in the Xth amendment, that

"The enumeration in the constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

You must read the part on the prohibition against the congress and the states (Yes, mentioned specifically twice) from passing "any" Bill of Attainder.Educate yourself on this.

You have rights? "Use or lose em."

Why then has our state and federal governments acted blantly against those provisions protecting our rights, by, among other things, the enactment of controlled drug statutes, thereby creating a massive, millions of members, social strata of persons trashed with penal sanctions for choosing to ingest any particular plant, chemical or whatever is their choosing? Felons. defined by legislators?

Normal people do not treat each other in this manner. Those responsible governement employees, the legislators, the courts and the administrative branch, including the departments of juistice cannot be so blind as to exhibit suich a variance from rational activity. Those people are not that stupid, nor are they blind to the effect they are causing. Among other natural progressions of the three to four decades of drug law cruelty is the manifest need to strengthen and enlarge police forces on the state and federfal levels.

Do you want the pucker factor to peg the redline on your "scared as shit" meter? Take a look at 'US Justice Department and State cooperation in the drug wars' to get google started, and see what is now in store for you.

And you know G Bush has integrated the Drug Wars with the War on Terror don't you?

I am not telling you that tomorrow its going to get worse. Isn't it bad enough as it is now?

I still have this thought in my head that we're the boss, and that we are :m: responsible adults.