
Yeah, I think theirs an Alien base somewhere in northern California, and theirs also one in my backyard.
Why do you say there's one in northern Cali.?
Have you heard of it or seen it, or even seen ufo craft?
I'm with Francis on this one. Anyone that says they no about an alien base is a crazy drunk hobo. Plain and simple.
hello everyone, its me once again, and i do live in northern california, redding to be exact, and there is a supposed alien base in weed, a small town north of me, and at the base of mt shasta. i was jsut there yesterday at burgerking.... yum yum :eek: and well wahtever u heard would be greatly appriciated.

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
Why do you say there's one in northern Cali.?

I say theirs one in northern California because that's where it is.

Have you heard of it or seen it, or even seen ufo craft?

Oh yeah, I hear them all the time! And every now and then, me and my Alien friends would go out for a beer.
Yea, I have heard storys about the one at Mt. Shasta. But not to updated on the by Weed would like more info about it.
do u live near mt shasta???

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages. i may be young, but i can see a hell of a lot more than you ever did.

-dexter (yahoo sn: rancid242)
To actually be serious about this topic, yes there are alien bases on this planet. If you study the history of alien contact with this planet, you will discover that many different times, in many different places, alien craft has been seen decending into lakes and underwater caves. These craft are later seen departing from these same lakes and caves. It would of course make perfect sense. If you believe that aliens are indeed visiting this planet, then they would definately need a rest and repair shop somewhere on this planet. Sometimes their craft becomes damaged and needs repair, so they need to have permanent bases here on earth. Many believe that there are huge underground complexes in Dulce, New Mexico, that where built by both Humans and Aliens to asist in the transfer of technology
There are certain people who have replied to my question that are using sarcasm and acting like it's a joke. I want only the the ones that are interested in Aliens and UFO's and that actually know stuff about the topic. And for the ones who don't agree that ufo's or aliens aren't real. Just wait and find out
No Dexter I do not. I live in Michigan

And to Commander X, I believe there are alien bases on Earth too. I also have read storys about those underwater USO's. I think too that the some governments of the world have secret Alien and Human bases and transfer technology

Also a good underwater USO-UFO movie is The Abyss

[This message has been edited by Jaysonm21 (edited August 16, 2000).]
I believe that I have seen a UFO. One night in the fall of 98, I was coming back to town from my girlfriends house and as I was traveling down this not well lit road when up ahead about 3/4's to a mile there was this white bright light above the road that was just hovering there so I started to slow down. It was 100yds up just sitting there. It was a little after 1 am. I turned down the music to hear if it was a plane or helicopter but there was no noise and was even more weird was that there was no sound at all, no birds or insects, there was nothing. So as I approached it slowly it started moving real slow away from me at a 45 degree angle while the whole time I was watching this thing the light started to flash or rotate. I turned off in a parking lot to get out my binoculars to see just what this was. I got out and had my eye on it as I got the binoculars out of the trunk of the car and as soon as I rose the binoculars to get a better look at it. It shot out of site so fast, I was stunned. I couldn't believe what I had just seen. I didn't even have time to see it through the binoculars. And to this day I still stand by as to what I saw.