Basic Coding...

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Valued Senior Member

Besides my QBASIC programming... which could probably be considered something more along the lines of playing since I do very little and it's just for fun...

I program Texas calcs. I was just wondering if there was anyone out there who does the same.


Edit: damn, posted this in the wrong place.
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I program Ti-83 calculators, I am currently messing around with the getkey commands, hopefully soon I will learn ASM, trying to create a game as of now...
Asm is assembly programming for the calculator, saves as Z80 files it allows for very advanced calculator progs to be added, such as Super Mario...

Currently I am just messing around trying to try some new stuff out...
I am trying to create a program that when the user does some math it will give the answer off by a little

Input " ", A
Disp " ", B
prgm(the prog name)
this gives the wrong answer...
and loops the program

but the program can be exited with the quit command or off, so I am trying to use the get key variable to disallow the user from exiting, I have seen it done on ASM, but I need to know how to do it in Basic...

maybe like

if ans=101
then prgm(prgm name)
but this ends up as a break... any answers?
*drools* :)

My calc has nowhere near enough memory for games!
Yours is a plus, I assume. The 84 comes out this summer, I can't wait :p

Now, let me see...
What exactally are you aiming for?
You type a # and it gives you back a random integer and a program?

By telling it to open itself, I can see why it'd loop...
Hey Jaded, TI84 already came out, like 4 months ago, you can pick them up anywhere, I am going to get one... I can't imagine what calc you could have, to not be able to store a lot of memory space... well anyway

listen this program stores a number in variable A it then adds any number 1 through 9 on that number, and then displays it... So far, it looks pretty cool and can mess some people up, but I just want to exploit the getkey command so they cant exit
what??? not here! *panics*
I have an 83 plus, non-silver, STUFFED with progs. *blushes*

what's the point of that program?
Jaded, just go to it will show you... and who cares what the point is, it is just for fun, do you know how to do it?
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