madanthonywayne said:
I said it before and I'll say it again. The constitution is not going to be ammended.
I would very much agree that it will not be ammended but that doesn't excuse the audacity of some draft dodging prick trying to cram his religion down my throat.
I'll fight the damn terrorists, hand to hand myself, if necessary but keep the religious bastard out of my life and control of my country.
1 - He wants to ammend the constitution on religious grounds.
2 - He Pushes Faith based charities.
3 - He pushed public funds to support religious private schools. (Those are my tax dollars being used to provide religious indoctrination of youth.) I oppose all religions. Don't forceably take my money and then in violation of the Constitution of this country provide support via government (my money) funding religious schools damnit.
4 - He pushes for prayer in school. (I didn't want to see my children, nor do I want to see my grandchildren and great grandchildren brainwashed with this garbage. It is far more dangerous than a few piss ant terroists that killed 3,000 of our citizens.
We are talking of millions of our youth being indoctrinated and made inept to think for themselves and to believe in voodo. It is absolute bullshit and cannot be allowed to continue. Terrorisim is not the primary threat to this country, it is the stupidity of religion and religious zealots forcing there beliefs on others.)
5 - He pushes for over turning Rowe vs Wade (I don't like abortion either but not for religious reasons) and I accept, even if I don't like it, limited abortion.
6 - He has interferred and stopped medical research (stem cell) based on nothing more than his personal religious beliefs.
There is more but I hope you get the point.
I vote Kerry because recovering from a bad military decision is far less disasterous than trying to recover from being over run by seeing "Creationism" taught in our schools as science and fact.
Burn the fucking Bibles and Koran. Leave the Constitution alone and keep your church the hell out of government.