Bashing Gods

Master of Illusion

Registered Senior Member
Hi haven't been here for awhile but thought I'd revisit.

I regularly post on a christian forum, by the handle of Sin of Man and after being accused of bashing god yet again, I decided to write a short story about literally bashing gods. The basher is the atheist superhero SoM (me). I know that doesn't really make sense, but anyway...

SoM, God basher extraordinaire is once again busy doing what he does best.........

Som: Now Jehova...let that be a lesson to you, I've got other fish to fry so I'll let you off easy today.

Jehova: Thanks for your mercy SoM, I'll try to get it for you....

Jehova slinks off quietly back to his holiday house.

Later that afternoon:

Now where is he...... he's got to be around somewhere. I'll think I'll set my brand new ALLAH TRAP!

This 1000th scale model of the twin towers and 2 battery operated model jet liners fantasy scenario adventure game is bound to attract this unethical God.

I'll just switch it on, wow the sound is so realistic.........

Well what'ya know, that didn't long, mm he sure does need a shower...phew.

SoM sneaks up behind the curious muslim god and taps him on the shoulder.

Allah (nervously): Oh no it's Sin, I've heard of you and your notorious exploits of God bashing.

SoM: It's a job someone's gotta do, and I'm the one for it. Now get on your knees and bow down before me you pathetic deity.

Allah (struggling): My powers are weakened before you....please have mercy upon me!

SoM: The more evil you are, the weaker you are before me, and my policy is never let the opportunity slip to kick an evil God in the head when he's down.

KAPOW Take that Allah. That's for all the women that have been persecuted in your name.

Allah: Have mercy SoM...... I'll send 144 virgins to you tonight if you just let me go....please.....

SoM: I'm a merciful God basher....I'll take a raincheck on the virgins, but let this be a warning to you. Now get up off your knees and walk away with some dignity.

Allah: Hey Sin, you're not so bad after all, in fact you should be a God!
And to you, and you and you and you ....


Um ... well, you know ... there's a song popular around Seattle ten or so years ago that went, "Baring your soul is the in thing to do; it's fun and it's easy for an empty-headed fool."

But likewise: Bashing gods is very easy to do.

Anyone can "bash" that which they don't understand.

Quite frankly, though, I would recommend that you take up masturbation. It's easier, it's more fun, and it's more productive.

Tiassa :cool:
Quite frankly, though, I would recommend that you take up masturbation. It's easier, it's more fun, and it's more productive.

Especially when you share.
fuck you too:)

I have an idea, all- let's stop bashing gods and get to MoI:D
So what?

Bashing God? So what? Are you claiming he exists or not? I don't think you can bash what doesn't exist.

Now, you can bash others who believe in a God. It's called an "opinion".

You have your opinion, I have mine.

If it matters to you to "bash" God, then you need to take up a new hobby.

Maybe gardening?
